I'm a chaebol in South Korea

Chapter 54 Domination and Being Dominated

Chapter 54 Domination and Being Dominated
Shu Minxiu's family background is good, but it's limited to 'nice,' and it's a bit close to supporting her for the election.

What's more, there are brothers above her.

No matter how much a father loves his daughter, he must always consider the feelings of his sons.

I have done my best to arrange for my son-in-law to work and let them live in a high-end apartment in Samseong-dong.

Plus, her nominee is in the party...

From Li Zhenyu's point of view, he is just a fringe figure who is not valued and has some qualifications.

Even if this election is successful, given the nominee's qualifications and age, it won't be long before he should retire.

Such a nominee has no ability to support her to go far in the party.

Shu Minxiu has put in so much hard work, giving up her career that she has struggled for many years, and even willingly dedicating herself.

What I want is not to be a marionette at the mercy of others.

Go straight to the top floor of the company, get off the elevator and Li Zhenyu walks to the safe passage, and walks up the stairs to the roof.

"Arms, arms up, waist straight, hips twisted...arms...shoulders..."

With a male duck voice, one hand on his hip in front of the show stage, and a straight-eyed, charming man, he is the image teacher of the company.

Jin Bingxi, a relatively well-known practitioner in the circle.

Personal studios have cooperative relationships with large and small entertainment companies.

Don't look at him as a man, just looking at his back is even sexier than a woman, especially his enchanting and sexy temperament.

After so many days of teaching, no one can learn the essence.

Also Li Chengmin, with his unique figure, can not be covered by his charm on stage.

"President." Chief Jin, who was in charge of checking the homework, walked towards him quickly.

"How's your practice going?"

The end of the New Year's Eve is the finals, time is tight, and it is not easy to win the ranking.

"They all have excellent qualifications and learn quickly, especially Lin Zhenna, who studies the most seriously."

"Where are Li Chengmin and Sun Yinzhu?"

"Li Chengmin is the most likely to win the ranking. Sun Yinzhu... His temperament is a little bit worse, and the teacher is already solving it."

"There are still two more days. I have worked hard on you during this period, Mr. Jin."

"This is what I should do. Broker Luo has done more than me."

"Well, I'll remember."

Li Zhenyu has a steelyard in his mind who has done so much.

Before the Spring Festival, he will tell everyone practically that all the efforts and efforts are worthwhile.

Li Zhenyu also likes to draw cakes, but unlike others, all the cakes he draws can be realized.

"The company will prepare a sumptuous dinner for everyone on New Year's Eve. If you want to participate, register in advance."

"Mr. President, Kang Sang Mi Da!"

At this time, Li Chengmin stepped onto the show stage again, with his hands on his hips, walking forward with confident and sexy cat steps.

The slightly squinted eyes are full of aggression, with a dreamy allure.

Her appearance condition is indeed that God is chasing and feeding her.

However, the more beautiful a woman is, the more ambitious she is. I hope she will not choose the wrong path in the future.

"Jenna, come over here."

Li Zhenyu called her to his side, leaned over and said something in his ear.

When Lin Zhenna came on stage again, the self-confidence in her brows changed her image drastically.

"President, what did you say to her?"

Jin Chengcai looked at him puzzled, unable to figure out how he did it.

Just one sentence can change a person's temperament.

If this ability can be replicated, wouldn't he be able to be the godfather of Korean entertainment with just a few words?

All entertainers will worship him like a 'god'.

"It's nothing, just tell her a fact."

What Li Zhenyu said to Lin Zhenna was not inscrutable, "If you win the top three in this competition, the company will do its best to promote you and make you popular on the big screen..."

This was already in the plan, and Li Zhenyu didn't do it on a whim.

In the future, Lin Zhenna will not only turn to the big screen for development, but also appear on the international stage as a model.

South Korea, the size of a bullet, is something worth nostalgic for.

The international market is the fat meat worth fighting for. Even if you can't get global endorsements, you can at least win some big-name endorsements in East Asia.

A single endorsement fee is higher than the film salary for several films.

For her, Li Zhenyu is full of ambitions.

Today's company is no longer just two or three kittens, and the number of trainees has reached more than 30.

The four public practice rooms, three dance studios, and two exclusive practice rooms were all packed.

Li Zhenyu didn't go in, disturbing the trainees' training, but quietly looked around outside the door.

"Where is IU?"

"I'm in a hurry, I have two interviews today, and there is another performance and fan meeting in Myeongdong."

"Will it burden the throat?"

Tomorrow, she will participate in MBC's song ceremony, so there must be no problem with her voice at this time.

"With Broker Luo at your side, everything will be fine."

"Hmm... What are your plans for tonight?" Li Zhenyu glanced at the elegant and capable Yin Huina, and his heart was about to move.

This kind of her is more desirable than her previous weakness.

"No, do you want to go home for dinner?" Yin Huina lowered her head slightly.

"Let's go to the roadside stall!" Li Zhenyu still liked the hustle and bustle of the roadside stall.

"President Nishi, Anihasai!"

Hearing someone say hello, Li Zhenyu looked back and said with a smile: "It's Suxi, is the class over?"

Han Suxi has been training during this time.

Temperament, acting skills, lines and some rules that should be known, these will be told to her in advance.

So, even though Han Suxi has no business to run, the schedule is still very full.

"Hey, President... Is there a dinner party today?" Han Suxi raised her head and looked at him expectantly.

This cute expression made Li Zhenyu couldn't help laughing: "There is no dinner party, but, Representative Yin and I are going to finish the meal, there is a roadside stall, do you want to go together?"

"Inside!" Nodding firmly, Han Suxi turned into a follower and stuck behind the two of them.

From now on, she is Little Tail.

"Hey, it would be great if this kid had such determination in his training."

Hearing Yin Huina's complaint, Li Zhenyu said with a smile: "Child?"

"Child, is there something wrong?" That immature and innocent face is not just a child.

"That's right, to Representative Yin, he is indeed a child!"

Han Suxi was sitting on her seat with her hands on her knees and a smile on her face.

The relationship between the president and Ernie is really good.

"Driver Jin, this is it." The red tents along the street looked as warm as home.

"Aji, here..." Before she sat down, Yin Huina raised her hand to order food.

Entering winter, the temperature in Seoul is not friendly at all.

Next to the small stove, several people put their hands close to the fire first, and found that Li Zhenyu was sitting by the side without moving.

Han Suxi moved the stool away to make an open space and said, "President, here."

"No need." President Li refused with a smile.

Maybe it's because of my persistent exercise. Although I consume a lot of energy every day, my physique is very tenacious.

In such a cold weather, the body is still warm.

"Squid, kimchi soup, oysters, and grilled fish...President, would you like a drink?"

"I want sorghum wine, thank you."

"Another bottle of soda." Yin Huina said to Han Suxi beside her, "Your."

"Kang Sang Mi Da, representative." Han Suxi.

"What would Driver Jin want to drink?" After the aunt left, Representative Yin remembered the quiet and transparent Driver Jin.

"I'll just drink this." Driver Jin picked up the tea and forced out an unnatural smile.

For him, it is most comfortable to be alone.

Smiles, greetings, greetings, these common communications that ordinary people take for granted are really too cumbersome.

He would rather go to the mountains and fight wild boars than engage in useless exchanges.

"Representative Yin, don't make things difficult for him, just let him eat quietly."


Soon the food was on the table, and Driver Jin devoured the bibimbap in front of him without touching the food on the other plates.

"Aji, I want a plate here." Li Zhenyu asked the aunt for an empty plate.

Put all kinds of food on the plate and push it in front of him, "These are yours."

Driver Jin, whose mouth was full of rice, froze for a moment, speeded up his chewing and swallowed the rice, nodded and said, "Kang Sang Mi Da."

After giving him a separate dish, Li Zhenyu didn't bother him anymore.

"Suxi, the production team will be established years ago, and you will be very busy then, remember to respect your seniors in the production team..."

Han Suxi kept nodding, and when he finished speaking, she asked curiously, "President Xi, who is the director...can you tell me?"

Li Zhenyu smiled and said, "Of course, the director is sitting here."

Seeing him pointing at herself, Han Suxi was stunned for several seconds before realizing it.

"Really, is it really you, the president?"

After receiving an affirmative answer, the last hesitation in Han Suxi's heart disappeared.

With the president as the director, there is nothing to worry about.

"I'm very strict. This time you will be playing with seniors, movie kings... Whether you can make a good impression on them and lay a good foundation for another cooperation is entirely up to you."

When Li Zhenyu said this, Han Suxi's expression became tense, and the relaxed smile just now disappeared.

Delicious food is like chewing wax in your mouth. This beautiful night is destined to be imperfect.

She is a person with deep thoughts. Everyone who is not good at words and deeds and behaves very quietly has a colorful inner world.

The same is true for Han Suxi, who is having a brainstorm in her brain right now.

"What are your plans for the new year?"

"I want to take my mother and children to Jeju Island for vacation, if I have time."

Yin Huina is asking for his opinion. Apart from working hours, her private time is not completely controlled by herself.

And Yin Huina has gradually gotten used to this kind of life of being dominated and having more entanglements.

Some people like to dominate, some people like to be dominated...

As social creatures, the need for bondage is inherent.

Especially for a single woman with orphans and widows, having bonds will make her hesitant heart feel at ease.

Compared with the fearful and insecure life before, it may not be a kind of happiness for her now.

"Of course, someone will take care of the company's affairs. You have worked hard these past few months. Go on vacation and have a good rest..."

Yin Huina was not as happy as she imagined when she got the permission answer.

Because she didn't get what she wanted most, Li Zhenyu was able to walk with them.

(End of this chapter)

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