this is not a joke

Chapter 323 The Missing Wei An

Chapter 323 The Missing Wei An

"Reaper's Choice" strange talk, inside Wei'an's temporary office.

Pei Na, who was sitting next to the traveling spell, suddenly saw a slight vibration in the air above the spell pattern.

She was slightly startled, and immediately stood up and approached.

At this moment, Pei Na could clearly feel that the traveling spell had changed, although it looked the same on the surface.

Surprised for a moment, she stood on the edge of the pattern and reached out to touch the center of the spell.

According to Wei An, if the spell is in normal operation, other people can also penetrate it through this pattern, so your hand should be completely able to reach in.

But when her fingertips touched the traveling spell pattern on the ground, they didn't penetrate into it, but directly touched the hard floor of this office.

"What's going on?" Pei Na was startled.

She stood up and jumped directly into the middle of the traveling spell, and found that she was still standing on the pattern, and she did not appear in the state of traveling at all.

"This it invalid?"

Pei Na jumped out of the spell and quickly rushed out of the office.

Soon she left this strange talk, came to the real world and got in touch with the Brahma City Administration, and then communicated with the spell expert Xiong Shihai.

Xiong Shihai inquired about Wei'an's situation when he left in detail on the phone, then hung up the phone and analyzed it with his assistant for half an hour, but when he called Pei Na again, he brought bad news.

According to Pei Na's description, the traveling spell should have expired after breaking the connection in the strange talk.

Because the talisman in the office here is still intact, so the contact is interrupted, it can only be that the talisman over there has encountered the possibility of being destroyed.

Pei Na suddenly panicked.

After she reported Wei An's situation to the Brahma City Administration, she immediately explained what happened to Wei An to the Biluo City Administration here.

Director Gao Wen, the bald old man of the Administration Bureau, paid high attention to the news, and communicated with Fancheng, and then temporarily blocked Wei An's office in the strange talk, waiting for Xiong Shihai to come to check.

Of course, the premise is that if Xiong Shihai can enter this strange talk.

After the panic, Pei Na gradually calmed down. She believed that although Wei An was trapped, there was still a way to get out of the current predicament.

Soon Pei Na began to think from Wei An's point of view. This is the method Wei An taught her before, but it must be done by someone who knows the person well.

For now, don't think about why the spell pattern is invalid. It must be that Wei An has encountered some urgent matter over there.

But when Wei An encountered this crisis, he would definitely try to find other exits, but is there any exit for this ghost talk?
From Wei'an's point of view, Pei Na thought of two ways. The first one is to get out of the school area covered by ghost stories and step into the fog.

Because Wei An had the experience of walking into the mist in the strange story in the dormitory before and went to another strange story, maybe he would choose to do this.

I just don't know if Wei'an has found Zhou Xin.

The second method is related to the current strange talk of "Reaper's Choice". Although this strange talk has ended, it has always existed because its rule center has been broken.

And after Wei An knew that he couldn't use the traveling spell to come back, he might also choose to break the rule center of the ghost talk, so that the ghost talk would become the current "reaper's option", and he could also find a way to leave.

After thinking this way, Pei Na thinks that Wei An will most likely choose the second method, which is to break the rules of summoning souls.

After all, this method was discovered only recently, and it is new to all investigators, and there are still many aspects of this method that need to be further verified. If Pei Na is given a choice, she will also choose to try to break the rules of summoning spirits .

It stands to reason that the ghost talk of the soul should not be as high as the "reaper's option". After all, the "reaper's option" has the blessing of the god of death, which is a relatively special ghost story.

Therefore, if Wei An wants to break the rules of summoning souls, there is at least a half chance of being able to do so, the difference is only a matter of time.

In this way, Pei Na can only wait for the time being, and keep the traveling spell pattern in the office from being destroyed, in case Wei An will use the traveling spell again to come back.

If Wei An had really broken the rules of summoning souls and found an exit, he would definitely not be in Biluo City when he left, but in another city.

The only thing Pei Na can do now is to wait for Wei An to contact her after leaving Summoning Souls.

Of course, she still waits for a while in front of the walking spell in the office from time to time, and then helps Su Ya continue fishing.

Now that the Central City Administration Headquarters has taken over the fishing team, Su Ya's safety has been guaranteed, but she still requires Pei Na to be present when she is fishing.

In fact, the General Administration can ask Su Ya to directly give up her ownership of this fishing rod, and hand it over to the investigators assigned by the Bureau to be responsible for fishing tasks.

But at present, the General Administration has drafted the "Ghost Talk Management Rules and Protection Law", which is a nationwide regulation. The current draft has been revised and is waiting for the final meeting to pass it before it will be issued nationwide for implementation.

There are also special regulations on the act of compulsorily requisitioning ghost story props against the will of the participants, unless the props are proven to be extremely potentially dangerous, or promote the development of ghost story itself, or if not immediately confiscated, will harm the surrounding Participants, investigators, and the Administration itself are in great danger. Otherwise, these props are the personal belongings of the participants. No matter how good the function of the special props is, the exercise of ownership of the participants must be guaranteed.

But Su Ya's here happens to be within the scope of protection of the "Protection Law", so the General Administration will be more careful to protect her rights from being violated.

At present, Su Ya has gone to other buildings to go fishing, and as long as she changes places, she will be pleasantly surprised by the items she catches. Of course, there are also cases where she has worked for half a day without catching a single thing.

The Administration suspects that the items caught in the mist should come from other monsters, not just this monster of death, otherwise it would be impossible to explain why there are always things being caught.

While catching the props, Su Ya has encountered danger three times, all of which were caught at the other end of the fishing line, which should not belong to this strange story.

Two of them were weak in strength and were killed by the investigators guarding Su Ya together with Pei Na after they were caught.

But there is a weird one that is much more powerful, and can instantly possess the body of the people around it. If it wasn't for the body protection of the wordless book, even Pei Na would almost be killed.

With the loss of an investigator, the weirdo was finally killed by Pei Na.

Immediately, the General Administration raised the security level of Suya's place.

At present, a large number of investigators and staff have gradually entered this ghost story, and they have even established several temporary command offices in other buildings.

Of course, the search for security has also notified major city authorities across the country, including Central City.

Once any investigator sees a person who is suspected of being a security guard in a ghost story or in the real world, he will immediately contact the Vatican City Administration.

(End of this chapter)

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