this is not a joke

Chapter 109 Chasing and Killing

Chapter 109 Chasing and Killing
From the beginning of the strange story to the present, Wei An and Chen Fang always thought that everyone in this dormitory was dead, but how could they know that the male protagonist of the strange story was still alive.

But now it seems that he is not only alive, but has been wandering around in this dormitory building.

At this time, Wei An suddenly had a weird idea. When night fell, this dormitory building belonged to a weird world. Generally speaking, it was the world of the strange heroine.

And after daylight, when the heroine falls asleep, the vitality will appear, and the undead hero will appear to control the dormitory building.

That is to say, the overtime task of the intruder is actually to face the controller here after daytime—the strange man.

Just looking at the current state, although this guy is not weird, but he is strong and powerful, and he is also an existence that cannot be confronted head-on.

After all, if the living person who can exist in the ghost talk is not stronger than the weird, he will not be able to survive until now.

The strange man stuck out his tongue and licked the corner of his mouth. With an uncontrollable excitement and nervousness on his face, he raised his head and ax and pointed at Wei An, and said, "You are...the first person I saw."

This guy's voice was hoarse, and his speech was a little slurred. It was obvious that he hadn't spoken for a long time.

The weirdness here seems to be unable to communicate with each other, he is the only living person in the whole building, and he has no one to talk to.

"Since everyone is alive, why don't you sit down and talk?" Wei An was about to start the mouth-to-mouth mode.

Unexpectedly, what greeted him was an oncoming flying axe, Wei An bent his feet, and the flying ax passed close to his head, and the ax blade plunged into the wall behind him with a puff.

Wei An immediately reached out and grabbed the handle of the axe and pulled it out. He didn't move at all. He immediately let go, staggered, and rushed to the door of the dormitory.

The man stretched out his hand and grabbed Wei An, but he didn't catch Wei An. Then he easily pulled his ax out of the wall, held it in his hand, and turned around to chase Wei An.

"Damn it, this guy is so powerful..."

Wei An was terrified, looked back in a hurry, and then ran even faster.

Just now, my speculation about the plot of the whole ghost talk has changed again. This guy is so powerful, I am afraid that he can really fight back from the jedi.

It should be his girlfriend, that is, the heroine of the strange story, who was killed. Although this guy was panicked at the time, he still succeeded in counter-killing, and at most he was injured physically.

But he should have just killed two roommates, and the other bitch took a third person and ran away after hurting him.

Without time to think about it, Wei An rushed to the stairs, turned around and saw that guy had chased him out of bedroom 309.

If he ran upstairs now, he might be caught by this strange man. There are the same number of rooms upstairs and downstairs, and in Wei An's speculation, he thinks that he should go downstairs.

Before he had time to hesitate, he immediately ran downstairs, jumping down five or six steps in one step, deliberately opened the nearest bedroom 201 when he passed the second floor, and then slammed it shut.

Then he lightened his steps and ran quickly to the first floor.

He quickly ran to bedroom 110 along the corridor on the first floor, and then pressed down the handle of the bedroom door, opened the door smoothly, and then dodged to hide in the room.

The sound of opening and closing the door on the second floor was louder. When the strange man ran down with an axe, he opened bedroom 201 and ran in to search for it.

This guy was worried, so he opened bedroom 202 to have a look after he came out. When he didn't find it, he felt cheated, so he didn't continue to search for the bedroom at the back, but went directly to the first floor.

When you come to the first floor, start looking from bedroom 101 to the back one by one.

There are 12 bedrooms on each floor of the dormitory building in Guai Tan. After hiding in Room 110, Wei An immediately started searching around.

At this time, the wooden handle of the hammer was still pinned to his waist, because he believed that it should be a weapon prop, so he didn't throw it away just now, as long as he could find the metal part of the hammer and combine it with the wooden handle , the power should not lose to the ax in the male protagonist's hand.

The reason why we chose to enter Room 110 just now was because of Wei An's considerations.

Because he and Chen Fang didn't go downstairs after entering the strange talk at first, and listening to those weird movements can probably lock their range of activities from the second floor to the fourth floor. This man has never appeared, and there is a high chance that he lives on the first floor. Or the fifth floor.

But just now the heroine and the third party were fighting on the fifth floor, and it's okay to make such a big commotion, so the probability of the man living on the fifth floor becomes extremely low.If he was a living person, from his point of view, Wei An would have to choose a room that was convenient for him to travel, and that would only be on the first floor.

So at this moment, Wei An is looking for the room where the man usually lives. If he finds it, maybe the other part of the hammer is right here.


Night falls.

The entire No. 1 dormitory building was shrouded in darkness, and the school did not turn on the switch here.

Standing in the corridor on the first floor, Pei Na stood with her hands on her hips, her brows intertwined, and she looked at the school security guards not far away who were maintaining order and the sheriff's team who had just arrived for reinforcements.

At present, Wei An and Chen Fang have been in the strange talk for several hours.

The school's evening self-study is about to start, and many students want to go back to the dormitory, but they are all stopped by the security guard and the magistrate.

The surrounding situation is still under control now, because there have been rumors that there has been a strange story here, and it is currently being dealt with by investigators from the Weitan Administration.

Now no one dares to take a step beyond the threshold without authorization.

"Pei Na!" Chen Fang's voice suddenly sounded from the stairs leading from the second floor to the first floor.

Pei Na was overjoyed and turned her head to look, only to find that Chen Fang was alone.

"Where's Wei An?" An ominous premonition rose in her heart.

Chen Fang replied: "I came out first, he still has some things to delay, he will come out soon."

Pei Na was shocked. She had the same thought as Chen Fang just now, and she didn't understand that there would be such an operation. "What is he going to do? He can choose to stay in the strange talk instead of being forced to quit?"

"His skills are very special." Chen Fang vowed: "Perhaps this is also one of the skills."

After a pause, Chen Fang said again: "But it may be a bit dangerous, he borrowed all my weapons."

"Ah!" Pei Na turned around and walked upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Chen Fang was surprised.

"I'll try again and see if I can enter the ghost talk." Pei Na walked faster.

Chen Fang was stunned for a moment, hurriedly followed, and said, "Then I'll try again, after all, I still have a special job."


"He doesn't live in this dormitory." Wei An came to a conclusion after searching in a hurry.

Although there is no dust in this dormitory, it seems that someone has been there at ordinary times, but it is not the dormitory where the strange man usually lives.

Wei An came to the door, leaned behind the door and listened carefully, and heard the sound of the door opening and closing from bedroom 103 or 104, the strange man should go in and look for him.

He immediately opened the door, put his head out for a quick look, then quickly ran out of the corridor, closed the door, opened the door of bedroom 111 and jumped in.

(End of this chapter)

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