Chapter 80
When Xiao Di and Zhi Ge took the retired soldiers and their families back to NY-351, they saw the aborigines digging fish ponds together.

Huo Qiangyin and Zhou Ci were actually digging in the middle of the soil.

Lin Huang was digging a hole not far away to plant trees, when he looked up and saw a large group of people behind Zhi Ge.

The shovel in her hand fell to the ground with a "bang", the circles of her eyes were red, and she gritted her teeth to keep the tears from falling.

"It's good to be alive!" Lin Huang walked in front of the crowd and hugged them together.

Lin Huang and Qian Bin were life-and-death friends, and they thought they would never see each other again in this life, but now they reunited here, and they couldn't help but sigh.

Zhi Ge didn't go forward, but whispered in Xiao Di's ear: "Lin Huang is 003 in our team."

Xiao Di originally thought that No. 003, which was not claimed by anyone, had been killed, but he did not expect that it would be Lin Huang.

"What are you worried about?" Zhi Ge looked at Xiao Di, saw her eyebrows raised slightly, and asked with concern.

Xiao Di: "I'm thinking, we may need to build a canteen."

Canteens and kindergartens need to be on the agenda.

Fortunately, Anthony has trained a lot of chefs recently. Otherwise, with so many people coming all at once, it might not be easy to solve the problem of eating.

Zhi Ge smiled, "Let's take our time."

Zhi Ge and Lin Huang took their comrades in arms and military relatives to settle in. Xiao Di strolled to the side of the fish pond being dug by himself, and saw more than [-] Furry were helping.

Raphael was about the same age as them, and he had already spent half a day playing with the furries.

A bunch of children couldn't help at all, but they didn't think it was messy enough to play with dirt on the side.

However, the adults didn't seem to care about this group of helpers at all, and even had a lot of fun because they joined.

"Is it fun?" Xiao Di squatted down beside Raphael and a bunch of furries, and helped a furry with two rabbit ears remove a lump of dirt from the edge of the pit.

Raphael seemed to know that he was doing a disservice, and his little face blushed instantly when he was asked this question.

"It's fun!" The little rabbit had no self-knowledge, and stood up holding the dirt lump in his hand and shouted in a childish voice.

Xiao Di was amused by her appearance, and reached out to touch the two fluffy rabbit ears on her head.

This group of furries had already been groomed by Xiao Di during the return journey, and there was almost no abnormality in their bodies at this time.

Xiao Di's eyes fell on the little fox cub who couldn't change back to human form not far away.

Only he has no signs of recovery yet.

Jiu Jiu seemed to sense Xiao Di's gaze, he looked up at Xiao Di, his beautiful eyes blinked.

He lay down on the ground with a grunt, his paws facing the sky, exposing his soft belly.

Xiao Di was about to vomit blood, and he didn't even realize when he walked beside him.

She reached out to touch Jiujiu's little belly, and her hand sank directly into his long hair.

The soft and fluffy touch came, and if there were not so many people around, she would have wanted to bury her face in Jiujiu's long hair like a pervert.

However, these little furballs are not real little furballs. If she really did that, she would become a real pervert.

Zhou Ci estimated that he would come to fight with her in the next second.

She shook her head regretfully, and when she closed her hand, she still released a little spiritual power from her fingertips, which merged into Jiujiu's body.

At the same time that trace of spiritual power merged into Jiujiu's body, the little fox cub suddenly turned into a human form.

The child is less than one year old, and has no hair on his body. He only uses his hands to subconsciously hold the nine tails to his chest.

He stared at Xiao Di with a pair of moist eyes, and after a while, he grinned with his teeth-less mouth.

When Zhou Ci over there noticed this scene, he immediately quit his work and rushed over to hug Jiujiu in two or three steps.

Xiao Di took out a robe from the storage bracelet and handed it to Zhou Ci, "Hold him and follow me."

"papa!" Jiujiu thought Zhou Ci was playing a game with him when Zhou Ci picked him up, hugged his neck happily and kissed him.

Dear Zhou Ci was drooling all over his face.

"Baby is awesome!" Zhou Ci has been sad since he came here, and he doesn't like to talk much.

At this moment, seeing Jiujiu transformed into a human form, he was so moved that he almost shed tears.

He nodded to Xiao Di, and followed her into the medical room in the nursing home.

Qiu Han rushed over after receiving Xiao Di's notification.

"Help Jiujiu check his growth and development." Xiao Di signaled Qiu Han to take Jiujiu to check his body with an instrument.

"Okay!" Qiu Han screamed cutely as soon as he saw the cute Jiujiu.

She took Jiujiu from Zhou Ci, and saw the little milk baby leaning against her arms, neither crying nor fussing, holding his tail like a blinking doll.

Zhou Ci was planning to go with Qiu Han, but saw Xiao Di staring at him.

He knew that Xiao Di had something to say to him, so he let Qiu Han take Jiujiu away.

"Do you want to ask why Jiu Jiu appeared in the laboratory?" Zhou Ci sat down in front of Xiao Di.

Xiao Di nodded, "There is nothing wrong with his mental state, he is obviously not an experimental subject, and he is probably not your child either."

According to Bill, Zhou Ci became a nine-tailed mountain fox after participating in human experiments, and his mental strength jumped from C to A in one fell swoop.

And Jiujiu is a born fantasy nine-tailed fox, and his parents' mental power level will never be lower than A.

"You guessed it right." Zhou Ci paused, and then continued: "My genes are extracted from Jiujiu, he is naturally close to me."

"I don't know who his parents are, but I will take care of him."

Xiao Di nodded to express his understanding, and a trace of spiritual power from his fingertips sank into Zhou Ci's eyebrows.

Before Zhou Ci could even realize what had happened, he felt like a refreshing spring poured into his dry spiritual sea.

He closed his eyes to feel the spiritual power, and his mental power gradually stabilized.

"Now I will teach you the method of conditioning, you need to feel it with your heart." Xiao Di taught Zhou Ci the introductory mental method.

Fortunately, Zhou Ci's comprehension is also good, she just led him to circulate his spiritual power ten times and he was able to practice on his own.

Seeing that Zhou Ci was still in the state of cultivation, Xiao Di did not wake him up, but only formed a Dao enchantment around him, and then closed the door and retreated.

Anthony arranged a very sumptuous dinner.

The children had a glass of goat milk in each hand, and there was a roasted suckling pig lying on each side of the dining table, and in the middle were two plates of hot corn and fresh meat dumplings, and the stir-fried seasonal vegetables exuded an attractive aroma.

The soldiers and their families had never seen this kind of food, and they were so greedy that they almost drool on the table.

Qian Bin looked at Zhi Ge excitedly, "Admiral, the life of Edge Star is much better than that of Emperor Star, no wonder you didn't go back to Emperor Star after you recovered!"

Zhi Ge smiled and said nothing, he personally sliced ​​a plate of roast pork and handed it to Xiao Di.

When Xiao Di heard Qian Bin's words, he slightly paused the hand holding the chopsticks.

She looked at Zhi Ge sideways, and said seriously: "The colonel of the Empire who handled NY-715, will he publicize what you have recovered after he returns?"

Before Zhi Ge could speak, Qian Bin shook his head.

"That has to be believed. Three years ago, the admiral's mental state almost collapsed, and those old men in the upper echelons of the empire had long believed that the admiral was doomed, and no one could save him." Qian Bin's words were not harsh.

Zhi Ge followed his words and said: "I left the empire a long time ago, and now I am a free citizen of the universe. After you come, I will be a citizen of NY-351, your subject."

Xiao Di felt relieved.

They still don't have the ability to compete with the empire. If someone wants to stop Ge, she may not be able to protect him.

Qian Bin felt that what their general said was weird.

He can't learn the general's love words, but he can learn how to show courteousness to his wife like him.

Qian Bin took a plate of roast pork and handed it to his wife, "Try it, my wife!"

Madam Qian nodded indifferently, and handed the plate of pork to the child with a smile, "Eat it, baby."

Qian Bin: "..."

It doesn't matter if this affection is not a show!

(End of this chapter)

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