Chapter 276
Looking at this unfamiliar bamboo forest, Chen Xuan first took a look around, and after making sure that there was no one around, he found a bench at the door of the thatched cottage and sat down for a while.

"Alas~ It seems that this customs clearance document can only be used by one person, or is it because I used the wrong method?"

He secretly sighed, but now he can't go back to the Condor World.

The development of the matter was indeed going according to his expectations. As the last of the ten plot challengers who went to the Condor World, Jinlun Fawang, seeing that the situation was not good, fled directly to the desert grassland and stayed out of the rivers and lakes for more than ten years.

He even disappeared from Mongolia directly. Even if Chen Xuan went to the desert grassland to look for him later, he could not find the slightest trace of him at all.

As a result, the plot task has reached a deadlock.

Chen Xuan and Jinlun Fawang are like playing a game of chess to the end, except that there is only the king chess left, and neither can kill the other.

In the end, Chen Xuan couldn't bear the depletion of his lifespan, so he could only use the [Customs Clearance Document] to directly open the next reincarnation world, ending the confrontation.

In all fairness.

Chen Xuan actually didn't want to leave the world of divine sculptures either. After all, he was accompanied by Huang Rong, Xiaolongnv, Gongsun Lue, Hong Lingbo and other beauties among the divine sculptures.

It's just that he is a villain after all, and he has [Heaven's Hate] fate, even if he can enjoy it for a while, he is destined not to be stable for the rest of his life.


Chen Xuan sighed again, and patted his cheek reluctantly to cheer himself up.

"It's meaningless to think about these things now. The most important thing right now is to gain luck, and it's better to replenish life essence first. I've been at ease in the world of Shendiao for more than ten years, and now I have only a little bit of luck left. Not much, we must seize Qi Luck as soon as possible.”

Although he thought so in his heart, it was his first time to use such a prop as 【Customs Clearance Document】.

Now he belongs to a world that has directly entered a world. He did not trigger the plot task himself, but activated the system ability and inherited one of the plot characters "Mud Bodhisattva".

Therefore, with his current status as a mud bodhisattva, it is unknown whether he can obtain the luck value and how to obtain it.

Chen Xuan had already prepared a way to deal with this.

"If you can't get luck points because there are no plot missions, then speed up the deduction of the plot and let this world of wind and cloud end directly, so that I should be able to start the next reincarnation normally. But since this clearance document is the Black Horn Society The exclusive props for masters should not only be as simple as opening a reincarnation world."

With this in mind, he pulled himself together a bit, and while calling out the character panel, he searched the thatched cottage.

"Open the character template."

[Name: Chen Xuan, character template (clay Bodhisattva)]

Basic attributes:
【Strength (Attack): 392】

【Delicacy (movement and dodge speed): 553】

[Concentration (character stamina, block attribute): 379+9]

Exclusive character skills:
【Heaven hate】

[Current luck value: 102540 points, basic consumption value 10 points/day. 】

Character Skills:
【"Yi Yang Zhi": One of the unique skills of the Duan family in Dali. 】

[Using the index finger to touch acupuncture points when exercising kung fu, the finger can be extended slowly or quickly, slow and elegant, fast as lightning, but where the finger is pointed, it is exactly the same. In terms of martial arts, only those who have cultivated above the fourth grade have the foundation to study the Six Meridians Excalibur. 】

[The current level is the third product, and the proficiency required for upgrading is 18292/50000]

["Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect·Pseudo": One of the realms of swordsmanship, there are ten thousand ways in the world, and all paths lead to the same goal. There are thousands of swordsmanship, and there is one sect of ten thousand swords. 】

[During the exercise, you can summon ten thousand swords and sword intents, double the attack, and exert amazing power. 】

["Zhou Yi Suan Jing": Zhou Tian Yi Di, combined with the essence of Qimen spells, can be used to deduce fortune and feng shui according to the horoscope of birth, face and bones. 】

[Note: Performing the Book of Changes, as the number of deduction increases, calamity will be added to the body, and the whole body will be covered with abscesses. 】

"The Book of Changes? It seems that this is the exclusive skill of the Clay Bodhisattva."

Chen Xuan's heart moved, but his reaction was flat.

In the plot of "Fengyun", Ni Bodhisattva is a marginal character, and his martial arts are not even third-rate.

So Chen Xuan didn't have much expectation for his current martial arts.

In the original plot, the clay bodhisattva never fails in fortune-telling, and gradually became famous in the world.

Because of his great reputation, people who believe in Fengshui and numerology will consult the Ni Bodhisattva to make a divination for themselves, and Xiongba is among them.

At that time, Xiongba approached Ni Bodhisattva and asked about his fate.

The Ni Bodhisattva also gave Xiongba a divination, and then told Xiongba a comment [Golden scales are not a thing in a pool, they will transform into a dragon when encountering a storm].

The "Golden Scale" refers to Xiongba, implying that he is the real dragon's destiny for the carp to leap over the dragon's gate.

After realizing that "Fengyun" refers to two people, Xiongba immediately started looking for Fengyun and Fengyun. Not long after, both Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun came to Tianxiahui by coincidence.

When Xiongba learned of the names of Fengyun and Fengyun, he immediately announced that he would accept them as his disciples and pass on their martial arts.

Duanlang, who entered the Tianxiahui together with Fengyun, was originally the son of Nanlin Jianshou, but because he contradicted Xiongba, he became a handyman.

It is this change of status that also caused the complicated situation of Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun and Duanlang later.

Then Xiongba taught Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun two peerless martial arts [Fengshen Leg] and [Paiyun Palm] respectively. The two cooperated with Xiongba's big disciple Qin Shuang, and soon won half of the country for Xiongba, making the world know the slogan "Follow me" Those who rebel against me will prosper, and those who oppose me will perish" spread all over the rivers and lakes.

After more than 20 years, apart from Wushuang City, no force in the entire Jianghu dared to oppose Xiongba.

Xiongba didn't destroy Wushuang City, not because of Wushuang City's strength, but because there was an old sword master sitting behind Wushuang City, but Bu Jingyun later slaughtered Wushuang City and captured Wushuang Sword.

After conquering the world.

After a period of stability, Xiongba thought of the criticisms made by the Ni Bodhisattva again, and sent Qin Shuang and Nie Feng to find the Ni Bodhisattva again.

He wanted to figure out his fate for the rest of his life.

Xiongba is very suspicious, and he doesn't want anyone to know his fate for the rest of his life, after all, if his fate is exposed, it will definitely lead to disasters.

In order not to expose his fate for the rest of his life, after Nie Feng and Qin Shuang discovered the mud bodhisattva, he disguised himself as a man in black and kidnapped the mud bodhisattva.

Ni Bodhisattva actually knew about Xiongba's fate more than 20 years ago, but he knew that once he told Xiongba everything, he would definitely be killed by Xiongba.

Therefore, the mud bodhisattva was very clever, so he divided his fate into two parts, and told him 20 years later, in fact, this is also the life-saving act of the mud bodhisattva.

Because he understands that when he sees Xiongba again, it will be his death.

At this encounter, the Ni Bodhisattva had no choice but to tell Xiongba his fate for the rest of his life.

It's the so-called [Nine Heavens and Dragons Shocking Changes, Swimming in Shallow Water in the Wind and Cloud]

It means that Xiong Ba changed from a golden scale to a dragon in the first half of his life, and will undergo earth-shaking changes in the second half of his life.

After the meeting of wind and clouds, he will fall from the sky into shallow water.

Therefore, the fate of Xiongba's life is "success is also a situation, and failure is also a situation".

As a hero of a generation, Xiongba is of course unwilling to accept this kind of result. Even though he believes in his heart that the mud bodhisattva can't be wrong, he still desperately wants to change his fate against the sky.

So, he killed Ni Bodhisattva, and used Kong Ci to plan to divide Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun.

The death of Kong Ci finally succeeded in alienating the relationship between Fengyun and Fengyun, but Xiongba did not escape the sanction of fate.

With the help of Qin Shuang and others, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun finally learned the truth and became brothers in life and death.

Afterwards, Fengyun and Fengyun got the Xueyin Knife and the Peerless Sword respectively. Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, whose skills had greatly increased, used Moko Wuliang, and finally wiped out Xiongba.

This is the plot of "Fengyun One".

Although Chen Xuan already knew that he, the clay bodhisattva, was a soy saucer, but after sorting it out carefully, he suddenly realized a big problem.

"No, after thinking about it this way, isn't it certain that I will die?"

As a key turning point in the plot, Xiongba only became murderous toward Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun after he knew the words of the Ni Bodhisattva, which also meant that Chen Xuan, the Ni Bodhisattva, would definitely be captured by Xiong Ba.

With a domineering and suspicious overlord's mind, Chen Xuan has no doubt that once he is captured and brought back to the world, he will surely die.

In vain, he still wanted to come to the [Fengyun] world to find some opportunities to improve his strength.

I didn't expect that I didn't find the opportunity now, but I put myself in it. I knew that I should have used all the [-] luck points reserved to activate [Wan Jian Gui Zong], and went directly to Taohua Island and Huang Rong and other beauties. the rest of my life.

But it's too late to regret now.

Now there are only two ways to survive this catastrophe, one is to find a way to continue to hide, and the other is to show up actively and find a way to deal with it.

Hiding is definitely impossible. Xiongba is the villain of Fengyun's plot, he has good luck, and he is the mud bodhisattva who rewrites the fate of Fengyun and Yun, so he will be found no matter the ends of the world.

Right now, the only way left is to take the initiative to show up, which means that he must find a way to instigate Fengyun and Fengyun to defeat Xiongba.

While Chen Xuan was thinking, he searched the thatched hut, but he did not find any hidden martial arts cheats or magical weapons, only a compass for divination.

He didn't dislike it either, he just took the compass and was about to go down the mountain.

According to the analysis of the plot deduction progress of the previous coming to this world, the current plot should still be in the stage where Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun help Xiong Ba to conquer the world.

If you are lucky, maybe you will meet Fengyun and Fengyun when you go down the mountain, and you will be able to pass the level perfectly by instigating them and killing Xiongba.

However, it is difficult to say whether it will be so smooth.

First of all, the most troublesome point is that Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are both Xiongba's disciples at this time, not to mention how good their martial arts are, and there is no reason to turn against Xiongba just from the moral point of view.

Now that Chen Xuan wanted to break the deadlock of himself as a clay bodhisattva, he had to find an opportunity to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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