this is not a joke

Chapter 421 What happened to Wei Zhengdong

Chapter 421 What happened to Wei Zhengdong
"So you don't know what's in the safe?" Wei An said.

Ying Xi shook her head: "Don't say I don't know, even the patriarch may not know, because what I know so far is that no one can open it."

"That is to say, there isn't even a single poker card from my grandfather?" Wei An frowned.

It stands to reason that with the ability of the grandfather, it should be easy to get this cursed poker, at least much easier than finding a safe.

Ying Xi replied: "I don't know, at least I've never seen him use it."

"Who is the patriarch?" Pei Na asked.

Ying Xi didn't speak, just looked around and didn't speak.

After a while, she shook her head suddenly, as if she wanted to get rid of a certain thought in her mind, and said, "I can't fathom my father's thoughts, and his whereabouts are uncertain. Even if you count the people who didn't die just now, only Wang Zongchang and I have only met him, not even Chen Sen and Ying Kun."

Pei Na knew that she had the chance to meet her Zongfather himself when her Zongfu performed the reincarnation ceremony for Ying Xi.

"Is he a person in the real world?" Seeing that she didn't answer, Wei An continued: "If you don't reveal his identity, I will let those mushrooms continue to grow slowly in your body until the end of your life." Last minute."

Ying Xi said expressionlessly: "It's useless for you to threaten me, because I don't know how to describe it. Every time I see my grandfather, he is different. And I have never met him in the real world. Meeting my ancestor is reincarnation. After that, I don’t know if he only exists in the ghost story world, or also in the real world.”

"It's different every time?"

Wei An and Pei Na looked at each other, neither of them knew how true Ying Xi's words were.

Now it seems that Ying Xi is quite cooperative, but if what she said is true or false, it will be difficult for them to distinguish.

The two asked about the strange talk in the city of Everlasting Love, but Ying Xi obviously didn't know much about it, and they didn't ask any effective clues.

There may be another patriarch bringing people to this underground space at any time, so it is not suitable to stay for a long time.

After finding no more useful clues from Ying Xi, Pei Na asked Wei An to hand Ying Xi over to her, then dragged her to the back of the two rows of small stone statues, and ended her death with one blow as Ying Xi had wished. Life.

Wei An thought that this matter should not be handled too carelessly, so after Lin Rui returned from the stairs, he asked him to control a manifested monster to directly dismember the dead Ying Xi, in case the woman would die again later. will come alive.

However, Pei Na still felt that this matter was a bit strange, and she said to Wei An: "I don't understand why Ying Xi answered our questions so readily this time, it's not like the style of our special bureau's field staff. But now I think about it carefully. Afterwards, there doesn't seem to be any flaws in it."

Wei An said: "I'm also surprised, but she's dead now, and she was dismembered by Lin Rui like that Wang Zongzhang, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Now Lin Rui's four grotesques are basically old faces, because he has been able to control them easily, and soon all the traces belonging to the three of them in the underground space are erased, and then control the grotesques to make the red coffin safe Steadily lifted out of this underground space.

After Wei An looked around the place, he took away some of the weapons that fell on the ground, and finally left.

At this time, there were no tomb guards in the cemetery outside, and dead souls were wandering everywhere, but they did not dare to approach Wei An and the others, because the red coffin emitted a terrifying energy fluctuation that only dead souls could feel.

Within ten meters of the red coffin, there was not a single dead soul, and they all ran away cleanly.

They found an empty and larger tomb, temporarily placed the coffin here, and then Lin Rui blocked all the passages leading to the underground space several hundred meters away with soil.

"It's not clear where the red coffin came from. Let's just transport it to Lin Rui's site in Jiuyuan Building." Wei An suggested.

Neither Lin Rui nor Pei Na objected.

The three of them didn't dare to delay here too much, and immediately let those weirdos carry the coffin away, re-enter the mist outside the cemetery, and quickly disappeared.


In a dark space.

This place seems to be completely covered by darkness, but standing in it, you can still see the scene around you strangely. Although the place where your sight can reach is not too far, walking activities are not a problem.

Wei Zhengdong didn't know how long he had been here. He didn't wear a watch, and the phone couldn't turn on and run. He estimated that even if he came in with a watch on, the thing might stop moving by itself.

Originally, when the scene in front of his eyes changed, Wei Zhengdong was a little excited, thinking that he had encountered a strange story, and suddenly entered into a strange story.

But now he has begun to doubt.

Although there is not enough evidence to prove that this is a strange story, there are more doubts telling Wei Zhengdong that this is not the world of strange stories.

He sat on the ground, even though his surroundings were surrounded by thick darkness, he seemed a little lonely and helpless.

It was only a few days after arriving at the temporary camp next to the City of Eternal Love that he encountered the strange situation at this moment.

At that time, Wei Zhengdong still remembered that many people standing next to him were shouting, it seemed that they, like him, had also entered into the strange talk, this was not an individual entry, but a group.

But now it has been so long, I have been in this inexplicable dark space, I have not met anyone, at first it seems that none of those people came in, or they entered a different place at all, and I can no longer see each other.

In this strange space, Wei Zhengdong didn't feel sleepy or hungry, at first he was still walking aimlessly, shouting around, asking who was here.

But now he has given up.

After walking for so long, no matter how loudly I shouted, no one answered me.

In this eerie darkness, it seemed that he was the only one there.

"Could it be that this is a special strange talk specially prepared for people like myself?" Wei Zhengdong has guessed this way more than once.

After all, he also knows that he is very different, not only can't enter the ghost talk, even people who have been with him for a long time will no longer be sucked into the ghost talk, except of course the two mother and son.

So Guai Tan prepared such a special world for himself alone, locked himself up like a prisoner?
Wei Zhengdong felt disheartened.

Although there is endless darkness all around, he no longer guards against the surroundings at all, and even now he hopes to quickly come out of the darkness to kill himself here, so he doesn't have to be so distressed anymore.

At this moment he heard a burst of fragmentary footsteps.

At first, Wei Zhengdong suspected that he was hallucinating, because he wanted to meet other people too much at this moment.

But after listening carefully, he found that the footsteps stopped and went, and it was near his left rear, which should be real.

He immediately stood up and turned around to look, but his eyes couldn't see through the darkness.

Wei Zhengdong was about to open his mouth to shout, but he held back at the critical moment, and then he realized that he didn't really want to die so urgently. If the monster in the darkness at this moment found him, it might kill him immediately. Torn to shreds.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and they stop and go, as if they are also sensing or alerting to something.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps stopped, and then Wei Zhengdong saw a figure of a man appearing within sight. The man seemed to be a normal person, not weird.

"You are Wei An? Are you... getting old?" The man looked surprised, looked Wei Zhengdong up and down, then shook his head, "No, you are not! You are not Wei An! Who are you?"

Wei Zhengdong looked at this strange man in a daze, but he didn't expect that the other man could say his son's name, and even mistook the father and son.

He hesitated in surprise, and asked, " know my son... Wei An? Excuse me... are you..."

The man replied: "I know your son, my name is Zhang Zuxia."

(End of this chapter)

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