this is not a joke

Chapter 300 The Last Attack

Chapter 300 The Last Attack

Also disappearing like Wei An was the black figure floating in mid-air.

However, from Pei Na's point of view, it seemed that after Wei An's poker hit the opponent, the guy trembled, and then dragged Wei An and disappeared.

"How can it disappear?"

Pei Na was terrified, and in desperation reached out her hand to grab the position where Wei An was just now, but nothing happened.


Her heart was beating like a drum, and she immediately left the invisibility spell under her feet and searched around, feeling extremely anxious.

Pei Na still remembered the scene she saw just now. Although Wei An was also counterattacking and defending the opponent, he was obviously hit by the death scythe before disappearing. She doesn't know what's going on now.

Pei Na suspected that Wei'an had been pulled into the space world where the God of Death was by the scythe.

If this is the case, Wei An will have no chance of surviving.


But Wei An's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he found himself suddenly in an extremely strange environment.

This is an old house. I don’t know how big it is, but the current room seems to be a dining room, with an area of ​​more than 30 square meters. The decoration in the room is very old. The floor under the feet is all wooden structure and old. There will be a creaking sound from time to time when stepping on it.

The room was very dark, because there were no electric lights, but candles that were all lit. The candles had a strong smell of wax oil, which made Wei An, who hadn't smelled this smell for a long time, feel a little uncomfortable.

The curtains in the room were all closed, but it was dark outside, so it should be night.

Wei An couldn't remember why he appeared here, and he didn't remember that he and Pei Na were avoiding the death scythe last second, but he only remembered that he seemed to come here after leaving home.

The specific purpose of coming here is also very vague in my mind.

This place doesn't look like a city, but an old house on the outskirts of a city.

While he was thinking, there were footsteps. When he looked up, a middle-aged woman was holding a large plate with several plates of food on it. The woman smiled and walked to the dining table to stop.

Putting the plate in her hand on the table, she then took out the food in a plate and placed it around the table.

"Wait a minute, Wei An, there is still a soup, your Uncle Huang will make it right away." The woman said to Wei An who was sitting on the side.

Some memories immediately appeared in Wei An's mind, and he suddenly knew the surname of the woman in front of him was Yan.

"Uncle Huang, Aunt Yan." I said silently in my heart.

"You haven't been a guest at our house for a long time." Aunt Yan always kept a smile on her face.

It's just that in Wei An's eyes, this smile has an indescribably weird feeling, just like a programmed smile.

"Sit down first, I'll serve the meal, it'll be ready soon." Aunt Yan walked towards the kitchen while talking.

"This house is big enough." Wei An looked up at the old house.

There is a double door behind him. Beyond the door is the living room on the first floor of the old house. The living room is also very large, but the door is closed and the curtains are also drawn.

Wei An couldn't remember why he came here, he vaguely remembered that he seemed to have helped this family, and the two sides had established a good relationship, so he would come here from time to time as a guest.

This family of three has been living in this old house. The downstairs of the old house is the living room, kitchen and activity room, and there is a small garden outside. The second floor is the bedroom and study room. Wei An remembers that he went upstairs for a stroll Pass.

Soon a man with a slightly fat body and a little bald head came out holding a soup basin in his hand, and bursts of heat were still emitting from the top of the soup basin.

The man also had a smile on his face, walked to the dining table and put down the soup bowl, and said to Wei An, "Come and sit down, dinner is ready."

Wei An walked over and sat on the right side of the table.

At this time, Aunt Yan brought out three sets of bowls and chopsticks, and the bowls were already filled with rice.

Wei An was a little surprised, and asked, "Hey, where's Huang Yu? Isn't he coming to eat?"

He didn't realize how he knew the name "Huang Yu", but subconsciously asked it directly.

Huang Yu is the child of these two people in front of him. Wei An remembers that every time he sees them, Huang Yu will follow the couple. It seems that the reason why he knew this family was because he helped them deal with the strange talk.

Aunt Yan replied: "Don't worry about him, he fell down and slept in the room. I have already saved some food, and I will send it to him later."

The meals were all simple home-cooked dishes. Wei An took a few bites of the rice, but he always felt that there seemed to be a strange smell in the food, like mold, but after a few bites, it didn't look like it.

"Wei'an, you're only staying here for two days. By the way, help us see if this house has bad Feng Shui." Uncle Huang said while eating: "I always feel that after you helped us deal with the strange talk last time and moved in, Things are not going well for the whole family."

Wei An laughed and said: "I don't know how to read Feng Shui, I haven't learned that stuff, but if it involves ghost stories, I will definitely help if I need to deal with it."

Aunt Yan glanced at Uncle Huang, then turned her gaze to Wei An, and said, "Then I will trouble you, please help us take a look at this house and our husband and wife in the past two days, have you been arrested after the strange talk last time?" Wraiths and weird things are haunted, or see if there is anything special about these rooms, and help us deal with them."

Wei An put down his chopsticks and asked, "Uncle Huang, Aunt Yan, have you noticed anything strange in this room?"

"No." Uncle Huang and Aunt Yan shook their heads at the same time.

Uncle Huang added: "It's just that I don't feel very comfortable in my heart. I don't know why."

"Okay, let me see." Wei An nodded.

His guest bedroom was next to the bedroom of the couple's son Huang Yu. After eating, the three chatted for a while, and then went upstairs to rest.

Wei An was very surprised what time it was at night. He found that he did not bring his mobile phone, and he did not see any clock in the house.

After returning to the guest bedroom, he opened the curtains that were also closed and looked. It was pitch black outside, and he could only see a few old trees. Next to the old trees, there was a circular pond that was about to dry up. Except for some sewage, there was a lot of falling water in the pond. of rotten leaves.

After returning to the bed and taking off his coat, Wei An heard the door opening from the next room, followed by the creaking of feet on the old wooden floor. It should be that Aunt Yan brought food to her son.

Soon the footsteps sounded again, and then the door closed.

Wei An closed his eyes, thinking about where to start tomorrow to find out the reason why the family felt uncomfortable.

After an unknown amount of time, when he felt that he was about to fall asleep, three knocking sounds came from Huang Yu's bedroom next door.

The sound was obviously knocking on the wall of his own bedroom.

The drowsiness that came just now disappeared in an instant, mainly because this place was filled with a strange feeling all the time. If Wei An had to choose by himself, he would definitely not stay here for two nights.

I don't know why now, but since we are here, we must help Uncle Huang and Aunt Yan to investigate clearly and give a result.

Getting up from the bed, Wei An came to the wall where the knock was made, and the other side of the wall should be the room where Huang Yu was.

After waiting for a while, there was no more knocking sound, Wei An opened the bedroom door and went to the corridor, then walked to the door of Huang Yu's bedroom.

He didn't knock on the door, but looked down at the gap between the door and the floor, and found a faint candle light, indicating that the people inside hadn't slept yet.

"Huang Yu?" He called softly towards the door.

There was no movement inside.

Wei An turned his head and glanced at the door of another large bedroom, which belonged to Uncle Huang and Aunt Yan, but the door was tightly closed at present.

Wei An tried to press the doorknob, Huang Yu's bedroom was easily opened, and he walked in.

The dim candles flickered on and off.

Wei An saw Huang Yu sitting in front of the desk at the foot of the bed, with his back to the bedroom door, but there were no books on the desk, but three burning red candles.

In addition, there are several bowls of food on the table, and some of the food has basically turned cold and rancid, only one bowl is still a little warm, it should be the bowl that Aunt Yan sent over just now.

Wei An was slightly surprised, he stopped calling "Huang Yu"'s name, but slowly approached the other party, bent down to have a look, and then immediately backed away.

Because he found that Huang Yu's eyes were closed, his face was extremely pale, and he seemed to be sitting on a chair in a daze, but in fact there was a long and thin line of blood on his neck, as if he was wearing a small necklace around his neck.

With Wei An's experience, if he expected it to be correct, Huang Yu would have died long ago!
(End of this chapter)

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