this is not a joke

Chapter 446 Life and Death

Chapter 446 Life and Death

In addition to the fact that the entire bedroom, which was originally brand new, had become completely corrupt and dilapidated, the strange man who was originally young had also turned into a man in his seventies and eighties at this moment.

His face was covered with wrinkles, his straight waist had been bent, and there were not a few hairs left on his head, which was silvery white.

"This fun!" He shook his head, turned and opened the bedroom door, and walked outside with his hands behind his back.

The moment he left, the entire figure had disappeared.

At this time, the corpses on the ground were no longer corpses. The gray and white skins of all the people had disappeared, and now they were blood-colored, and their stiff limbs began to soften. Everyone slowly opened their eyes and slowly sat up one by one.

After Wei An got up, he looked into the bedroom with a thoughtful expression.

Soon he turned his head to look at the male master who was helping his wife to get up slowly while his eyes were still a little confused.

As the male master moved, a wound that had healed under his clothes appeared on his left chest, which was his fatal wound.

Wei An pointed to that place and said, "So you are the first person to die, by suicide?"

The male host turned his head to look at Wei An, and then at the other strangers from the task force.

He nodded and replied: "Yes. Are you the investigators of the authority? Please, this strange talk, if my son is not too young, may not alarm you and make you bother !"

After Wei An heard his answer, he was slightly taken aback, and then asked: "Do you think we are still in the ghost story now, and this ghost story happened in the world of ghost stories?"

"Isn't it?" The male host showed surprise on his face and looked around.

Now this place is dilapidated, and it must be very different from the brand new home he remembered that had just been renovated and hadn't lived in for a few days, so he thought it was normal for the few of him to still be in the world of ghost stories.

Wei An looked at the wound on his chest that had healed, and suddenly said: "So, you always thought that your family suddenly encountered a strange story and entered the world of strange stories, so you dared to attack directly. After understanding the rules of strange stories, Suicide first, then let other people touch your body, all die..."

"Could it be that here...isn't..." The male host looked terrified.

Wei An shook his head: "No, what you encounter is not a strange story in the world of strange stories, but a strange story that has just appeared in the human world recently. Because it happens very rarely, it is still in the stage of news blockade."

Zhang Shiqing asked the male host: "Didn't you notice that this weird talk is different?"

The male host said: "I found that something was wrong, because I have participated in two strange talks before. This time, the reminder of the strange talk did not appear directly like before. I thought this strange talk was very special, so after I searched and reasoned, I came to the conclusion The conclusion. This weirdo likes to slaughter, and it is the one-pot kind. Its ability is transformation, such as extreme transformation of all good things into extremely bad things."

"So you suspect that it is going to turn you all into corpses, and you are the first to act first. You immediately decide to die first, letting his plan fail, and after the family members touched your body, they also followed to die, but there was no one. Considering my child..."

Before Wei An finished speaking, the host took over and said, "I didn't expect the child to enter the strange story, because time was very urgent, and when I found out that the child also entered the strange story, I committed suicide. It was the child's mother who discovered the problem." Finally, pass the information to me before dying."

"This is the ghost story of the real world, not the ghost story world, so you didn't expect that the child is also in the ghost story." Zhang Shiqing nodded.

Wei An opened his mouth while thinking: "This weird talk is actually quite special. The weird likes to gather everyone together and complete a big extreme transformation. If the room is full of living people, then this weird will definitely Immediately start the transformation, turning us all into dead people. But if we don't decide to go to death later, will you who died first slowly come back to life?"

The male host stared at Wei An with some surprises. It seemed that Wei An could guess this step, and said: "According to the rules of this weird talk, we will become living corpses after we die, and then subconsciously look for human beings to devour them. If we swallow them When you reach a certain number, you can come back to life, and then be transformed by the extreme monster again, that is, die again. But if you die this time, you will die completely, and that guy will be very happy to see this scene .”

Yao Meishan rubbed her cheeks, approached and said, "I'm a little confused, how did you know?"

"There is a manual, similar to a game manual." The male host replied, and then looked around, apparently seeing nothing, "It seems to be a one-off, and only one of the participants can only read it once, and then never found it again .”

Wei An explained to Yao Meishan: "The weirdness of this strange talk likes to turn things into an extreme as a whole, such as gathering living people together, and then completing a transformation that makes them all die. The owner of the house found out, then killed himself first, broke its plan, and let everyone else in the house die one by one. So that when the weirdness completes its extreme transformation, they will come back from the dead state, just like us now .”

"Oh, if we don't die, we can't complete this kind of extreme transformation." Yao Meishan finally understood.

"What's your occupation?" Zhang Shiqing asked the hostess.

The man said: "The teacher of the law school teaches criminal investigation."

"No wonder." Zhang Shiqing nodded, "Then you still have a part-time job in the Central City Public Security Bureau?"

The male host nodded: "Well, I'm a consultant there, and I go to work there two days a week."

At this time, everyone got up and left the master bedroom, and stood in the living room. Except for a few people, everyone else felt a lingering fear.

The members of the task force carefully observed the changes in the surrounding environment and found that there was nothing abnormal except for the dilapidated master bedroom.

When Wei An tried to start the plot editor, he found that there was no response. He shrugged and said, "This weird talk is over. It's just a game, a game with two extremes of death and survival. The weirdness of playing this game Gone. Well, I'm sure it was a bit of a disappointment when it went."

And Yao Meishan was staring at Dai Bin with flickering eyes.

Zhang Shiqing asked her: "Has this guy..."

Yao Meishan nodded immediately: "He wanted to leave, but I couldn't persuade him. Later, Wen Hai punched him unconscious and dragged him into the bedroom."

Zhang Shiqing's expression became severe, and he called Dai Bin aside and began to question him.

Wei An didn't care what they said, but although Dai Bin didn't cause serious consequences, he might be punished or warned for it.

After the family on the other side woke up, except for the male host, everyone else was also terrified, but soon they all ran into the toilet and began to vomit.

Another team entered and called an ambulance. Although the family was saved by the decisive action of the male owner, there was still something wrong with their bodies, and they might need to go to the hospital for observation and treatment for a period of time.

At this time, Wei An was staring at the plot editor that he had just tried to activate but did not respond.

Just now he discovered that another button on the editor was emitting a faint light, indicating that it had been activated and could be used.

 You must remember to take care of your body these days!

(End of this chapter)

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