this is not a joke

Chapter 141 Word Junction

Chapter 141 Crossroads
"Let's go, go back to the second floor of the library, let's not leave here for now," Chen Fang said.

Pei Na nodded.

Although she has never entered the ghost story before, she knows no less information about the ghost story than ordinary investigators. She also knows that it is safest to stay in the library area now. If she goes out rashly, she may not know how she died.

The two returned to the computer area on the second floor and worked on the computer for a long time. Not only the sixth computer, but all the computers were turned on, but only the sixth computer had this chat software.

The operation failed, so Chen Fang had no choice but to say to Pei Na: "This strange story is very strange. After we came in, we couldn't advance the story of the strange story."

Pei Na guessed: "Is it because of me? Because it's my first time entering the ghost story, does this ghost story have rules against newcomers?"

Chen Fang shook her head: "There shouldn't be such a thing, I've never heard of it from Wei An or the Administration before."

After a pause, Chen Fang said again: "This library is very big. Now we are looking around here. It would be best if we can find the props in the ghost story. The Tang knife I used to have was on Wei An's body, and there was no item, so Now the item bar can’t be opened either. But the previous energy points are still there, and I can exchange them if I find new items.”

Pei Na said: "Although I don't have energy points, as a newcomer, I should be able to get the first item without energy points. But now my only worry is that this strange story is a bit special, will I enter this strange story Newcomers have no chance to get props at all?"

"Let's look for them first, together, not separately." Chen Fang said, "Not only are we looking for weapons, but we also have to pick up those books that are a bit special, so as not to miss important props."

The two left the computer area, started from the second floor, and prepared to search up the floors to see if there were any suitable ghost talk props available.


When Wei An arrived at the Moonlight Crossroad, there were few pedestrians on the street, his mobile phone could not be turned on, and he did not know the exact time.

But this is not a problem, because one of the stores facing the intersection at the intersection sells clocks and watches. There is a big clock with a unique shape hanging at the door, and the time on it is very accurate.

It was ten minutes before midnight.

Wei An parked the car in a temporary parking space not far from the intersection, walked to the door of the watch shop and waited.

Not long after, no one could be seen on the street, and gusts of cool wind blew in.

But unlike in a crematorium, this cool breeze only makes people feel cool, and it doesn't produce a cold or creepy feeling.

Wei An's gaze stayed on a pile of burnt black ashes on the side of the street, which was left after burning paper money incense candles, indicating that people often come here to burn paper money for the dead.

According to legend, the crossroads is also one of the places with heavy Yin Qi, because people often burn paper money, incense, candles and other underworld items for their dead relatives here, and there will be dead people waiting here at this time, so Yin Qi heavier.

Especially after twelve o'clock at night.

When Wei An arrived just now, he saw an old woman who had just finished burning paper money here, stood up slowly and left.

However, next to the paper she burned just now, there was also a stack of untouched paper money, incense candles, and a bowl full of rather delicate Yin-Yang rice, which seemed to be specially reserved for Wei An.

But because the time hadn't come yet, Wei An didn't see any monsters wandering nearby, so he accepted the paper money.

After waiting for a while, Wei An directly took the box of paper money and incense candles from the car, and put them at the door of the watch shop, just in case.


The uniquely shaped wall clock on the door of the watch shop rang at midnight.

Wei An immediately started to act, went to the pile of black ashes that had been burned and squatted down, took some paper money that was placed beside him, then took out the lighter that came along from the crematorium, and ignited the paper money with a snap.

Although there is a breeze blowing at this time, it does not affect the burning of paper money.

After igniting the paper money quickly, Wei An quickly took a few more and piled them together to form a pile of paper with a hollow in the middle, and the fire became more and more intense.

He unhurriedly took apart the incense candles, first lit three candles and inserted them into the black ashes that had been burned just now, then lit twelve fine incense sticks, took out three sticks and stuck them on the bowl of Yin-Yang rice, and put the rest The nine sticks are divided into three groups, which are respectively inserted around the burning paper money.

At this time, the breeze became stronger, Wei An changed his squatting position, let his back resist the wind, continued to add some paper money to the fire, picked up a chopstick, and knocked on the mouth of the bowl.

At this time, all his attention was not on the actions of burning paper money and knocking on the bowl, but half of his attention was transferred to the surrounding environment.

Because there are not only no pedestrians on the street, nor any vehicles, this area now feels like a dead zone to him, a connecting channel between the Yin and Yang realms.

Now, no matter whether it is behind him or other sides, there is no movement.

Wei An knocked on the rim of the bowl while throwing paper into it.

At this time, the full moon in the sky looked extraordinarily large, as if it had drawn a lot closer to the city, and the moonlight was even brighter than the street lamps on the street.

The street lamps were suddenly dimmed and useless.

Wei An looked down at his own shadow, and found that it was almost invisible.

Because the full moon was in the sky, it was almost the moonlight shining from the middle of his head, so the shadow didn't have any distortion, so soon the last shadow seemed to melt into his body, and he couldn't see it anymore.

I've heard people say, don't stand in an open and unobstructed place on a full moon night. If you let the moonlight shine on your head, you will have no shadow at this time, and when there is no shadow, there will be some unexpected horrors event.

Wei An had no choice but to continue burning paper money and knocking bowls.

Just after the shadow completely merged with the body, he suddenly felt a little strange.

Looking down, I saw a long shadow approaching on the ground not far to my right.

This shadow looks a little familiar, very much like the slender black shadow that appeared on the side wall of Building 2 of the hospital last time in the weird talk about the "hospital mortuary".

And this slender black shadow seemed to be very similar to the trader Yu Changshun met last time, maybe it was the same weird one.

Wei An didn't turn his head to look, but just relying on the corner of his eye, he saw the black shadow getting closer and closer to him. It didn't seem to be affected by the full moon at the moment, no matter where the moonlight angle was, the slender black shadow would be pulled It grows long, as if it exists alone.

Seeing that the black shadow was getting closer and closer, he saw that the shadow suddenly stretched out his hand and was about to approach his body soon.

At this moment, a trace of movement came from behind Wei An.

The moment this movement came out, the black figure that stretched out his hand suddenly retracted, and the whole slender black figure quickly receded like a tide, disappearing without a trace.

At the same moment, the movement behind him became more obvious.

Wei An listened carefully, and felt that the movement seemed to be the sound of footsteps, but it wasn't exactly that.

But one thing is certain, the appearance of this movement caused the slender black figure to leave suddenly, and they should not be in the same group.

Wei An really wanted to turn his head to see what was going on at this moment, but it was possible that the guy behind him deliberately wanted to attract him to turn back.

He didn't make any other movements, and still kept knocking on the bowl and throwing paper. The sound quickly came behind him, and there was no more movement.

(End of this chapter)

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