Chapter 37 Paddy Field
【Identified by the system, the three seeds are rice, wheat and corn seeds. Does the host need to copy the seed service? 】

When Xiao Di heard that it was these three seeds, his mood was the same as picking up a treasure while walking.

【want! 】

I was worried about having no staple food, but I didn't expect that rice, flour and corn were all there overnight!

Just thinking about the delicacy these three staple foods can make, Xiao Di swallowed.

[The host has cleared one hundred acres of land, 100 reward points, plus 10 points for completing side missions, the host account has a total of 110 points, the remaining 80 points are deducted from the custom kitchen, and there are 30 points left in the host account .It takes 100 points to copy one acre of rice, one acre of wheat and one acre of corn seeds. 】

"Continue to credit..." Xiao Di had a thick skin, and she never considered delaying the planting of these three crops, "Are there any advantages of the seeds you copied?"

【Of course there is!The seeds replicated by this system have a short growth cycle, and the fruit is full and the yield per mu is high! 】

Xiao Di was naturally satisfied when she heard it, but she just nodded lightly, "Don't forget to present the paddy field plan as a gift."


Xiao Di ignored the system, and went directly to Room 001 with the sprouted seeds in the glass jar.

She raised her hand and knocked on the door, and after a while, she heard Zhige's voice coming from inside.


"How is your cultivation going?" As soon as Xiao Di entered the door, he saw that Zhi Ge was meditating cross-legged according to the way she said.

Zhi Ge put his legs down and sat down, raised his head and smiled at Xiao Di, "Some progress."

Xiao Di raised the small glass jar she was holding in front of Zhi Ge, and her raised eyebrows revealed her good mood, "Those three seeds from the ancient earth period were soaked in the Lingquan and germinated."

Zhige didn't expect that Lingquan water would have this kind of effect, so he was very surprised for a while.

He took the glass jar and looked up and down at the three young green shoots.

The more he looked at the three sprouts full of vitality, the more curious Zhi Ge was about Xiao Di's origin.

But obviously, he couldn't ask at this time.

Xiao Di was satisfied after seeing the surprise on Zhi Ge's face, she sat down beside Zhi Ge, stretched out her hand to catch his pulse gate very familiarly, and used a ray of spiritual consciousness to observe his spiritual sea.

Zhi Ge's spiritual sea is very stable at this time, and the white spiritual thread is advancing steadily, rescuing the alienated black spiritual thread step by step.

In time, Zhi Ge's spiritual sea will surely return to the same level as before, even wider than before.

As soon as Xiao Di opened his eyes, he saw Zhi Ge looking down at her.

"Thank you." Zhi Ge solemnly said to Xiao Di.

Zhi Ge's half-length hair was draped over his shoulders, and because of his bowed head, his black forehead hair slightly covered his superior browbones.

His golden eyes were half hidden in the shadows, looking pure and deep.

Hey, the recovery of spiritual power seems to make him look better.

Xiao Di did not shy away from admiring Zhi Ge's beauty.

After a while, she nodded and accepted the thank you, and said in a skinny tone: "Thank you in words are worthless, I want to see your actual actions."

She took the glass jar in Zhi Ge's hand and stood up to walk out, but saw Zhi Ge also stood up and followed behind her.

"You'll see."


The paddy field planning system has been issued to Xiaodi, and she sent the plan to Anthony, who randomly circled a piece of land not far from the nursing home.

Anthony has been dealing with the land recently, and when he saw the plan, he patted his chest and assured Xiao Di, "Planet Lord, don't worry, our brothers will dig the paddy fields beautifully for you!"

Xiao Di was very satisfied with Anthony's work attitude, but at the same time she thought that there would be more land to be developed in the future.

She can't just squeeze these few people to squeeze wool.

It seems that there is still more labor to be brought back.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Seeing Xiao Di staring thoughtfully at Anthony and the others who were rushing to dig the soil, Zhi Ge asked softly.

Xiao Di turned her head to look at Zhi Ge's flawless face, and said to herself that standing by my side was considered a help.

It's pleasing to the eye.

"Lack of manpower." However, Xiao Di didn't hide Zhi Ge, and said directly.

According to Xiao Di's development speed, Zhi Ge had already expected that there would be a day when there would be a shortage of manpower.

"I'll think of a way." Zhi Ge called out the terminal, bowed his head and sent a group message.

It is not known whether the former imperial general still has the appeal to stop fighting, but he has to try his best for Xiao Di.

Xiao Di didn't take Zhi Ge's words to heart, after all, what could she expect from a beautiful woman who had been waiting to die for three years on the Garbage Star without being rescued.

While the two were talking, Xiao Di heard the system prompt that Mission 3 had been completed.

[Points +10, total points -60. 】

Xiao Di's spirit lifted.

It seems that Ling Yi has returned with the fat and white animals!

[May I ask which three seasonings the host needs? 】

Xiao Di lowered his head and thought for a while before replying to the system.

[Sugar, I want to exchange the other two seasonings for onion, ginger and garlic seeds. 】

The system seemed to be thinking about whether this exchange was fair, and did not give a reply for a long time.

Just when Xiao Di was getting impatient, the system agreed hesitantly.

[By the way, I also want to customize a sterile room to grow white jade mushrooms. 】

[Customizing the sterile room requires 200 points~ The sterile room comes with a planting robot, so customization is not a loss! 】

Xiao Di felt that the wallet was dripping with blood, but she still gritted her teeth and took credit for food.

[Points - 200, total points - 260. 】

At the same time, the system issues the task again.

[Task 4: Cultivate and plant a paddy field within a month!

Task reward: a copy of the planetary construction plan, mental power +20
Remarks: Do people live without staple food! 】

Task 4 has been arranged in advance, Xiao Di is not very worried, and directly takes Zhi Ge to set aside a place on the other side of the nursing home to place the sterile room.

The next moment, two construction robots appeared in front of the two of them, and began to construct the sterile room.

"Don't ask, asking is a secret." Xiao Di spoke ahead of time, blocking what Zhi Ge might ask.

Zhi Ge put away the momentary surprise in his eyes, and smiled at Xiao Di, "What is going to be built here?"

"The sterile room is used to grow white jade mushrooms." Xiao Di explained to him, and at the same time, she invited Zhi Ge, "Grow something more with me?"

She plans to plant the onion, ginger and garlic as soon as possible. With these three seasonings, the dishes in the future will only be more delicious!


"Okay." Zhi Ge agreed without hesitation.

Ling Dun and Lin Huang followed Anthony to dig the paddy field for a while, and found the sterile room under construction when they were resting.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Ling Dun turned around and called out to Xiao Di who was squatting by the vegetable garden and playing with mud.

Lin Huang turned his head and saw his admiral squatting beside Xiao Di playing mud with her, his eyes were somewhat strange.

"Guess." Xiao Di didn't have that much patience with Ling Dun, so he just dismissed her with two words.

Ling Dun gave a "cut" sound, and without further questioning, she carried the hoe and walked into the team digging the paddy fields.

Turning around and seeing Lin Huang still standing there, she snorted triumphantly, "You can't do it anymore?"

"How could the physical strength of the soldiers of the empire be worse than that of a star thief?" Lin Huang almost rolled his eyes, and walked towards the paddy fields while talking.

Xiao Di looked up at the backs of the two people going away, and asked Zhi Ge curiously, "Are all the soldiers and star robbers of the empire like them... hardworking?"

Zhi Ge heard a trace of yearning from Xiao Di's words, as if if he nodded today, she would definitely find a way to lure the soldiers of the empire and the star thieves to plant the land...

"Also...not all of it." Zhi Ge smiled, looking at Xiao Di with indulgence that he didn't realize.

It seems that it is not impossible for them all to come and farm.

(End of this chapter)

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