I work as a teacher at a girls' school in Tokyo

Chapter 312 So, Time To Find Miss Shinohara?

Chapter 312 So, Time To Find Miss Shinohara?
Yu Gongye also likes him?
Hey, this, is this a joke?Definitely a joke, right?

Tetsufumi Hirakawa stared at Reya Hazuki in surprise, he didn't believe the news that the girl said at first.

After all, Hazuki Reya always likes to say nonsense, and this kind of news is too sudden.

"Ye Yue, don't make jokes about this kind of thing?"

"I don't."

"How could student Yugong..."

"Why not?"

"I'm her..."

Hirakawa Tetsufumi, who was going to refute this ridiculous news with the reason "I am her teacher", suddenly got stuck.

Reya Hazuki looked at him quietly.

Okay, he knows, the girl's eyes said - isn't Shinohara also your student?

He thought of this matter in the middle of his talk... Looking at it now, teachers and students are not the reason to refute this kind of thing.

But, no matter what, it's a little... unbelievable, right?

Hirakawa Tetsubun still had considerable doubts about Hazuki Reya's news.

This kind of questioning can be clearly seen from the eyes and demeanor alone.

Hazuki Reya decided to make Hirakawa realize the reality.

"This was said by Yu Gongye himself."



Tetsufumi Hirakawa stared at Reya Hazuki stiffly.

"Don't you believe it?" Ye Yueli's eyes were like those of the theatergoers who had nothing to do with him.

"How do you want me to believe this kind of thing..." Hirakawa Zhewen absolutely didn't believe it, although, when he was still working in Moriya, the relationship between Yu Gongye and him was quite special, yes.

But it's the second disease, right?

Anyway, don't believe it, don't believe it anyway.

"Also, by the way—" Hirakawa Zhewen suddenly realized something was wrong, "Yumongye said it himself, how do you know? You don't know each other, do you?"

"We met during the school trip."

"...A school trip again?"

"Yeah, at that time, Shinohara Shiori and Amamiya Ye were in a group."


Then the school trip some time ago was really incredible...

Hirakawa Tetsubun didn't know what expression to make.

That terrible thing happened to Reya Hazuki, and at the same time, she, Shinohara, and Amamiya met each other.

Then after the meeting, Miss Shinohara dragged him into a dream again because of Hazuki Reya's news, and then came to the current situation.

Then, at the same time, Yu Gongye showed in front of Ye Yueli that she liked him?

Hey... what the hell are the three students talking about?

Discuss "How on earth can a student be with a teacher like him?"

How can there be such a bad topic?

No, no, it must have been taken astray.

"Ye Yue, this is your one-sided opinion, right? Anyway, it's inevitable..." Hirakawa Zhewen still didn't intend to believe it.

A student is enough to prove the failure of his teacher, and now tell him that even Yu Gongye, a simple second-year-old patient, still can't grasp the distance.

He can't take it.

Until Ye Yueli asked lightly: "Then think about it, what happened between you and Yu Gongye?"

Hirakawa Tetsuwen was confused for a moment.

"What happened?" He repeated, and then, following the guidance of this question, he naturally began to think subconsciously.

What happened between him and Yu Gongye?
"It's nothing, right?" Hirakawa Zhewen said.

"This year, Yugong came to my class. Then... when the school just started, she was late one after another. I found her, and accidentally discovered that she was taking care of stray cats... that is, now, I Michael and them at home."

Probably because he heard the syllable of "Michael", not far away, Michael who was lying lazily on the sofa meowed.

Tetsubun Hirakawa froze for a moment, and looked over with Riya Hazuki.

When turning back again, Hirakawa Tetsuwen chuckled.

"Anyway, that's how it is. Due to some reasons, Classmate Yu Gong couldn't adopt these cats, so in the end, I adopted them."

Hearing this sentence, Ye Yueli couldn't help but say:
"Then, Yu Gongye started looking for you in the name of watching cats, right?"



Seemingly unable to refute, Hirakawa Tetsuwen decided to skip this matter.

He paused and resumed his words.

"There is another thing. It also started when I accidentally discovered that Yugong was taking care of the cat. I also accidentally discovered that Yugong is a little... Secondary."

"Some" is a euphemism. In fact, the adverb of degree here should be "very".

"Secondary illness, I know about it." Hazuki Reya said at this moment.

When they met in Kyoto before, the girl who met claimed to be "Ms. Hirakawa's contractor", coupled with her too prominent clothing and behavior.

At that time, I was really intimidated by Yu Gongye...Combined with Hirakawa's hypnotic ability, I thought the contractor's name was real.

It wasn't until the end of the matter that the three of them added a line and asked in depth to find out.

"Amiya-san... that's the so-called second-year illness." Shinohara Shiori's flat tone at that time revealed the true face of the second-year girl to Hazuki Riya.

"Do you know this too?" Hirakawa Zhewen glanced suspiciously, and was stunned for a moment.

But quickly reacted.

"That's right. Now, Yugong is already a high school sophomore. Now that you have met, you will know."

"Is it an aboveboard secondary school?" Ye Yueli asked back.

"Yeah." Hirakawa Tetsuwen nodded, but smiled, "Actually, when I first found out, Yugong was a second-year student, and it was a secret between me and her."

"Until something happened later, according to my agreement with her, when I finally left the job, I shot a microfilm for her."

"At the school festival, I presented this movie in front of Amamiya's mother. In the end, with my help, Amamiya and her mother had a good conversation. As it is now, it can be shown without any scruples."

Hazuki Riya understood.

"Is this what happened between you and Yu Gong?"

"In a nutshell, that's pretty much it."

After saying this, Hirakawa Zhewen noticed that Hazuki Reya's eyes became playful, and seeing that he was a little confused, she said, "Then what's not general?"

"Not generalized?"

"Yeah." Hazuki Reya said, "For example, when you come to your house, you look at your panties, you touch your breasts, and even after you take a shower, what about these things?"





In Hirakawa Tetsufumi's increasingly stiff face, Hazuki Reya's smile as if watching the excitement became more and more conspicuous.

"What, you want to hide the fact that you are a pervert from me, so you didn't tell me?"

"It's okay, I already knew you were a pervert."

Hazuki Reya spoke in a relaxed tone, raised her hand above her head, touched Hirakawa Tetsufumi's head, and comforted him—if that was considered comforting.

"These things, these things..." Hirakawa Zhewen was a little speechless, but he still defended, "Is this an accident?"

"Accident?" Ye Yueli felt a little funny, "How do you think I know?"

"...How do you know?"

"Yamiya Ye took the initiative to show off in order to prove that he is not a pathetic loser."



Hirakawa Zhewen's facial expressions, as well as his body, were completely frozen.

This... initiative... to show off?
If it was really an accident, who would take the initiative to show off this kind of thing to others?

Hazuki Riya said the same thing as him: "Who would take the initiative to show off the accident to other girls?"

"In particular, I heard from Shinohara that Amameiya often does this in front of her."





Hirakawa Tetsuwen's expression became extremely awkward.

Do you want to show off to Shinohara Shiori?

At this moment, Tetsufumi Hirakawa suddenly understood what kind of "bloody storms" happened in places he could not see about the friendship plan between Amamiya Ye and Shinohara Shiori that he had arranged.

He is really amazing, the friendship plan arranged these two students precisely at once.

Behind the scenes, what kind of topics did the two of them discuss about "down and up"?

Hirakawa Tetsufumi's expression was about to collapse.

Hazuki Remi sighed, and continued to rub Hirakawa Tetsufumi's head with her little hands.

"Okay, okay, it's okay if Yu Gongye likes you."

"These things happened and helped her resolve family conflicts."

"Also... I'll praise you reluctantly, you are quite attractive as a perverted teacher."



Let’s just say it’s consolation, but Hirakawa Tetsufumi doesn’t know how to respond anymore.

The mood is quite complicated.

Because many reasons were already in front of him, he could no longer hold on and say he didn't believe it.

After Shinohara Shiori, he had to accept that it turned out that Yu Gongye, who seemed to him a "simple" second-year-old child, also liked him, a terrible teacher.

It took a long time for Hirakawa Zhewen to regain his senses.

With a sigh, he reached out and grabbed Reya Hazuki's hand who was about to mess up his hair.

"Okay, okay, I see, Ye Yue...let's talk about it."

He was a little tired.

"That's right." After grabbing Hazuki Reya's hand from his own head, he didn't let go. Hirakawa Tetsufumi took the girl's hand, just enough to be wrapped in his palm.

"Just now, why did you suddenly mention Amamiya-san?"

——Hirakawa Tetsufumi's thoughts were completely disturbed by this incident.


Quietly, Hazuki Riya lowered her head and stared at the hand she was holding.

After a while, he raised his head as if he had just heard it, blinked his eyes cutely, and began to recall.

"Um... that's right."

I got it.

"It just occurred to me that in order to prove your conjecture, Yu Gongye, who likes you but is resisted by you at the same time, is actually the best experimental subject. That's it." Ye Yueli said.


Tetsufumi Hirakawa looked at Reya Hazuki.

OK, he remembered too.

That's right.

If you want to prove the hypothesis he just said about the triggering mechanism of dreams, then according to the classic hypothetical deduction method, you only need to experiment again according to the conditions. If it is as expected, then there is a high probability that the hypothesis is correct.


Hirakawa Tetsufumi squeezed Hazuki Reya's hand somewhat at a loss as to what to do.

"So what you mean is, just to prove this kind of thing, you have to go to Yugong Ye to kiss... kiss?"

When talking about the latter, Hirakawa Zhewen couldn't bear it anymore, and his tone rose slightly.

"What kind of plot is this?"

Reya Hazuki replied quickly: "The plot of the book."



Hirakawa Zhewen had a headache: "Since you also know that this strange plot is not serious, why did you say it?"

Ye Yueli's tone was very indifferent: "Anyway, Yu Gongye will not be able to help looking for you in a short time. After all, you have accepted me and that eldest lady, and Yu Gongye will never be willing if he knows .”


"So, you know it in advance now, and it's nothing."


Hirakawa Zhewen didn't know how to refute.

"OK OK."

He sighed again.

"Student Yugong, let's put it aside for now... It's messy enough now."

It was already chaotic, the matter between Shinohara and Hisada, and then there was Ye Yue, and now she told him that there was another Amemiya.

It's going to be a mess.

"Okay." Ye Yueli had no objection, "However, what about the experiment?"


Don't worry about this experiment...

Hirakawa Tetsuwen paused complicatedly, calming down.

After a long time, he looked at Hazuki Reya again.

The tone has also calmed down.

"I actually said it just now. In theory, if you want to rigorously prove that hypothesis, you must find another girl who likes me but is resisted by me at the same time... But this is just a theory, right? Actually how is this possible."

In order to prove a hypothesis, it is necessary to kiss the opposite sex who resists... It is definitely not a serious plot.

After all, those unscrupulous comics often ignore certain logic for the sake of [undescribable] things...

While thinking wildly in his mind, Hirakawa Tetsuwen continued to speak.

"So, if it's just to prove the hypothesis less rigorously."

"That... I have accepted Shinohara..."

Hirakawa Tetsubun was a little embarrassed to say that Hazuki Reya just thought about it for a while, then understood what he meant, and helped him supplement it sensibly.

"So, you just need to find Shinohara and ask her to kiss you again to see if the dream will be triggered, right?"

"Bad... that's about it." Hirakawa Zhewen nodded in embarrassment.

In order to prove the experiment, I went to Shiori Shinohara to ask for a kiss... It's weird.

However, this is at least more practical than He Yugongye... this.

Rain palace night...

Stop, it's really going to be a mess, I have a headache, let's put this matter aside for now.

Let's talk about looking for Miss Shinohara.

Of course, going to this young lady is not just to prove this hypothesis.

There is an even more serious problem.

It's true that he has made up his mind, but how should he explain it clearly to Shinohara?

Do you really want to--

"Shiori, actually, you, Kuta, and Hazuki are all my wings."



Absolutely impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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