I work as a teacher at a girls' school in Tokyo

Chapter 39 The Beginning of the Week (for further reading)

Chapter 39 The Beginning of the Week (for further reading)
Weekends always go by very quickly. Before you know it, when you come back to your senses and think "Hey, where is my weekend", the weekend has already passed quietly.

Just like that, it’s the Monday of the new week again, and it’s time to get up from the bed and prepare yourself mentally, and you can’t quit your job.

Hirakawa Tetsubun spent 3 minutes convincing himself to go to work, and then opened the bedroom door.

While rubbing his eyes, he asked himself over and over again, why did he have to go to work for the responsibility of a teacher even though he had no pressure to earn a living in this life?

If you think about it carefully, the reason must be that he is a hardworking, serious and conscientious teacher.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi asked the first creature he encountered after waking up.

And the white creature gave him a "meow" in agreement.

Definitely agree rather than disagree, because he is a full-level cat friendly, and this cat will not object to him.

That's it, Hirakawa Tetsufumi yawned after receiving a satisfactory answer, ignored the cat that was running around happily at home, and washed up slowly to prepare for breakfast.

In the new week, as a conscientious teacher, there are still many things waiting for him.

For example, Yu Gongye said to give him an answer this week.

Another example is that the matter of the performance department has to be resolved. Regarding this, he spent a day slowly thinking about it yesterday, and he managed to come up with two ideas, but which one to use and whether it is feasible, he may have to ask Ask Shinohara-san.

She knows the wind section better than he, the instructor.

Thinking about these things, Tetsufumi Hirakawa finished his breakfast leisurely, and then went out to take the tram to school.

Arriving at the gate of the school where the cherry blossoms have completely withered, I passed the cherry trees that were already covered with green leaves and entered the campus.

As always, the sports clubs on the playground, whether it is baseball or track and field, have already started a new week of training early.

Walking on the aisle to the teaching building, hearing:

The sound of the crisp metal bat hitting across the sky caused cheers; in the club building, the melodious melody of the brass band was also heard from it; passing by were all female high school students who were playing around.

It is really a youthful and energetic campus.

So, in this kind of vibrant school, the mentality will become younger.

Hirakawa Tetsubun strolled in such an environment and walked to the office step by step.

When he got to the office, he saw Mr. Hisada.

Leaning against the window, the morning sun passed by her, shining on her light green water glass with cartoon prints, and the water vapor rose.

She was sitting at the desk, writing something earnestly at the desk.

Even when Hirakawa Zhewen walked to the desk and sat down, the small sound he made didn't disturb the female teacher who was working hard.

It's really responsible, the illness just happens to be so devoted to work.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi thinks that Hisada-sensei is a dedicated teacher just like him, presumably White Cat will agree with this statement.

Thinking about it this way, the motivation to work on Monday has increased a lot.

However, with so much dedication to work, didn't he even notice that he was here?
Like a prank, he waved his hand childishly in front of him, trying to attract the female teacher's attention.

But it was useless, Hisada-sensei was still writing seriously.

Now, it made him curious - how long will it take for this serious female teacher to find him?
With such thoughts in mind, Hirakawa Tetsubun dragged his chin, leaned his elbows on the table, looked lazily, counted the time silently in his heart, and looked at Kuta Moshu.

1, 2, 3...

When he counted to 30, Mr. Hisata, who had been bent over his desk, finally made another move.

She put down the pen in her hand, and there was a little pleasant smile on the corner of her mouth—maybe she was satisfied that she had finally finished writing.

After that, she gently picked up the water glass under the sun with both hands, brought it to her mouth, and blew lightly, and the misty water vapor dispersed in all directions.

In the hazy water vapor, she took a sip of tea.

Putting it down, the bottom of the cup lightly touched the table and made a low sound.Then, the female teacher seemed to have finally discovered his presence.

After spotting him from the corner of the eye, Hisada-sensei turned his head slowly, his cheeks puffed up a little, before he could swallow the tea.



Tetsubun Hirakawa smiled, and Moki Kuta blinked blankly, and after waiting for a while, the bulging cheeks disappeared with a "gudong".

"Teacher Hirakawa?"


"You're here?"


"How long have you been here?"

"Hmm... about 10 minutes?" Hirakawa Zhewen said it as if it was real, with a serious face.


Kuta Moshu blinked his eyes several times, as if he was trying to understand what the 10 minutes meant.

After reacting, she blushed a little.

"You've been looking at me for 10 minutes?"

"Yes." Nodded.

"...Here, let's see what I'm doing."

"I want to see how soon Mr. Hisata can find me."

"... Hirakawa-sensei is a little childish."

Hirakawa Tetsufumi just smiled, not denying it.

Kuta Moshu sighed helplessly.

After a long time, Hirakawa Tetsubun faced Kuta Moshu who had turned his head and stared out the window.

"Good morning, Hisada-sensei."

Belated hello.



A moment's wait.

"Good morning, Hirakawa-sensei."

Kuta Moshu finally showed him a helpless and gentle smile.

A smile full of healing.It's great to have such a female colleague.

It can be said that one of the motivations for coming to school every morning is the sweet smile of Mr. Hisada.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen also picked up the pen, pulled out the lesson plan on the folder, and started writing.

I kept writing until the class bell rang.

"Ms. Kuta, let's go."


There was a morning class meeting before the first class, and they were the head teachers of Class A and Class B respectively, so they had to go.

Just like that, I went to class together with Hisada Moki, and then left at the door of Class B.

Tetsufumi Hirakawa walked into the door of Class A.

Class A, who kept whispering, fell silent.

"good morning students."

"Mr. Hirakawa, good morning."

Neat greetings sounded in Class A.

This is the beginning of the day and the beginning of the week.

Standing on the podium, looking at the students in the class, especially Shiori Shinohara and Ye Amamiya.

It's probably going to be a busy week.

"Please sit down."

Hirakawa Tetsuwen said.

(End of this chapter)

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