I work as a teacher at a girls' school in Tokyo

Chapter 7 About Shinohara's mother's "respect" and "initiative"

Chapter 7 About Shinohara's mother's "respect" and "initiative"

Shinohara Shiori has been following Hirakawa Tetsubun, watching his back, watching him finally turn his face to the side, and explain to her calmly.

Whether it is "music, never give up" or "the will imposed by the mother, I absolutely disapprove", in fact, it is only the last struggle in the final analysis.

Strong parents always impose their will on their children, and her experience from childhood to adulthood has proved that she cannot escape.

There is no way to escape, everything is in vain, like a butterfly caught in a net, no matter how hard you struggle, it will not help.

Only this time is different.

A teacher who said, "If you can't convey it, I will convey it for you", "If you promise, you must abide by it", such a teacher extended a helping hand to her.

He obviously reminded him that if he messed up, he would lose his job, but he still said "do it when you know it can't be done".

This is bragging rights, right?Can it really work?It’s impossible to say that I’m not worried, and I don’t really believe it if I think it will work.

But ah... his last "don't worry, it's all on me" look really smells of reliability, of reassuring.

Still confused about the outcome.Really can?Can it work?I don't know, I really don't know.

However, the 15-year-old girl looked at the back of the front, and the residual light of the setting sun shone into her eyes, reflecting the brilliance called hope.

She began to pray.

If it is possible...if there is hope...please...

Until, she watched the teacher's back walk out of the school gate, watching him go...to an unknown direction...

"That, teacher?"

After recovering, he quickly called out to stop him.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Someone who turned around didn't realize anything, and asked in doubt.

"As for the car...it's over there."

Shiori Shinohara pointed her finger.


So after standing silently for a while, Hirakawa Tetsuwen turned back silently.

"There is a car to pick you up... I'm used to going to the tram station. Yes."


So after returning to the right path, Hirakawa Tetsufumi followed behind Shiori Shinohara and walked towards the car parked at the campus gate.

Otherwise there were no surprises.A little nervousness is unavoidable, after all, it is related to his work.

Just like that, after getting in the car, the car drove to Shinohara's house under the control of the driver of Shinohara's house.


"Well, that's right."

While in the vehicle, Hirakawa Zhewen suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Shinohara-san, although it might be a bit impolite to ask..."

"Teacher Hirakawa, please ask."

Tetsufumi Hirakawa spoke as politely as possible.

"That is to say, I have been trying to talk to Shinohara-san's mother before, but it was always her assistant who answered...and I was always rejected."

"Shouldn't you... be rejected again if you come to the door suddenly like this today?"

To put it bluntly, ask if you will be kept out of the door.If it really happened, it would be impossible.

Faced with this kind of problem, Shinohara Shiori explained helplessly: "Teacher, our Shinohara family would not do such a rude thing."

"That's it, that's fine."

After letting out a sigh of relief, Shiori Shinohara who was beside her couldn't stop, but continued to speak, with a clear sarcasm in her tone.

"After all, my mother has always done a good job with the appearance of decorum."


Hirakawa Tetsufumi said that he couldn't answer this kind of words. "It is rude to scold the father to the son", it is the same logic here.Even if Shinohara Shiori offered it, he couldn't accept it.

But it doesn't prevent him from agreeing very much in his heart.

It's not wrong to think about it carefully. For example, on the surface, it said "respect the will", but turned around and planned to make Shinohara Shiori give up; or the assistant kept saying "I will report this kind of thing to the boss." , and warned him through the headmaster, instead of going off to warn him directly.

This is called surface manners, right?

From this, we can get a glimpse of Shinohara's mother's behavior.

Ah, speaking of this, about Shinohara's mother—

"Xiaoyuan-san, if it's convenient, can you tell me what kind of person your mother is?"

Know yourself and know the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles.This is the truth that Japanese middle school students understand-by the way, Japan can be said to have studied the country of its cultural origin very thoroughly.As a Chinese teacher, he often sees some well-known works from his previous life in his textbooks.

From ancient sayings to Chinese poems, from various schools of thought to Bai Juyi, these are the contents that students should learn.

Therefore, Sun Tzu's phrase "Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles" is no problem for Japanese middle school students to understand.And it is even more impossible for this well-educated and intelligent lady in front of her not to understand this truth.

So after pondering for a long time, Shiori Shinohara began to speak.

"One weekend in my third grade, I was supposed to continue some extra-curricular studies, etiquette classes, foreign language classes, things like that."

"But at the weekend, I suddenly wanted to rest, and my mother respected my wishes, so she agreed."

Hearing this, Hirakawa Tetsuwen thought that the next step must be a "then" or a "but" turning point.


You guessed it right.

"In the next month, almost all my rest time after school was taken up."


In the sound of the car driving smoothly, Shinohara Shiori continued to explain.

"Occupation means: I ask for a break and she still agrees."

"However, after agreeing, she will follow me and watch me silently."

"The eyes seem to be asking me all the time:"

"Have you finished your rest?"


"Teacher, can you understand this feeling?"


For a child in third grade, there is nothing more uncomfortable than having a mother who is always by her side and staring at her.

"It's like being watched, resting is more difficult than studying. So I 'actively' filled up the study courses that month."


In Shiori Shinohara's emphasis on the word "initiative", Tetsufumi Hirakawa has a deeper understanding of the so-called "initiative of Shinohara's mother".

Is this Shinohara's mother?

It feels like it's a bit difficult to do...

Amid such worries, the car finally arrived at the destination, Shinohara Shiori's home.

(End of this chapter)

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