Interstellar people generally usher in a period of mental differentiation when they are eight or nine years old.

People with higher talents will differentiate their spiritual bodies at this time, thus possessing animal bodies stronger than human bodies.

The differentiation period for those with lower talents will be very short, and correspondingly, they will not have a beast shape.

Among the horses that successfully differentiated into animal form, they were naturally divided into ranks and ranks.

The animal shape is weak and has no lethality, so it is doomed that the upper limit of this person's spiritual sea threshold will not be very high in the future.

If the beast is powerful or is a rare fantasy species, then the upper limit of this person's spiritual sea threshold will be very high.

The upper limit of the threshold of the spiritual sea determines the strength of this person, so to a certain extent, once the differentiation period is over, what a child's future will be like can basically be predicted.

"Will the late differentiation period cause any damage to her body?" Zhi Ge still couldn't let go of his mind.

The doctor glared at him mutteringly, "If something happens, I told you just now, she just needs to have a good rest, don't worry about it."

He looked at the doctor sharply, until the doctor shivered.

"Has there ever been a precedent?" Zhi Ge continued, ignoring the doctor who packed up his things and wanted to run away.

"Yes, of course I have. It's not a complicated disease." The doctor couldn't help but took a step back, "It's just that her mental body is probably not particularly strong. You should be mentally prepared."

Zhi Ge didn't speak, and the doctor hesitated to speak.

"If you have something to say, just say it, he won't do anything to you..." Ling Dun couldn't stand the doctor's winking look, and urged.

The doctor coughed lightly, and then said: "Well, I suggest, she'd better withdraw from this mission, it's too dangerous."

Xiao Di listened to the whole process in a daze, only then did she struggle to open her eyes, "It's impossible to quit."

What a joke, the task she took on had to be finished even if her leg was broken.

What's more, it's just a small differentiation period.

However, just after finishing these five words, Xiao Di was hit on the head by a sap from the little differentiation period, and his eyelids drooped again.

"Stubborn." The doctor commented helplessly, "Okay, I'll give you a shot of reliever, it's really uncomfortable, don't hold on, if there are any sequelae, then I can't cure it."

"Hit." Xiao Di closed his eyes, interrupting the doctor's thoughts.

Zhi Ge's frown became tighter and tighter, but he didn't say anything after the doctor gave Xiao Di the injection.

He knew very well that they could not change Xiao Di's decision.

After the doctor left, the heat on Xiao Di's body began to subside slowly, but his body was still very tired.

"Tsk tsk, she's already so crazy without a mental body, she can't be more perverted if she has a mental body." Ling Yi came back after seeing the doctor off, and couldn't help but look at Xiao Di lying on the sofa and sigh.

Zhi Ge's gaze was still glued to Xiao Di's face that was flushed red, "You can sew your mouth shut if you can't speak."

"Hiss, the general's mouth has become as poisonous as Xiao Di..." Ling Dun made a grimace, and murmured quietly behind Ling Yi.

Zhige pretended not to hear.

Ling Yi said with some doubts: "The empire and the federation have been very strict over the years. Isn't it true that people without spiritual bodies are not allowed to be elected as the planet owner? How can Xiaodi successfully become the planet owner of NY-351?"

"Have you forgotten another situation? If the family has a planet, then it is logical to inherit their own planet." Ling Du felt something was wrong again, "But it's quite strange. Generally, families with planets, They are all the richest in the Empire and the Federation, how could they let their children inherit a garbage star that is about to be destroyed? There is no difference between sending Xiaodi to NY-351 and sending her to die."

Zhi Ge knows the inside story, but he will not tell these people about the situation of Xiao Di's family.

Ji Ling didn't know these details related to the inheritance of planets before, but now hearing what Ling Yi and Ling Du said, she looked at Xiao Di with even more distressed eyes.

Xiao Di must have been very sad and painful when his family forced him to bind him to Garbage Star...

"Don't surround me, you go to practice separately." Xiao Di's state gradually recovered.

She struggled to sit up, but she only tilted her head slightly and was covered in sweat from exhaustion.

Zhi Ge came to her side, held her shoulders and made people lean into his arms.

"Let's all go." Zhi Ge said to Ling Yi and the others.

"Call us if you need help." Ling Yi nodded.

Only Zhi Ge is the most suitable person to take care of Xiao Di here.

Besides, even if they want to intervene, don't they have to see if there is another general's fist on their foreheads?

Ji Ling hesitated to speak, but was finally taken away by Ling Yi with his arms around her shoulders.

"You only have one leg left, use it sparingly." Ling Yi whispered in Ji Ling's ear.

Ji Ling struggled to look back, and saw that Zhi Ge had already picked up Xiao Di and was walking towards Xiao Di's room.

"Don't look, don't look."


Xiao Di's eyes were always closed, but they opened when Zhi Ge wanted to bend down to put her on the bed.

"Did you feel so uncomfortable when you split up?" Xiao Di's body sank into the soft bedding.

Her soft, shoulder-length black hair was spread on the snow-white pillow, and there were still two touches of pink on her fair cheeks, and her cat eyes were moist with water.

Although she has no expression on her face, when she looks at people eagerly, she always softens people's hearts.

Zhi Ge sat down by the bed, not daring to keep looking at her.

"I don't really remember." Zhi Ge tried his best to recall the situation at that time, but the memory seemed to be burned to a handful of ashes, and only a pile of ashes remained in place.

Xiao Di seemed to have thought of something, and there was more interest in his eyes, "I haven't asked you how old you are this year?"

Interstellar people generally have a long lifespan, and after adulthood, until they are two hundred years old, they can be counted as prime of life.

"Much older than you..." For the first time, Zhige felt that he was a little too old.

Xiao Di is only this year.

And he...

"How big is the big one?" Xiao Di refused to let go, and his eyes were fixed on Zhi Ge.

Zhi Ge pressed his temples with some headache, "I'll get you something to eat."

After speaking, he wanted to get up and go out, but just as he stood up, he felt Xiao Di grab the corner of his clothes from behind.

Zhi Ge didn't dare to turn his head, always afraid that he would soften his heart after looking back at Xiao Di, "Give me some privacy."

"Okay." Xiao Di's low voice came from behind.

Just hearing these two words, Zhi Ge's heart softened.

"I'm this year..." Zhi Ge opened his mouth and was about to speak, but he heard a hasty knock on the door from outside.

Zhi Ge turned his head and looked at Xiao Di, and then he heard Freya's voice at the door.

"I'm really sorry, I wanted you to rest until tomorrow, but just now, the Human Race attacked another person!"

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