The matter with Hisada is not complicated, and the agreement with her can be explained clearly in a few words.

"I like Jasmine."

After finishing speaking, lying on the bed with Reya Hazuki under him, Tetsufumi Hirakawa concluded with these words.

It is indeed a summary, after all, it is nothing more than this, I like it, so when she wants to hold his hand, he also wants to hold her hand tightly.

I don't want to let her down, I don't want to let her down.

"Then?" Hazuki Riya asked.

"But I like you too." Hirakawa Tetsufumi said.

"Is there any more?"

"...and Shiori, I also like Shiori."

"Tch." Ye Yueli sneered, "Is it gone?"

"And...?" Hirakawa Tetsufumi looked at Hazuki Reya, "You don't want to talk about Yu Gong... nothing."

"Okay." Ye Yueli Mi Li Mi said indifferently... thinking of saying this to Yu Gongye next time, to see how wronged she looks.

"So at the end of the day, in a nutshell, because of Hisada's actions, you're starting to worry about what to do again, right?"

"It's almost like this?" After hesitating for a while, Hirakawa Zhewen confirmed.

"Then you are back where you were?"


"I really don't know what to say about you."

Hazuki Reya's tone was full of disgust.

"Kuta tells you something, and you feel that you must not let her down, and when Shinohara tells you how she likes you, you feel that you can't refuse her anymore, and me——I am with you now. In front of you, do you also feel that you can't leave me?"


"After so long, you really haven't improved at all, and you're back to where you were."

"What can I do?" When Hirakawa Tetsuwen said this, he was full of exhaustion, and he was indeed tired. He lay down on his stomach and rested his head on Hazuki Reya's shoulder.

"It's normal to be indecisive, right? Even Miss Shinohara has times when she wants to give up."

"Is that using that young lady as a synonym for perseverance?"


"Go away." Hazuki Riya pushed away Hirakawa Tetsufumi's head leaning on his shoulder.

"What's the matter?" After being pushed away, Hirakawa Tetsuwen asked puzzled, "Are you jealous?"

"Who will be jealous of you?" Ye Yueli said hummingly, she couldn't push him away, and even kicked him.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi was kicked to the other side of the bed.

It wasn't until Hirakawa Zhewen reached out to grab her foot and held it in his hand, she moved twice, but didn't pull it out, so she didn't move.

"So what?" Hirakawa Zhewen asked.

"It's like this every time." Hazuki Reya said.


"Obviously I don't want to hear this kind of thing, but in the end, I still want to comfort you, thinking about how to help you solve it, how to help you open the harem."

Ye Yueli said that it was getting worse, and kicked Hirakawa again with the other foot that was not caught by Hirakawa.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen reached out and grabbed the foot again.


"Do you like my feet very much?" Reya Hazuki changed the subject suddenly and bluntly.


Hirakawa Tetsubun looked at the two feet in his hand.

Just after washing, the feet are white and tender with a little pink.And, if you follow the feet in your hands and look upwards along the girl's legs - when you washed your feet just now, Hazuki Reya's pantyhose had already been taken off by him.

Therefore, following the fair skin and beautiful legs, one can see the pure beauty of the girl under Reya Hazuki's messy skirt that one can't help but want to peek at.

Hirakawa Tetsubun glanced at it.

"...I really like it."




"So, did you hear what I just said?" After being quiet for a while, Hazuki Riya suddenly asked again.

"Of course I did."

"Then you have nothing to say?"

"Sorry——" Hirakawa Tetsuwen said, and then there was another turning point, "It's useless to say this, and you don't want to hear it."

"It's good that you know. So?"

"So..." Hirakawa Tetsufumi let go of Hazuki Reya's feet, and he moved to her side on the bed again, "Ye Yue, I like you."

Hazuki Riya turned to look at him.

"It's not a little liking. You're right. It's an inseparable liking. I want to support you."

"...What perverted thoughts are you venting?" Hazuki Riya slightly turned his gaze away and looked at the ceiling, blushing a little.

"I'm serious." Hirakawa Tetsufumi put his hand on Hazuki Reya's cheek, turned her around, and looked at her, "I like you, and I can't do without you. Even if I like Kuta, she wants me to give up. I can't give up on anyone other than her."



Hirakawa Zhewen felt that the temperature of his soft face in his hands increased a little.

"I don't believe it." Hazuki Riya said angrily with a look of absolute disbelief, "Did Xiaoyuan miss this sentence?"

"..." Hirakawa Zhewen froze for a moment, and then said vaguely, "It's a bit strange to mention her on this occasion."

"So next time, do you want to say this to her too? [Even if she likes Kuta, she wants you to give up on people other than her, but she can't give up on you] - just change it Speak to the young lady."

Hirakawa Tetsuwen stopped talking.

Hazuki Riya sighed.

"You really are a bad person."

"Yeah..." Hirakawa Tetsufumi said.

"But what can I do?" Hazuki Riya continued to sigh, but turned her gaze to him again, and at the same time, moved her body, came to his side, and got close to him.

"It's terrible, perverted, bad, likes several girls, it's better to die."


"But no, I will be sad if you die...for a while."

"Just for a while..."

"Don't interrupt."



Hazuki Riya was silent again, looked at him, stared at him very seriously, with a deep emotion brewing in his eyes.

After a long time, she spoke softly, her voice brushing against her ears, trying to melt his soul.

"But I just like you..."

"I like you, a terrible person, and I can't leave you. I like you so much that if you die, I will follow you."

"I like it very much."

"So I don't want to see you sad, I don't want to see you tangled... At least, there are my reasons for how much you tangled."

"Yue Yue..."

"I told you not to interrupt!" Hazuki Riya frowned, sniffed, her eyes were a little red, "Isn't it Kuta? What's there to be afraid of?"


Perhaps language has lost its role at this time.

Hirakawa Tetsubun was silent, he stretched out his hand to caress Hazuki Reya's cheek.

After a moment, he asked.

"Ye Yue, what do you want?"

"Don't worry about it." Ye Yueli said angrily, opened her mouth and bit his hand.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi let her bite.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

Hazuki Reya let go of her mouth.


She looked at the handprint she had bitten out on Hirakawa Zhewen's hand, hesitated for a few seconds, and asked, "What did you touch just now?"

Hirakawa Zhewen's expression was very awkward, moved, and wanted to laugh, moved because of Ye Yue's words just now, wanted to laugh because of now.
Finally, he said it with a strange expression.

"What do you say?"

"'d better die, pervert, idiot, scum!"

As if getting angry from embarrassment, Hazuki Riya tried to lift his foot up, but was going to kick him again.

Hirakawa Zhewen blocked Hazuki Reya's feet while defending himself: "What can I do, it's not you who want to bite?"

"Whoever cares about you is your fault."

"Okay, okay, my fault, my fault, but—" Hirakawa Tetsufumi grabbed Hazuki Reya's feet again, "Didn't it mean that the feet of beautiful girls are fragrant? They have been washed, even if they take a bite. Nothing?"

"...Then you bite." Hazuki Riya stretched out her leg in front of his eyes.


Hirakawa Tetsubun took a look.

Freshly washed feet, round toes, white and tender, you can even smell the fragrance, combined with the fair legs of the girl above, and the scenery that is not concealed by the skirt, it is indeed very eye-catching——

But take a bite and forget it, right?

Hirakawa Tetsubun grabbed Hazuki Reya's foot and moved it away.

Ye Yueli got upset all of a sudden: "Didn't you say it's okay to bite?"

Hirakawa Zhewen didn't change his face: "That's what comforts you."

"..." Ye Yueli stared fiercely, then continued, "Then you said just now that you like me and can't leave me."

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Why do you say you like me when you don't even dare to put my feet in your mouth?"

"Huh?" Hirakawa Zhewen also looked at Hazuki Reya, "Listen to what you said for yourself? What words?"

"... Chick." Hazuki Riya couldn't hold back herself, and laughed out loud at Hirakawa Zhewen's questioning.

But she immediately suppressed it and continued to look fierce.

"I'll just say it. Also, don't you like this kind of pervert?"

"I don't."

"You haven't?" Ye Yueli stretched her white and tender legs, and deliberately lifted up her skirt.

Hirakawa Zhewen stared at it very disappointingly.

"No?" Hazuki Riya continued to ask.

"...that's two different things."

"If you kiss my foot, I'll let you see it."

"No." Hirakawa Zhewen is not that kind of person.

"Then don't watch it." Reya Hazuki put down her skirt again.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen didn't care.

"It doesn't matter."

He said.

"I'll do it myself."

Hirakawa Tetsufumi sat up, stretched out his hand, and grabbed Hazuki Reya's foot.Hazuki Riya harassed with the other foot, and was soon captured by Tetsufumi Hirakawa.

He lost control of his legs, and just now, the skirt was taken off as a matter of course, completely exposed to the air, under his sight.

"Stupid! Pervert!" Hazuki Reya could only shout a few words with her mouth.

Hirakawa Tetsubun's body pressed against Hazuki Reya, pressed against her, and soon, Hazuki Reya's mouth was also sealed, leaving only a mumbled voice.

Kissing, the lips pressed tightly together, after a long time, Hirakawa Zhewen's hand no longer knew where to go, and he raised his head slightly.

Hazuki Reya's eyes were covered with mist, her cheeks were flushed, but her mouth was still muttering words like "abnormal".

It doesn't have any deterrent effect. It's better to say that she is lying in messy clothes, her cheeks are flushed, and she mutters these words in a soft and pleasant voice. It will only make people feel more emotional, right?

Hazuki Riya snorted softly, and stopped talking, her fair and blushing face made people want to take a bite.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen bit it lightly.

Hazuki Reya was still struggling to push him away with her hands.


Tired from tossing and tossing, Hirakawa Tetsufumi finally pushed his hand along Hazuki Riya, and got up from her body.

He sat up.



The air was quiet for a while, Hazuki Riya, who kept waving her hands, stopped, and she opened her eyes little by little.

The two looked at each other.

Hirakawa Tetsubun glanced over Hazuki Riyako's exposed body, and he felt something was wrong.

"What, what are you doing?" Ye Yueli was still holding on.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen took a deep breath.

"Ye Yue." He said as solemnly as possible.


"I think it's time to stop."

If you continue, it will be a misfire.

Reya Hazuki looked at him without saying a word.

Hirakawa Tetsubun looked at Hazuki Reya's body, swept it at last, and then put it aside.

Looking at it further, he was afraid that he really couldn't bear it.

At least not in this case.

While you're still sane.

"I'm leaving first... I'll sleep in the living room tonight." Hirakawa Zhewen said while looking at the wall.

Hazuki Riya watched Hirakawa Tetsufumi get up from the bed, get out of the bed, put on his slippers, and walk out of the room - when he was at the door, he looked back at her.

——Not just one glance, but several glances.

Ye Yueli smiled angrily.

"Get out...pervert."


Early the next morning, Hirakawa Tetsufumi was woken up by Hazuki Reya's movement.

Hazuki Riya woke up very early, and when he was still soundly asleep on the sofa, he vaguely felt that someone lifted his quilt, got in, and lay on his chest.

Breathing is a little rough.

Naturally, it would not belong to anyone other than Reya Hazuki.

Tetsufumi Hirakawa opened his sleepy eyes, and looked at Reya Hazuki's lovely face that suddenly appeared in his vision. She lay on his chest, blinked, and looked at him.



"Morning?" Hirakawa Tetsuwen said hello.

"Morning." Hazuki Reya also greeted him.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi let out a long yawn.

"Let me sleep for a while, and I have to go to work later."

"En." Ye Yueli agreed, leaning against him.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen closed his eyes again, intending to close them for a few more minutes.

Then, he heard Ye Yueli said suddenly.

"I saw the papers in the trash can."



Hirakawa Tetsuwen froze.

He opened his eyes, and Ye Yueli looked at him with a smile in front of him.

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