this is not a joke

Chapter 480 The Lucky One

Chapter 480 The Lucky One

Because I heard Yuan Cong said before that the meat ball hatched by the lucky one was a baby.

The meatball in Feng Yiren's place looked like a baby at the time, but in fact it was a skinny old man curled up in a ball, looking a bit like a small person, but with very long limbs, unlike the meatball in Wei'an now. Same.

"Am I the lucky one?" Wei An secretly speculated.

Now my meat ball is still wriggling rhythmically, it seems that it will not come out for a while.

On the other hand, Jin Mingfei's meat ball should be very fast.

The two sat in the wooden cage and waited quietly.

Several hours later, Jin Mingfei's fleshy ball finally began to swell before it burst.

Before that, Wei An started to speculate on the plot, and after talking with Jin Mingfei in detail, Jin Mingfei's face changed slightly and he kept nodding.

After the meat ball burst open a crack, the two people who had been prepared for a long time did not step forward this time, but stepped back a few steps side by side.

From the crack in the meat ball, a large group of beehive-like things squeezed out. This thing looked like a nest, but it seemed to have its own consciousness. After leaving the meat ball, it exploded with a bang, turning into black spots all over the sky.

The slaves in the entire wooden cage were so frightened that they all crowded into the corner on the other side. It was just dawn at this time, and many people could clearly see this scene.

Those black spots seemed to be tiny flying ants, which flew towards Jin Ming overwhelmingly after they exploded.

Jin Mingfei took another step back, with his back fully resting on the wooden cage. In front of him, a steel umbrella was quickly opened, and at the same time, the umbrella surface turned rapidly.

Those flying ants hit the umbrella surface, making crackling and cracking sounds. Just by hearing the sound, you can tell that their bones are very hard. Even if this steel umbrella can directly withstand bullets, it is still about to be attacked by so many flying ants. I can't stand it.

"Ming Fei, stand in!" Wei An's voice sounded.

Jin Mingfei immediately stepped into the area on the left, and the steel umbrella was put away.

In the area where he was at the moment, a faint red light emerged from under his feet, wrapping Jin Mingfei's feet, and his body was also shrouded in the light of this pattern.

A dense swarm of black flying ants approached, flocking into the light like dumpling.

This light is formed by Wei'an's Miesheng Curse, and there is another isolation curse inside the Miesheng Curse.

That is to say, it looks like Jin Mingfei is in the wooden cage now, but in fact he has been isolated from the space here. Even if the flying ants can see him, they can't really attack him.

What's more, there is an annihilating curse on the outside of the isolation curse, any foreign creature that enters the range of the annihilating curse will be immediately decomposed, turned into light smoke and drifted into the air.

Looking from the outside, Jin Mingfei could be seen completely covered by a dense mass of flying ants, and he couldn't see anything. There was also a large amount of light smoke rising continuously, making a sizzling sound, which was the sound of being burned and gasified.

The number of these black flying ants was astonishing. Even though Wei An and Jin Mingfei were prepared, they were terrified by this scene.

If he hadn't prepared enough, and didn't have the perfect combination of the Annihilating Curse and the Isolation Curse, Jin Mingfei might be eaten by these flying ants so that there would be no bones left.

After gnawing on the incubators, these guys will definitely turn their attention to the people around them. By then, there will be very few people in this wooden cage who will survive.

Now except for Wei An, everyone in the cage thought that Jin Mingfei was finished, surrounded by so many terrifying flying ants, and left after the flying ants devoured them, maybe there would be only a pile of bones left, or Nothing left.

After a while, these people suddenly realized something was wrong, because those black flying ants were becoming less and less!

After a while, the number of flying ants decreased again, until there were only a few scattered ones left, which directly burrowed into the ruptured meat ball to hide.

Until now, Jin Mingfei, who was standing inside the spell, was not exposed. He still looked the same as before, but he was still isolated in another space.

Seeing that those flying ants were basically killed, Jin Mingfei walked out quickly, and said with lingering fear: "Boss, these things can't be killed at all with my words alone, there are too many!"

While talking, he looked closer at the meatball.

Wei An quickly used his feet to dig up the soil with the spell pattern until it was completely invisible, and said: "There are still a small number of flying ants in the meat ball, but they can't attack people anymore. Wait for the guardian to come and take them away." , we don't want it anymore."

"Then if I leave later, you will be alone..." Jin Mingfei began to worry about Wei An.

Because Wei An is the last one that hasn't hatched, if the things in his meat ball are more dangerous, he may not be able to kill the other party by himself, and it will be troublesome if he encounters danger!
Wei An shook his head: "It's okay, this thing should be easy to get along with, because I's a baby."

"Baby?!" Jin Mingfei was taken aback.

He had heard from Wei An that there was a lucky person who hatched a baby in the meat ball. Although the baby bit off three fingers of the lucky person, that guy took his life and left the strange story.

Besides, that injury is not considered an injury at all, because it will recover after leaving the strange talk.

At this moment, the guardian opened the door of the wooden cage, and he had already seen Jin Mingfei's fleshy ball burst. This time, the fleshy ball looked basically intact.

But the weirdness in it seems to have been killed again, and it has disappeared.

I couldn't see the expression on the guardian's hood at this moment, but he was obviously surprised by the few people who got the meat balls. He didn't expect that they could kill two meat balls in a row!

"You killed..."

As soon as the guardian asked, Jin Mingfei nodded.

"I killed the weirdness in the meatball."

The guardian immediately took away the ruptured meat ball and all the contents inside, turned around and said, "Follow me."

Jin Mingfei glanced at Wei An, and Wei An nodded to him.

Wei An had already explained to him just now that he had to look at Feng Yiren when he arrived in the living area, and he couldn't completely trust Chen Yao, let alone Yuan Cong, and wait until he came over before starting to act.

And in case I can't come for some reason, I will carry out the plan they discussed just now.

After everyone left, Wei An curled up next to the meatball he had salvaged and squinted for a while, and it was almost dawn when he woke up.

Staring at this squirming, rhythmic meat ball, for some reason, he always felt that this meat ball looked much cleaner than other people's.

This thing has been wriggling at this rhythm, the speed is not fast, and the whole body has not swelled, and it is impossible to know how long it will take before it breaks.

When Wei An was guessing, he suddenly saw cracks on the surface of the meat ball, and three or four cracks were exposed at once!
"It just... burst!? There is no sign at all? It's different from other meatballs." Wei'an was startled and sat up suddenly.

At the same moment, a cry of a baby came from the gap in the broken meat ball.


"He won't come in!"

In the villager's living area, Chen Yao's tall figure almost completely blocked the others, and spoke at the same time.

"Why?" Feng Yiren, Jin Mingfei and Yuan Cong all looked up at him in surprise.

"His meat ball hatched. It's not bad luck, but luck. The other guardians let him leave just now. Wei no longer qualified to enter the living area." Chen Yao said solemnly.

"Ah!?" The others were dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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