Chapter 31
In the morning, he visited the playing section—well, he visited, after all, he didn’t do anything, and Hirakawa Tetsufumi would be ashamed to say "guidance"—after he finished, he returned to the office as usual.

Handle some teachers' affairs, correct homework, and then prepare and attend classes.After everything was dealt with, the time came to noon.

I went to the cafeteria to buy lunch and finished eating. It was already past one o'clock when I returned to the office.

At this time, I was finally free, and I went to Google to ask the question "Can frequent twisting of the neck cause cervical spondylosis?"

In the end, the answer turned out to be "possible", leaving Hirakawa Tetsuwen silent for a while.

The silent appearance also attracted the attention of Hisada-sensei.

"Teacher Hirakawa, what's wrong?"

At that time, Mr. Kuta turned his head and asked him.

So Tetsufumi Hirakawa turned the office chair, kept his neck still, and faced Moshu Kuta with his whole body, and said very solemnly: "Mr. Kuta, in order to protect your health, it is better to turn your head less in the future, because you will get cervical spondylosis."



At that time, there was a long silence between the two, and then Hisata-sensei asked troubledly: "So, Hirakawa-sensei, is it really possible to prohibit this kind of movement that is very common in daily life?"

Hirakawa Tetsufumi, who was asked, thought for a while, and finally turned off the Google page on the phone.

Google is not advisable to see a doctor.

In the afternoon, with nothing to do, Tetsufumi Hirakawa chose to paddle in the office, or to put it another way, to recharge his batteries in order to go to the performance department to perform the duties of an instructor after school in the afternoon.

So, after a long wait, it was finally time for school to leave in the afternoon, and I could finally set off after recharging my energy all afternoon.

Hirakawa Zhewen, who was woken up by the bell after school, climbed up from the table and stared blankly at the strange and familiar world until his memory came back and he finally remembered what he was going to do.

After standing up and stretching for a while, I felt very comfortable, but at this moment, my eyes accidentally caught a glimpse of the figure standing outside the office door.

The student uniform, long hair shawl, and delicate face are also very familiar.

It's Shiori Shinohara.

She stood there, looking at him with an inexplicable expression.


The half-stretched waist was silently put down.

Is he being watched?When I was lazy, I was stolen by the students.

Hmm... Speaking of which, this school is originally the property of the Shinohara family, right?So it seems reasonable for Miss Shinohara to pay attention to whether the employees are lazy or not?
So when he went out, did he have to shout: "Miss Xiaoyuan?"

Even though I think so, when I go out, I should call "Shinohara-san" or "Shinohara-san".

After all, school affairs are the responsibility of the principal, and the principal is responsible to the council.Simply put, according to the procedures on the surface, the council cannot control him.Neither can Miss Shinohara.

So now that it's all said and done, here's a side note: Last semester, Shinohara's mother put pressure on him through the principal, which was completely compliant.

"Teacher Hirakawa?"


In short, after a lot of thinking, I have already walked through the overhead corridor connecting the club building and the teaching building with Shinohara Shiori.

"What are you thinking, teacher?" The girl next to her had sharp eyes.

"Well...I'm thinking about the performance department." Looking at the road ahead, he said without changing his face.



But looking at it like this, it seems useless?I feel that the girl's eyes are very subtle, as if she has seen through it.

Forget it, whatever.

After walking through the overhead corridor, reach the second floor of the club building, then go up, and finally reach the playing department on the fifth floor.

Under the setting sun in the evening, the golden lacquer pattern on the entrance of the wind performance department glistens.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen stepped forward, put his hand on the handle, and opened the lightly closed door.

As the door was opened, various faint voices in the concert hall also rang in the ear.

The sound of chatting is the main one, accompanied by the sound of various musical instruments playing from time to time, which is a bit noisy.

But it's still understandable, after all, everyone hasn't arrived yet, and the practice hasn't started yet.

Looking at about 40 or [-] people in the concert hall, seeing them suddenly quiet down because of surprise, Hirakawa Tetsufumi showed a kind smile.

"Students, don't worry about me."

After saying this, under the gaze of the students, he walked towards the corner of the concert hall, and sat on the chair that Miss Shinohara brought for him beside him.

"When will Teacher Ogasa arrive?"

"After about 10 minutes, the students will arrive at that time."


Waiting quietly, the students not far away also kept looking at him inquiringly.After all, it was very strange that he would appear here.

——Not all members of the performance department were present this morning, and the morning exercise follows the voluntary principle.

Therefore, there are still many students who are wondering, and questions like "who is this teacher" in the morning appear in the crowd from time to time and reach his ears.

Whenever this happens, and when the new students who come and enter the concert hall will ask again, Shinohara Shiori looks at him more and more...

"Teacher, this is your popularity."

Such gaze.

Hirakawa Zhewen had no choice but to choose not to see her.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, almost all the staff arrived, and Shiori Shinohara walked back to the student queue from beside him.

At this time, the door of the activity room was opened again.

Thus, along the gradually widening door gap, the brilliant golden sunset overflowed into the concert hall, creating a golden light path on the floor.

But it was quickly covered up.A shadow blocked the sunlight, and then the figure of Suzuki Ogasa appeared behind the door.

She walked into the activity room, closed the door gently, and blocked the setting sun from the door again.

Turning around, she glanced at the concert hall, walked up to the students, pressed her hands against the students who were still making a little noise, and then used her soft voice that could make people's ears soften , open your mouth.

"Students, be quiet."


The noise turned to whispers, but in this concert hall, even such a small sound was jarring.

Teacher Ogasa had no choice but to continue speaking.

"Everyone, please be quiet."


The sound like a mosquito can't stop.

At this time, a girl among the students—Hirakawa Tetsufumi remembered that she was a minister—stepped out of the crowd, stood in front of the crowd, clapped her hands, and shouted.

"Please be quiet, everyone!"

After doing this three times, the activity room finally quieted down.

After quieting down, the minister walked to Teacher Xiaoli and said something softly to Teacher Xiaoli.

After finishing speaking, Ogasa Suzuki's surprised voice echoed in the concert hall.

"Ms. Hirakawa is here?"

Until this time, Hirakawa Tetsubun, who was sitting in the corner and covered by the crowd, stood up and walked forward.

"Teacher Xiaogasa." He said hello with a smile.

"Hey, it really is Teacher Hirakawa, long time no see, why are you here?"

Hmm... It's been a long time, and "how come" is a lot of unnecessary questions.

He blinked at Mr. Ogasa who was looking at him curiously, as if he had discovered some wonder, and smiled helplessly.

Hirakawa Tetsuwen didn't explain much, but turned around first, faced the students, and nodded slightly.

"Hello, students. I'm Hirakawa Tetsufumi, the instructor of our performance department. Do you have any doubts and want to ask?"

After the two brief sentences were finished, the crowd began to gradually commotion again, and there was a little discussion.

"So he is our instructor?"

"It's kind of handsome."

"But why did it show up now?"

"Who knows."


The discussion became louder and louder, so that Teacher Xiaoli had to stand up again, and softly shouted in her soft rice cake-like voice: "Everyone, please be quiet."

No effect.

At the same time, Shinohara Shiori in the crowd gave him a mocking look, and seeing this look, Hirakawa Tetsufumi smiled wryly.

Sure enough, the current situation of the playing section is just like what Shiori Shinohara said this morning.

It's kind of bad.

(End of this chapter)

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