I work as a teacher at a girls' school in Tokyo

Chapter 82 Kuta Moki is no longer the teacher who can be fooled casually

Chapter 82 Kuta Moki is no longer the teacher who can be fooled casually
Hirakawa Tetsufumi woke up at six o'clock in the morning.

There were no noises, alarms or noises, but in fact, when he turned on the phone screen, what entered his eyes was a round number "6".

It's too early, Hirakawa Zhewen seldom wakes up so early - you can use this sentence to describe his work and rest:

If someone is going to ask him "Have you seen the sun at five o'clock in Tokyo", his answer should be "I have never seen it in this life".

And let alone five o'clock, even the sun at six o'clock, Hirakawa Tetsufumi didn't see it.

—Because today is cloudy.

The sky is not yet clear, in a hazy twilight, the sun is nowhere to be seen, and the dark clouds with clear boundaries cannot be seen. The sky is a large piece of pure gray-white, as if it has been thickly coated with a layer of gray-white paint.

It seems that today is not a good weather in the general sense.

The reason for emphasizing "general sense" is that whether the weather is good or bad depends on subjective judgment within a certain limit. Although most people think that the weather is sunny and sunny, some people may think that cloudy days are very good.

Besides, some people like rainy days.

It's barely a philosophical statement.

It's just that Hirakawa Zhewen personally doesn't like rainy days, but cloudy days are okay.

Under this kind of sky light, Hirakawa Tetsuwen, who stood by the window and opened the curtains, yawned deeply, and the cool morning breeze blew his cheeks.

He managed to pull himself together.

Six o'clock is an embarrassing time.

If it was a rest day, he would definitely go back to sleep now, but it is a working day.

It is absolutely impossible to fall asleep at this time, and of course you can stay in bed if you have to, but it should be good to get up early occasionally to experience a different routine, right?
Hirakawa Tetsufumi is a person who does what he wants.

Holding such a whim, he glanced at the "Lolita" covered by the bed and had already read a third of it. Tetsufumi Hirakawa walked over, took out a bookmark from the table next to the bed, and put the bookmark Put it in the book, close the book and put it on the bedside.

Then walked out of the room.

Dim light filled every corner of the house, and the white cat that followed him meowing in the past was still sleeping peacefully.

In the silence surrounded by only his footsteps, Hirakawa Tetsufumi went to the bathroom to wash up.

After washing, I had bread with milk and a fried egg for breakfast.

While eating breakfast, the white cat woke up, not surprisingly, it was woken up by the sound of fried eggs.

Looking at it's probably resentful eyes, Hirakawa Zhewen poured cat food for it in order to appease it, and it forgot about it, and ran over to eat happily.

Finally, bidding farewell to this innocent cat, Tetsufumi Hirakawa went out to school.

Of course, I checked the weather forecast before going out, and after learning that it would not rain today, I struggled for a while, and Hirakawa decided to believe it once.

Along the way, there were not many pedestrians. It seemed that he really went out early today.

Even when he arrived at the school, there were not many people on campus, and when he arrived at the office, he still opened the office door.

Achievement accomplished: Be the first to reach the office.

Although it doesn't make sense.

Sitting in his seat, he was dazed for a while, and when the second teacher came in the office to say hello to him, Tetsufumi Hirakawa began to prepare lessons.

"Teacher Hirakawa, why did you arrive so early today?"

It wasn't until the arrival of Hisada Moki that Hirakawa Tetsufu raised his head and took a rest.

He looked at the position beside him. Mr. Hisata was holding a backpack and just put it down, and asked him curiously.

In other words, Kuta Moshu's eyes have a feeling of being so innocent that people can't help but make fun of them.

Hirakawa Zhewen looked at her.

Kuta Moshu blinked his eyes innocently, and the light called "simple" was shining in his eyes.

'What's the matter? ’—the eyes seemed to speak.

Hirakawa Zhewen couldn't help talking nonsense: "How should I say—"


Kuta Moki picked up the water glass on the table.

"Because I accepted a gift from Hisada-sensei yesterday, I decided to learn from Hisada-sensei from now on and work hard, like this."

"Eh?" Kuta Moshu stopped turning around to pick up the water, "Really?"

"Of course, Hisada-sensei is my role model."


Probably not knowing how to answer, he forced a smile.

"Well, then, Teacher Hirakawa, come on?"

The troubled expression is cute, and the way he turned around to get the water in doubt is also cute.

Hirakawa Tetsubun smiled, lowered his head and picked up a pen to continue preparing lessons.

Moshu Kuta came back a few minutes later, and the female teacher finally figured it out.

"Teacher Hirakawa, are you actually playing tricks on someone again?"

Raising his head, Kuta Moshu held the water glass in both hands and stared at him viciously.

"How could it be?" Hirakawa Zhewen refused to admit it.

Kuta Moshu walked to him, stared at him again, looked away, put the water glass on the table lightly, and then sat on his seat.

"I thought about it just now. It is possible for others to say such things, but only Mr. Pingchuan, it is unlikely."


It hurts.

Tetsubun Hirakawa dropped his pen: "Mr. Hisata, your words like this are dampening my enthusiasm for work."

"Ms. Hirakawa doesn't have such a thing."



Hirakawa Tetsufumi fell silent.

Kuta Moshu covered her mouth apologetically.

"Sorry, it seems to be a bit harsh."

Hirakawa Tetsufumi sighed after a long time, his tone full of regret: "Mr. Jiutian, I have already found out."

"Huh? What did you find?"

"You are no longer the teacher who can be fooled casually."

"..." After a moment of silence, Kuta Moshu smiled kindly: "After all, it's been so long, and I've already seen what kind of person Mr. Hirakawa is."

"It's really sad."

"Ms. Hirakawa who always thinks of fooling people should feel sorry."

"But this way, the joy of life is gone."

"Don't take it as fun to tease others."


Hirakawa Tetsufumi responded perfunctorily, propping his chin on the table.

Kuta Moshu finally gave him a helpless glance, devoted himself to his work, and left him the last sentence.

"Teacher Hirakawa, sometimes you are a bit like a child."

Well, by the way, like a child, is this a compliment for his youthful mind?

This is what Hirakawa Tetsuwen thought after hearing this sentence.

 ps1: In the future, if the author says anything, etc., there will be a next chapter, and it will be finished soon, please treat it as a rumor. If you don't believe it, don't spread it.

  ps2: It's completely impossible to say about things like Calvin.

  ps3: Last night, Kavin was stuck uncomfortably, and then went to read a book. Lolita turned a third of the way, and then fell asleep.

  ps4: There are two more chapters today (correct)

(End of this chapter)

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