I work as a teacher at a girls' school in Tokyo

Chapter 34 About Tetsufumi Hirakawa's Last Life

Chapter 34 About Tetsufumi Hirakawa's Last Life

When Hirakawa Tetsubun arrived home, the brilliance of the setting sun had completely disappeared into the sky.Under the gray-blue sky, the lights gradually come on, and the time passes from evening to night.

After a tiring day, he finally arrived home. For Hirakawa Tetsuwen, the happiest moment of the day is at the door of the house.

Full of anticipation and longing, I just want to walk into the house quickly and have a good rest.It can be said that the moment the key is inserted into the door lock, the spiritual enjoyment reaches its peak.

Just like that, he opened the door of the house, walked in with great expectations, and then.


In the dark silence of the night, such a meow suddenly rang in my ears, and I was caught off guard, causing Hirakawa Tetsuwen to shake the hand holding the doorknob.

His eyes quickly swept over at the same time, and he saw two points of light moving rapidly in mid-air towards him.

His body tensed up quickly.


Then relax in an instant.

There is now a cat in his home.

Recalling this fact, Tetsufumi Hirakawa paused in embarrassment, then turned around and closed the door silently.To be honest, he was really intimidated the moment he walked in the door.

With a sigh of relief, he turned on the light at the entrance.

Under the bright light, the white cat appeared, trotted towards him, squatted on the porch steps and looked at him.

The posture is very similar to an emoticon pack Hirakawa Tetsuwen has seen: [Your cutie suddenly appeared.gif]



Hirakawa Tetsubun helplessly looked at the cat several times in silence, this kind of warm welcome ceremony made him a little unresponsive.

After all, I have been living alone for a long time. I have been living alone since I came to Tokyo to study in high school. It has been 8 years, right?It's been a long time.

Now that there is a small creature in the house suddenly, it is normal for him to not react for a while.

What's more, human beings will instinctively relax the moment they open the door and return to a safe house-this little knowledge was read by Tetsufumi Hirakawa in a novel about killers.

It is a very practical assassination trick.

It's just that imitation is not recommended, and you will be arrested.

But it doesn't mean that this knowledge is useless, it can also be used for pranks - put water basins, flour, etc. on the top of the door.


In a few seconds, a lot of things flashed through my mind.

There is no way, what is indispensable for a teacher is the ability to associate and express that cannot be stopped at all.

Okay, stop and get back to the point——

To sum up, Hirakawa Tetsufumi was scared not because of timidity, but because of the inertia of living alone and the instinct of human beings to go home.

Having come to this conclusion, he glanced at the cat, which gave him a soft "meow".

There is no need to get angry with the cat, Hirakawa Tetsuwen changed his shoes, instead of looking at it, he walked up the porch and into the living room.

Then turn on the light in the living room, so that plenty of light fills every corner of the room.

Compared with the darkness of the outside world, a warm and bright living room can provide human beings with a sense of satisfaction physiologically.

This is also an instinct in human genes.Originated from the yearning for light and fear of darkness in primitive times.

At least Hirakawa Tetsubun inherited this well, he threw away the briefcase in his hand with satisfaction, and then threw himself on the sofa.

At this time, you should not think about anything, empty your mind, and experience the rare tranquility.

Tetsufumi Hirakawa did just that.

However, after just letting go for a few seconds, before his thoughts could go far, he felt a sinking in his stomach,
Something warm sat on his belly.

Open your eyes, in front of you, there are amber jewel-like eyes, vertical pupils, a cute white round head, and pointed ears.


It's like a cat meowing like a baby.


At least for now, his habit of living alone for 8 years may need to be temporarily changed.

Hirakawa Zhewen stretched out his hand and rubbed its head, and it rubbed against it very intimately.

He is worthy of being a cat-friendly man at the full level.

Also, has it been 8 years since he came to Tokyo?
Time is so fast.

I came to Tokyo to study 8 years ago. After graduating from high school, I was recommended to enter the Department of Literature of Toyo University with excellent grades. After graduating 4 years—actually, last year—because of the “inertia of the soul”, I chose to become a teacher again.

As for why he, who is only 22 years old, was able to enter the prestigious private Moriya college to teach...

The first point, he is the first in the written test.The second point, he interviewed first.

The interviewer at the time commented on him as follows:
"Not only has the vitality of young teachers, but also has the experience of being as light as a teacher who has been teaching for many years."

"It can't be dismissed just because of age."

The ratings are surprisingly high.

Anyway, that's how it came in.

Recalling the interview scene at that time, Hirakawa Tetsufumi couldn't help smiling.

It's always nice to be recognized, no matter how old you are - and he really isn't that old.

In the previous life, it can be said that he died young and did not have a girlfriend.Whatever the reason - whether it's the former or the latter - it's kind of sad.


Mental age is inseparable from internal hormones, external environment and other factors.

22-year-old body, 22-year-old hormone level, because I was a junior high school teacher in the previous life, I was always surrounded by immature children, and my mentality was too young.

As for this life, it is normal to grow up.Therefore, Hirakawa Tetsufumi can say that, apart from having a bit more experience, he is quite young in mental age.

Definitely not some 52-year-old middle-aged man.

Also, the number of 30 years old is just an example, and integers are easier to calculate.

In fact, he...

Die earlier.





Immersed in sad memories, cat meowing suddenly sounded in my ears, forcing Hirakawa Tetsufumi to withdraw from such memories.

"What's wrong?"

Looking at the white cat in his arms, he broke away from his touch impatiently.And, no matter how much he reached out his hand afterwards, the white cat mercilessly slapped it away with its paws.

"...Well, did I accidentally hurt you?"

After thinking about it, I came up with this guess.After all, in the sad memory, the hand may ignore the severity.

"Feel sorry."

Tetsufumi Hirakawa sincerely expressed his apologies to the cat, which feels so good in the hand, and prayed for the right to pet it again.

It is a pity that it was cruelly rejected.

It jumped off his body without mercy.

Like a male customer who pulls up his pants and walks away after enjoying a massage.

Looking at the back of the cat going away, such a bad association appeared in Hirakawa Zhewen's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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