The bland opening and the speech from Hisada Moki made Hirakawa Tetsubun's living room no longer have any voices.

It seemed that there was no objection, that is to say, it was indeed finished, and it was her turn.

Kuta Moshu nodded lightly, and then opened his mouth.

"Just now, I sat on the side and listened to the three students talking about a lot of things. I probably also learned a little bit about you, some things I didn't know much about before."

"It's just that there are a few more questions. If I want to ask you all, I will start from..."

Hisata Moki's eyes swept over Shinohara Shiori and Amamiya Ye, and finally stopped on Amamiya Ye's face.

"Let's start with Amamiya-san, okay?"


At the moment of eye contact, Yu Gongye shrank her neck.

It was clearly a gentle look, but the aura on his body really made Yu Gongye feel a little guilty.

Her answering voice was a little unnatural, and she forced herself to say: "Dang...dang, of course."

Beside, Shinohara Shiori looked at Kuta Moki and Amamiya Ye.

Do you choose to start with Yu Gong Ye first?

So, in this order, Hazuki will be next, right?Then, she was last.

It is not difficult to make such a judgment.

After all, as long as you think about it from the standpoint of Hisada, even though Hazuki Reya and Amamiya Ye suddenly appeared today, for Mr. Hisata, she is still the [culprit].

Generally speaking, this situation is either the first or the last.

But the order does not matter in the end, it is not the point.

The point is, what is the current Mr. Hisata thinking?

It's a bit confusing.

While Shiori Shinohara was speculating about what Kuta Moki was thinking, on the other side, the conversation between the two had already begun.

"Student Yugong, speaking of it, I don't know you very well, and I rarely hear about you from Zhewen."


Then, just the first sentence made Yu Gongye's face stiffen.

Not to be mentioned, in other words, not to be cared about.

And this sentence seems to have been heard from Ye Yue's mouth.

It has already been certified by two people... It is really sad.

"However, there is one thing I do know—"

Fortunately, Hisada Moshu's next sentence made Amameiya recover from the deep frustration.

"Ms. Kuta knows? What?" I couldn't help but ask curiously.

What did Hirakawa-sensei say to Hisada-sensei?What is she like in Mr. Hirakawa's mouth?

The answer came quickly.

"When Zhewen finally left his job, he spent a lot of time making a movie for Yugong, isn't that right?" Kuta Moshu confirmed to Yugong Ye—in fact, he quietly looked at the other people beside him. Hirakawa who dared to speak took a look.

"Well, that's right!" Amamiya Ye replied quite proudly.

She puffed up her small chest and raised her voice, "Ms. Hirakawa has indeed done such a thing for me."

Kuta Moki smiled.

"Isn't this movie showing in front of Amamiya-san's mother at the school festival?"

"Yeah!" Yu Gongye nodded vigorously. If she had a tail, she would be wagging it happily now.

It is indeed gratifying that the person you like is willing to do something meaningful for yourself.

"It's also because of this incident that Amamiya-san and his mother untied their grievances, so you have the current Amamiya-san, right?"

"It's like this, so Mr. Hirakawa is worthy of being the soul mate of this body, eh!"

——Obviously, Yu Gongye got a little too complacent, and actually said such words in front of Jiu Tian.

Next to it, whether it was the guilty Hirakawa Tetsufumi, Shinohara Shiori who watched the play, or Hazuki Reya who listened to the play, they could probably predict the next development.

Kuta Moki glanced at Hirakawa Tetsufumi again, and then looked at Amameya who was already so happy that she was overjoyed.

"When Zhewen was in the past, even I had to admit that he was indeed a very responsible teacher who loved his job very much."

"I will do my best for the students, even if I have to leave my job, I will think about resolving the matter properly before I leave."

"At the end of the day, that's one of the reasons I like him."

"If it is said that Yugong fell in love with Zhewen because of this, it is actually not difficult to understand."



Hirakawa Tetsufumi seemed a little cramped, not knowing where to put his hands.

Yu Gongye tilted his head, but he still hadn't figured out what Kuta Moshu was going to say.

There was a short silence, and then, Hisata Moki changed the topic:
"However, has Student Amamiya thought about whether the way of liking is wrong?"

Without waiting for Yu Gongye's answer, he looked directly into the eyes of the girl in front of him, and there was already an aura of a teacher's natural suppression of students on his body.

"It was a lucky thing to be helped and understood."

"However, in the face of such help, what did Amamiya-san do?"

"Using Zhewen's duties as a teacher to get close, and even deliberately leading some bad things to happen, I want to make Zhewen responsible through these..."

"Student Amamiya, there must be a limit to immersing yourself in your fantasies."

"Innocence and ignorance should not be an excuse for doing something wrong."

"It's not the way to say thank you when you get help."

"It's even less noble to take advantage of other people's desire to be in charge."

"Even, despicable."


Kuta Moshu's words became more and more sharp.

The gentle teacher in the past, today, after seeing the absurd quarrel between the three at Hirakawa Zhewen's house, he finally couldn't help it.

This is her boyfriend, at least, no matter what decision she makes next, right now?
Then, these students, in front of her, quarreled around her boyfriend, and even wanted to fight for "ownership".

What the hell is this doing?Pretend she doesn't exist?Or just pretend she won't be angry?

No matter who it is, no matter how good-tempered a person is, they can't bear these things, right?

Gentleness definitely does not mean giving in and being weak without a bottom line.

Faced with this kind of thing, even Kuta Moshu couldn't control his emotions.

——In the past few days, how has she suffered?Because of Pingchuan's incident, she had too many emotions accumulated in her heart.

She hasn't lost control yet, and she can still stand here and try to solve it with words, which is already the result of seeing that the other party is a student and trying her best to restrain herself.

"Also, Amamiya-san."

Hisata Moshu let out a breath, and stared into Yu Gongye's eyes again.

"Did you hear Zhewen's response just now?"

"If you didn't hear it, I can say it again."

"He didn't want those things to happen to you, not at all."

"Your approach is completely just wishful thinking based on only thinking about your own thoughts."

"Originally, even if you can't respond equally to the help of others, it shouldn't cause trouble to the other party, right?"

"Should such a thing exist?"

"Have you ever thought about whether Zhewen resigned because of your reasons?"

"His help has changed you, so how do you respond to him?"

"You were one of the reasons why Zhe Wen finally left the profession he loved most."

The tone of Kuta Moshu's narration was flat, with lingering sadness.

The expression on Yu Gongye's face had already dissipated, she was at a loss and helpless, she raised her head and glanced at Hirakawa Zhewen.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi remained silent.

He couldn't speak out to refute, let alone stop Jiu Tian at this moment.

She was rightfully angry.

And in fact, there is no mistake, although Xiao Yuan is indeed the most fundamental reason for his resignation, but Yu Gongye... Recalling the bad things that happened during the summer vacation, I have to admit that Yu Gongye did let him resign The idea is a little more firm.


In the silence, Yu Gongye lowered her raised face again, she began to feel uneasy, like a child who did something wrong—it was.

Shiori Shinohara's accusation doesn't matter to her, she can just pretend that she didn't hear it or refute it with confidence, because in the end, both of them are like this, and neither of them has the right to blame the other.

But Kuta is different.

"Also, is that classmate Ye Yue?"

Kuta Moshu didn't stop. After Yu Gongye lowered her head and didn't dare to respond, she turned around slowly and stared at the mobile phone on the table.

"..." There was no sound on the phone at the moment.

"Although I haven't met, I also know about you."

"At the edge of the roof, Zhe Wen grabbed you."

"He saved you, gave you help, and even handed over his savings to you without much hesitation in order to save your father...

"How is Ye Yue's father?"

"...It's okay." Ye Yue, who was usually the least serious, really gave off a well-behaved and well-behaved feeling when she answered now.

"Ah That's good."

Kuta Moki nodded.

Soldiers first and then soldiers.

"I would like to ask classmate Ye Yue, how many people do you think other than Zhewen can do this?"

"It should be... not much."

"That's right, there shouldn't be many people who can do this, because a person who met in another city, and didn't even meet too many times."

"I think, saying that Zhewen is a noble person here may not be a compliment, but a statement, what do you think?"

Kuta Moshu asked and answered by himself.

"I think so."

"Zhewen is such a person, this is his personality charm, and the emotion he likes seems so natural in front of this."

"I don't care if you like him, express your heart to him, and confess to him."

"Zhe Wen also told me."

"However, classmate Ye Yue."

Hisada Moshu's tone became severe again.

"You are wrong because you shouldn't lead him to degenerate."

"Of course, it's not all your fault. His own thoughts are the most fundamental reason."

"However, doesn't the root cause mean that the responsibility can be cleared?"

"When you jumped, Zhewen grabbed you and saved you."

"And what did you do?"

"When he stood in front of the wrong abyss, hesitated, and reached out to you, you took him and jumped down together."

Hisada Moki's wording is full of irony.

"He grabbed you, but you took him down together. Is this how you thank Ye Yue?"


There was no response from the phone for a long time.

With an aura that no one could resist, Hisada Moki turned around again, his eyes swept across the air, and finally, the young lady named Shinohara Shiori who was not far away from her collided with her eyes.

The two looked at each other, and Moshu Hisa's eyes became deeper and deeper.

She looked at Shiori Shinohara, her pretty face, upright figure, and the aura of the so-called famous family brought by the young lady's family background.

Just standing there can attract countless eyes.

No matter what your position is, you have to admit that Shiori Shinohara is an outstanding girl.

Prominent family background, stunning appearance, and emotions that are so hot that anyone can see them.

Facing the bold pursuit of such a young girl, how many people can refuse?

What's more, there are so-called dreams that seem to exist although they are not well understood.

So, Shiori Shinohara is the root of Tetsufumi Hirakawa's depravity.

Whether it's Yu Gongye or Ye Yueli, neither is the most important thing.

From resignation to now, she couldn't let go of this girl and wanted everything. Shinohara Shiori has always played the most important role.

She captured Hirakawa with her own charm and dishonorable means, and in one fell swoop, her boyfriend, who used to be able to confidently say that he was an upright teacher, Hirakawa, has reached the current state.

"Xiaoyuan-san." Hisata Moki broke the silence first.

"Yes, Mr. Hisada." Miss Shinohara bowed slightly politely and replied.

The behavior is pleasing to the eye, full of the good upbringing of the noble lady.

Kuta Moshu couldn't help smiling.

"Student Xiaoyuan, do you know that among the three, I know you the best."

"Really? That student is very honored." Shiori Shinohara also smiled slightly.

From the perspective of those who don't know the situation, they may feel that the atmosphere between the two is harmonious.

But as long as you get close, you can feel the aura of the confrontation.

"What I heard the most from Zhewen was about Xiaoyuan-san."

"Whether it was his visit to your home at the beginning, or the music department, summer festival, resignation, or Christmas... these Zhewen have already told me."

Shiori Shinohara listened quietly.

Hisata Moki's turn didn't take long.

"I can tentatively understand the emotions you like, and the last time we met in the coffee shop, you also said that the status of a teacher and a student is not a reason to stop in your opinion."

"Then, just ignore the identity of teachers and students for the time being."

"And, you also have your own reasons. You think you came first... Whether it's your own excuse or not, just ignore it."

"So, after ignoring these things, I want to talk about what you brought to Zhewen."

"What do you think?"


Looks like I can write another chapter later if I have time

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