this is not a joke

Chapter 297 Destruction!

Chapter 297 Destruction!

After the pot lid was hit by the sickle, it exploded into pieces in an instant.

In fact, Wei An really wanted to draw an isolation spell here, to isolate the two of them directly from the chasing death scythe.

But the situation was urgent, and the space here was small, so he didn't have time to draw the isolation spell.

It seems that after escaping the danger this time, he needs more experience. If it is determined that the next place is dangerous, it is best to draw a spell somewhere in advance, so as not to be in a hurry like now.

Pei Na crawled very quickly in the cave, like a nimble snake, Wei An was completely at her speed.

He glanced back in a hurry, and saw that the sickle also got into the hole after smashing the lid of the pot, but it was no longer in the shape of a sickle, but turned into a man in a black cloak with a bang. He looked like a god of death, with black energy billowing all over his body, and he didn't have a real form at first glance, so he crawled into the hole crazily.

"Fuck, this weapon can transform!" Wei An said in horror.

Immediately, his right arm stretched forward was tightened, and Pei Na, who had come back from the front, grabbed him and pulled him forward almost one meter away.

Pei Na's voice sounded above Wei An's head, "You go first after I'm here! I have a wordless book."

Before Wei An could answer, she had already tightened her body quickly and crawled back from above Wei An.

It just so happens that the hole in this place is a little bit wider, but it's not that much. It's just that Pei Na can control her body freely, as if shrinking her bones slightly, and can directly squeeze through Wei'an's body.

It's just that although it can be passed, it is still more laborious.

"Don't move, I'll just pass." Pei Na said.

A scent went straight into Wei An's nostrils, and Wei An immediately stopped moving, allowing Pei Na to crawl over her body backwards.

At this time, Pei Na had thrown the wordless book ahead of time, blocking Wei An's feet, and a thought arose, one of the monsters she contained in the wordless book——Huang Xu was released.

This Huang Xu was also an investigator of Xue Wanxing's group of the Liangcheng Administration Bureau before his death, but it can only be regarded as a first-level weirdness in the wordless book.

Pei Na's intention for releasing him was very simple. This level of weirdness would definitely not be able to defeat the death scythe, but it could block the opponent in this narrow wall hole for a period of time, making it impossible for him to pass through.

In this way, he and Wei An can buy enough time to escape.

There was Huang Xu blocking the front, and then there was the wordless book, so the two of them became safe for the time being.

"Why are you so hard here?" Pei Na suddenly asked when she was crawling over Wei An.

Wei An was startled, his face turned red instantly.

But then he found out that Pei Na was referring to his chest position, and then he reacted, and hurriedly said: "After I was attacked by the sickle just now, my chest started to feel hot again. I don't know why!"

Pei Na took advantage of the situation and pressed his chest twice, and it was obvious that it was very hot, and this piece of skin was very stiff, as if it was no longer skin, but a steel plate.

But at this moment, the two people's postures were facing each other, and they looked a little ambiguous. Pei Na found that Wei'an seemed to have become embarrassed, and she also felt embarrassed, so she quickly slid down.

Wei An held his breath and reminded: "Slow down, don't grab your hands randomly! Oh, I was wrong, that's not a mobile phone..."

If the hole wasn't so dark, both of them would be able to find that the other's face was redder than a monkey's butt at the moment, not only Wei An's chest was burning hot, but their faces were also very hot.

Finally, Pei Na passed above Wei An and came to the back. She adjusted her breathing, and immediately said to Wei An: "Climb out to check the situation first, and I will use a wordless book to block the scythe blade engraving."

After the words fell, Tony Wurst, a citizen of Oss country, was released again, and he was blocked behind the weird Huang Xu, because according to the classification of the wordless book, this Tony Wurst is a second-level weird, or " Corroded cursed body", which is much stronger than Huang Xu, so it should be blocked for a longer time than Huang Xu.

At this moment, the weird Huang Xu had turned into a mass of rotten flesh, smashed to pieces by the black air of death transformed into the scythe, but the hole was too narrow, and it did block the opponent for a while.

Then Teacher Tony appeared and blocked the scythe's pursuit again.

Using both hands and feet, Wei An heard a sound coming from behind, knowing that Pei Na was still blocking, he desperately crawled to the entrance of the cave, then held his breath and listened carefully outside.

There seemed to be no movement outside the corridor. Wei An gently moved the pendulum that blocked the entrance of the hole a little, and the light came in. He looked in the corridor, and sure enough, there was no one there.

But soon Wei An was taken aback, because he found that the twinkling red spots in his eyes had also disappeared on this floor.

Not only on this floor, but the flashing red dots on other floors have also disappeared quite a bit, and some red dots were clearly flashing in other buildings, but after such a short while, the red dots disappeared quickly, indicating that the death avatar there was also missing up.

The rules are broken, and the god of death clone disappears!

Wei An was overjoyed, and quickly crawled out from behind the pendulum. Now that the death avatar on his floor had disappeared, he had no worries for the time being. He immediately turned around and lay down at the entrance of the cave, and shouted to Pei Na: "I'm here, you Come here quickly!"

Pei Na agreed and quickly approached.

Wei An grabbed her hands tightly and dragged her out of the hole in the wall. The wordless book behind him flew back and entered Pei Na's inventory.

However, the weird teacher Tony that was released by the second one had also been crushed by the death sickle, which bought them time to escape.

After Pei Na came out, she immediately turned around and pressed the pendulum against the entrance of the cave.

Before the two had time to speak, Wei An dragged her quickly to the door of Su Ya's room, opened the door and got in.

The door closed, and Su Ya was overjoyed when she saw them coming back, and ran over immediately.

Wei An said to Pei Na: "The clone of the god of death on this floor has disappeared, and not only that, the clones of other floors have also begun to gradually disappear, so the scythe of the god of death just now is indeed the center of the rules that control the entire strange story, and we have completely disrupted it Rhythm."

"That is to say, this weird talk is starting to fall apart?" Pei Na was surprised.

At first, she didn't understand why Wei An suddenly struck the motionless scythe with a weapon, but Pei Na knew that Wei An must have a reason for doing so, so she didn't ask immediately, but stepped forward to help first. .

"It should be like this!" Wei An nodded, and then he turned his head to look at Su Ya, "Su Ya, this is an opportunity, it has never happened before. You have two choices now, one is to stay in the house, this floor Lou's death avatar has disappeared, as long as you don't go anywhere, you will be the safest. The other is to go out and look for opportunities, whether it is to find weapons or activate other skills, it depends on your own efforts and luck. "

Su Ya hesitated for a moment, and asked, "What about you?"

Wei An said: "We have to leave here temporarily. There is a very powerful guy chasing us. I don't know if he will come after us. But it's best to leave here!"

Su Ya said: "I choose the second one."

"Okay." Wei An ordered: "Pei Na and I will leave first, you stay at home temporarily, and leave after this floor is completely safe. Remember, at this time, the most important thing is to improve your ability, and everything else is on the sidelines .”

After saying that, Wei An grabbed Pei Na's hand, and the two immediately opened the door and ran to the corner at the end of the corridor.

Just a few seconds after they left, the pendulum of the big wall clock on the other side of the corridor suddenly moved, and then smashed to pieces with a bang, and a black air-filled figure emerged from it.

(End of this chapter)

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