Chapter 51
In order to facilitate the travel of various teams, the Third Army has equipped each of their teams with small high-speed flying ships.

Xiao Di and the others took a nap after lunch, and finally arrived at the place where the flying ship was parked at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Seeing that they had finally arrived, the guards immediately opened the hatch for them.

"Several other teams have already set off, so hurry up as well."

After being reminded by him, Xiao Di only noticed at this time that there were four berths vacant beside their flying ship.

"What's the reminder..." Huo Qiangyin muttered and followed Xiaodi and Zhige onto the flying ship.

The military personnel gave them a disgusted look, and then slammed the hatch shut.

Lin Huang wanted to continue driving the flying ship, but Zhige came over at this moment and took the control stick from her hand.

"I'll do it." Zhi Ge's mental state tended to be stable, and the pain on his body was almost negligible.

It was no longer painful for him to fly the spaceship.

Xiao Di sat beside him, "Can you sense Kunpeng's position?"

Zhi Ge took out the huge scale and walked around on it with mental strength.

"There is a slight sense." Zhige's mental threshold is very high.

He has a superhuman sensitivity to a strange beast like Kunpeng whose spiritual power fluctuates greatly.

Xiao Di's spiritual power has not fully recovered at this time, so he can't help at all when locating Kunpeng.

"Just one scale is so big!" Huo Qiangyin took the scale from Zhi Ge's hand with both hands.

Both Lin Huang and Raphael leaned over to observe carefully, and both of them found it very novel.

"Such a huge alien beast is indeed quite rare." Lin Huang had killed many alien beasts, but he had never seen such a large one.

Xiao Di reminded them: "Your mental strength is still unstable, remember that if you meet Kunpeng, don't rush forward."

Lin Huang always obeyed orders and obeyed instructions, so he nodded and agreed without asking any questions at this time.

Although Huo Qiangyin was a little unconvinced, she knew that Xiao Di was doing it for her own good.

"Okay." He nodded, wanting to return the scale to Zhi Ge.

But Zhige shook his head, "Kunpeng's scales are very hard, maybe they can be used as weapons or defensive armor, you keep them."

"Can you really give it to me!" Huo Qiangyin originally saw that Zhi Ge had always been lukewarm to him, and thought that Zhi Ge hated him very much.

At this time, I received something from Zhige, and I couldn't help feeling flattered.

Zhi Ge didn't like to repeat some nonsense, so he just nodded.

"Thank you, Admiral!" Huo Qiangyin was overjoyed, and immediately put the scale armor into the storage space.

The flying ship did not leave the floating city, but crossed the deep pit and came directly below the center of the floating city.

"Up above is the central area of ​​the floating city." Xiao Di looked at the bottom of the city above from the monitor, "If Kunpeng is here, when it explodes, the city probably won't exist."

Zhi Ge is still locating the direction of Kunpeng, "I guess this is why the Third Army asked us to come out on a mission. In this way, they should have located Kunpeng's position a long time ago."

Only by leading Kunpeng to the deserted area can the integrity of the city be preserved to the greatest extent.

"If Kunpeng is nearby, why isn't this thing ringing?" Lin Huang pinched the "Element Detector" on his collar.

Huo Qiangyin explained: "Because we are not close enough to it."

Zhi Ge didn't speak any more, and after careful sensing, he drove the flying ship all the way west.

Xiao Di looked at the map of the city, "There is a core laboratory and a power source production plant in Xicheng."

"This Kunpeng seems to like places with large energy fluctuations." Huo Qiangyin pointed to the location of the former shanty town on the map, "Before the shanty town was destroyed, there was also a power source factory over there."

The flying ship approached the west city at high speed, and suddenly at a certain moment, the five elemental detectors on the four of them started beeping at the same time.

And the closer it is to the location directly below the core laboratory, the louder the sound of "Didi".

Raphael was a little nervous, and subconsciously clenched Zhi Ge's clothes.

It wasn't until the small red lights on the element detector turned on that the "didi" sound stopped completely.

Zhi Ge hovered the flying ship in mid-air, and released the detection camera to inspect the area below.

The surface below is an undeveloped grayish white, streaked with cracks like stretch marks.

It is impossible to see anything abnormal here with the naked eye, but Zhi Ge clearly felt a bit of unusual fluctuations in spiritual power. Coupled with the response of the element detector, they were almost sure that Kunpeng was under this land.

Not far away, a high-speed flying ship secretly followed here. Seeing them stop, the flying ship released the stealth mode, and hovered swaggeringly beside Xiaodi's flying ship.

Fang Heng looked at the flying ship of Xiao Di and the others through the monitor, took off the elemental detector whose red light was constantly flashing, and threw it aside.

"Thanks to their guidance, we found Kunpeng's location easily." Fang Heng was very proud.

Xu Zhou on the side didn't speak, but called him an idiot in his heart.

Xiao Di and the others naturally noticed Fang Heng's flying ship at this time.

"The same type of flying ship, they should also be missionaries." Lin Huang shook his head speechlessly, "They seem to have followed us."

"Never mind." Xiao Di didn't know that there was Fang Heng in that flying ship, so he didn't take it to heart.

And at this moment, a voice jumped out from the public communication channel of the flying ship.

"I have already told Legion Commander Ryan about the location of Kunpeng, thank you for leading the way."

Xiao Di will never forget Fang Heng's voice.

Hearing what this idiot said, Xiao Di sneered, took the communicator and replied directly: "I gave you alms, idiot."

Immediately afterwards, she directly cut off the communication, and said to Zhi Ge: "Let's go, always give others a chance to show off."

Zhi Ge saw her childish behavior in his eyes, and felt that Xiao Di was cute like this.

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he wanted to leave without saying a word, turning the flying ship around.

Fang Heng over there almost died of anger when he heard Xiao Di scold him "idiot", he beat the center console and stood up.

He angrily picked up the communicator, opened his mouth and began to curse, "If you are stupid, don't look for superiority from others. Is it fun to be on Garbage Star? Are the resources almost exhausted? Call me Dad, maybe I can help How many boxes of your impending nutrient solution!"

After finishing speaking, he saw the words "communication has been cut off, communication cannot be transmitted" popped up on the screen.

"Damn!" Fang Heng dropped the communicator in his hand angrily, "Damn Xiao Di, wait for me!"

Xu Zhou watched the farce on the sidelines, pinching the center of his brows with a headache, just about to ask Fang Heng to sit down, when he felt the flying ship under him was shaken by a burst of air waves.

Fang Heng lost his standing and fell directly to the ground.

Zhige hadn't been able to drive the flying ship away from this area, and several people were also staggered by the blast.

"Is it about to be unearthed?" Xiao Di called out the monitoring screen to carefully check the situation below, and saw that the cracks on the surface were gradually expanding.

"It should be our existence that awakened Kunpeng." Zhi Ge manipulated the flying ship to fly out of the area with the most violent waves.

It can be seen from the monitor that Fang Heng's flying ship is still hovering in place.

"He should be thinking now: To be scared away by me like this, they must be afraid of me." Xiao Di guessed gloatingly.

Several people laughed out loud.

"But isn't there anyone who is sober in their team? If they don't run at this time, when Kunpeng appears, they will just feed it an appetizer." Huo Qiangyin was puzzled.

"There must be." There was a chill in Zhi Ge's voice, "but Fang Heng is the one who decides."

"That's no problem." Huo Qiangyin said he understood.

If a fool wants to die, no one can stop him.

(End of this chapter)

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