I work as a teacher at a girls' school in Tokyo

Chapter 90 The Wind at Night (Part 3)

Chapter 90 The Wind at Night (Part [-])

Meguro Conference Hotel.

It was almost late at night, but the lights in the hotel room were still bright, and the bright light passed through the glass and penetrated into the night.

In the room, Hirakawa Tetsufumi leaned against the head of the bed, reading the "Lolita" he brought from home.

There are only a few thin pages left at the back of the book.


With a slight sound of paper rubbing, Hirakawa Tetsufumi turned another page.

Therefore, what is displayed in front of your eyes is a large blank space at the bottom, and at the top of the page, a small piece of text is the last sentence of the main text of "Lolita":

"I think now of the bison and the angel, of the secret of the enduring paint, of the prophetic sonnet, of the sanctuary of art, and that is the only immortal thing you and I can share, my Lolita."



Hirakawa Tetsubun stared at the book, staring at the last paragraph of the book.

It is indeed over.

After staring for a long time, he let out a dull breath.


The tip of the tongue moved down from the palate three times, and then lightly pressed against the teeth for the third time. In this way, Tetsufumi Hirakawa pronounced the word.

This is the first word of this book, and also the last word of this book, and it also shows that this story has indeed come to a complete end.

There is a sense of loss.

Every time the reading is over and I bid farewell to a story, this will happen.

Moreover, following that, all kinds of chaotic thoughts will start to appear in my mind.

And these fragmented thoughts will move and collide irregularly in the mind, collide with each other, and become more messy fragments.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen didn't restrain him either, allowing these thoughts to run rampant in his mind, sparking sparks.

It was not until a long time later that he, who had been staring at the word "Lolita" in a daze, came back to his senses.

He looked and turned the book again.

What appeared before me was the prologue of the book.

It took me a few minutes to read it, then turned to the very beginning, and read the preface until I confirmed that the book "Lolita" was indeed finished.

Tetsufumi Hirakawa clipped the bookmark to the first page of the book and closed the book.

New bright yellow cover that reflects the light in the night lights.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi put it on the bedside table.

Then, he picked up his phone and looked at it again.

It is already 11:30 now.

It's already a bit late, after all, the teaching and research meeting will officially start at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.

But now I can't sleep at all.

All kinds of disordered thoughts wandering in my mind are fragments of Lolita's story.

It's not impossible to fall asleep before these fragments are annihilated, but it may be more difficult.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi held the phone, swipe idly on the main page, and then locked and unlocked the screen back and forth.

This lasted for several minutes, and Hirakawa Tetsufu finally made a decision.

He got up from the bed.

He decided to go for a walk.

Although it's late, it doesn't matter, Hirakawa Tetsufumi is a casual person, since he has an idea, let's go.

Holding the mobile phone, room card, and putting on his shoes, Hirakawa Tetsufumi opened the door of the hotel room.

Bright, clean and white corridors, full of business-style decoration design.

Conference hotel.

After looking around and confirming the location of the stairs, Hirakawa Tetsubun walked to the left.

After walking two steps, he paused, but stopped in front of a room.

This is Hisada-sensei's room, so I don't know if he's asleep or not.

After such a thought flashed through his mind, he was about to walk away.



It was the sound of the door lock opening.

The footsteps that were about to go stopped again.

The door next to her was slowly opened, and the figure of the female teacher appeared in front of her eyes.

Four eyes facing each other.



Hisata Moki blinked quickly a few times.

He showed obvious confusion about the fact that Tetsufumi Hirakawa would appear in front of his room.

Hirakawa Tetsubun smiled, turned around and said hello: "Mr. Jiuta, good evening."


Kuta Moshu hesitated for a moment, then waved his hand, "Mr. Hirakawa, good evening."

Immediately afterwards, he asked again: "Teacher Hirakawa, why are you...here?"

He pointed to the ground at the door of the room with his finger.

"I was going to go out for a walk, passing by, and I wondered if Mr. Kuta was asleep, but Mr. Kuta just came out." Hirakawa Tetsuwen explained.

"Is it such a coincidence?"

"It's such a coincidence." Hirakawa Zhewen nodded, and then asked, "What about Mr. Kuta? Are you planning to go out now?"

"I have the habit of drinking milk before going to bed." Saying that, Kuta Moshu walked out of the room and closed the door.

"That's it." Get out of the way, and then walk towards the stairs together with Hisada Moshu.

In the quiet corridor of the hotel, the footsteps of the two stepped on the carpet, and there was only a slight sound.

Arrived at the stairs.

"Elevator or..."

"The stairs."

Kuta Moshu glanced at the floors where the elevators were located, they were far away, so he walked towards the stairs.

"it is good."

Hirakawa Zhewen responded and followed suit.

Their floor is on the third floor, not very high, and they reach the lobby on the first floor within a few steps.

Go to the drink machine in the lobby on the first floor.

"Mr. Hirakawa, would you like a drink?" Kuta Moshu turned to ask him.

Hirakawa Zhewen glanced at the strange beverage in the beverage machine, but suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to drink it.

"Yeah." Nodding his head, "However, let me invite Mr. Kuta."

"Really? Then I won't be polite—" Hisata Moki stepped aside, but just as he stepped aside, Hirakawa Tetsufumi patted his pocket in embarrassment.


"Cough." Hirakawa Zhewen coughed dryly, "The wallet is in the coat."

"...Okay." Kuta Moshu laughed, walked to the drink machine again, and put in coins, "What would Mr. Hirakawa drink?"

"Hmm...that's it."

Just a finger.


"So, is Hisada-sensei going back to the room now?"

"Accompany Mr. Hirakawa for a walk."

"Well, where are we going?"


Biting the milk straw, the female teacher puffed her cheeks slightly and spoke vaguely.

"it is good."

In response, Hirakawa Zhewen also took a sip of a drink that he bought at random and didn't know what flavor it was.

After just taking a sip, he put the bottle cap back with a strange expression on his face.

He lifted the drink and looked at its bottle.

Seeing Hirakawa Tetsubun like this, Hisada Moki immediately burst out laughing.


The streets around the hotel.

The wind at night, the cicadas chirping in my ears.

Hirakawa Tetsubun and Hisada Moshu walked down the avenue.

They just walk aimlessly, and most of the time they are in a situation where they don't speak and are content.

Occasionally strike up a few words, one hits and the other doesn't.

"Teacher Hisada, do you know what I thought of?" Hirakawa Tetsufumi said suddenly.

"Huh? What?" Kuta Moshu held the milk carton with one hand, and stretched out the other hand, feeling the wind direction at the moment.

Hirakawa Zhewen glanced at the female teacher, and opened a hand like her.

So, under the reflection of the street lamp, the shadows of the two bodies stick together, and the outstretched hands on both sides become the left and right hands of this "shadow monster".

"Meguro Hotel night tour." Hirakawa Tetsufumi said.

Kuta Moshu smiled lightly.

"Hyuta didn't go to bed either, we met each other in—"

"The shade."

Hirakawa Tetsuwen took the words, retracted his hand again, unscrewed the bottle cap, and took a sip of the drink.

Sure enough, it's still a bit hard to drink.

 The first three updates, and the remaining two updates at night
(End of this chapter)

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