I work as a teacher at a girls' school in Tokyo

Chapter 307 Tetsufumi Hirakawa began to try to face

Chapter 307 Tetsufumi Hirakawa began to try to face
The good one told the three girls that they wanted everything.

Looking at Ye Yueli, Mi Hirakawa Zhewen felt a little helpless, after sighing, he decided to ignore the fact that she added herself.

He began to think about what Reya Hazuki said.

Hmm... how to say...

After a while, Hirakawa Tetsuwen spoke in embarrassment.

"Even if it's according to what you said, everything must be..."

Some are not suitable.

It's a little strange to discuss this shameless "have it all" idea with someone in a serious way.

However, if you think about it carefully, anyway, the target is Hazuki Reya, what else does this girl not know?
The thing about his hypnotic ability, the thing about him falling in love with students as a teacher...

Hirakawa Tetsufumi stabilized his thoughts and began to continue:

"But, if this is the case, what will Kuta do?"

"It's true that I can't give up on Shinohara...but—"

Between the words, Hirakawa Tetsuwen became entangled again.

"Accepting the existence of Shinohara is also hurting Kuta, right? Why should she accept that her boyfriend has another girl?"

"Conversely, it's the same for Shinohara, right?"

"Who would be willing to let the person they like have another person in their heart?"


"It seems to be true." Hazuki Reya seemed to be convinced.

"That's it, so—"

Hirakawa Tetsufumi was going to continue talking, but was immediately interrupted by Hazuki Reya.

Hazuki Riya stared at him.

"So, you'd better give up the two of them and focus on raising me."

"...What?" Hirakawa Zhewen suspected that he had heard wrong.

Hazuki Reya repeated it seriously: "You are right, how can someone be willing to be willing to have someone they like, and there is another person in their heart?"

"So, you'd better give up on the two of them, it's enough for you to have me."



At the dining table, there was silence for a while because of Hazuki Reya's words, until Hirakawa Tetsufumi realized——

He looked at Hazuki Reya's serious look, and smiled wryly after a long time.

"Ye Yue, it's already a mess, don't add to the mess."

"Why did I make trouble?" Ye Yueli was dissatisfied with this evaluation, "I think you are right, why should I accept those two people?"

"..." Facing Reya Hazuki like this, Hirakawa Tetsubun didn't know what to say, and fell silent.

Hazuki Riya looked at Hirakawa Tetsubun like this, and laughed out a moment later.

"Okay, let's not talk about this - let's talk about this matter - look at you, and start to struggle again."

"How can you not be entangled?"

"Then let me tell the truth—" Ye Yueli said suddenly, "Obviously, everything has happened now. Besides, you really can't let go of those two people in your heart."

"The results of it?"

"You are still hesitating here, entangled, [Oh, although it is true that I can't let go of Shinohara, but I can't want everything, I can't hurt Hisada, this is not in line with my principles]—"

"One thought in the heart, another thought in the mouth."

"Hey, don't you think that you are a bit shameless and annoying?"


Hazuki Reya's words were a bit heavy, leaving Hirakawa Tetsufumi once again speechless - most importantly, he couldn't refute.

I think in my heart that I can't let go of both of them——I can't let go of both of them. To be blunt, don't you just want to have them all?

But what?
He also looked like he didn't want everything, saying that he thought it was absurd to do so, and it didn't conform to what.

To put it in an ugly way, it is probably "being a bitch and wanting to set up a torii"-it's really terrible.

Hirakawa Zhewen's complexion also became more and more ugly.

Hazuki Reya looked at Tetsufumi Hirakawa, sighed, and continued.

"So, you really should be more straightforward...or reject Shinohara completely and find your Kuta."

"Either accept the fact now, accept the fact that you can't give up and want everything, take action, and stop escaping in the name of entanglement."

"is it okay?"


Obviously, although Hazuki Reya has already said so, but this kind of thing is not so simple to make up your mind.

Hazuki Riya looked at Hirakawa Tetsufumi who had a bad face, his eyebrows were locked together, and he was thinking about something——

She stood up from her seat.

The slightly harsh sound of the chair feet rubbing against the ground woke up Hirakawa Tetsufumi. He raised his head and glanced at Hazuki Reya.

The girl who stood up left her seat and came to him.

"……What's wrong?"

Tetsubun Hirakawa looked up at Reya Hazuki who suddenly came to him.

Hazuki Reya stared straight at him.

"do you know?"

"what do you know?"

Hazuki Riya stretched out her hands, both hands, a little cold, pinched both sides of Hirakawa Tetsufumi's cheeks.

"You are looking forward and backward, hesitating and hesitant. You really have no charm at all, and you can't like it."


"You cheer up a little bit, can you?"

"Where did you say you were omnipotent at the beginning? Take it out--at that time, you were so arrogant that you could hypnotize the whole of Japan."

"In the end, look at you now, how bad is your face because you are entangled in this matter?"

"When I opened the door and saw you just now, I thought you were dead, it was your corpse that smelled me and opened the door—"

"Well, that's right, even if it's a corpse, you still like high school girls so much. They're all dead, and after smelling me, you still have to cheer up and open the door."


There are all dead bodies, and you still need to "brace yourselves and open the door?"

Being pinched by Hazuki Reya's cold fingers, Hirakawa Tetsubun's expression was a little dumbfounded.

Ye Yueli smiled and continued.

"In short, your complexion is really so bad, let me..."

"a little……"

Saying that, Hazuki Reya was a little embarrassed.

She turned her face away, not looking at Hirakawa Tetsuwen.

"I'm a little concerned."

"Do you remember what you said to me before? You must remember? I was in your arms at that time, so you must remember."

"That's when you told me—"

"I know your sadness, I can understand your pain, when I see you are sad, collapsed, and want to jump because of these bad things, I will feel sorry for you, I will want to hold you, and I will want to stand by your side help you."

"Now, let me say this to you too."

After a pause, Reya Hazuki finally turned his face, and the hand holding Hirakawa Tetsufumi's face also relaxed.

She looked into the eyes of the confused person in front of her and said softly.

"I know your thoughts and understand your feelings. When I see you are tangled, sad, and unable to make a decision because of these things now, I just... will feel sorry for you."

"You have the pride of being a teacher, but now, what actually happened, with the students, and with Shinohara, you can't accept."

"In particular, your standards for yourself are higher than the average person, so when such standards are violated, you are more difficult to accept than the average person."

"You don't want to admit that you are a terrible person, someone who failed to live up to what you once expected."

"That's why you're so tangled up."

"I know."

"But, the reality has already happened. Your entanglement is not only hurting the other two people, but also hurting yourself?"

"I don't want to see you like this."

"Cheer up and make up your mind early."

"No matter what, I still like your free and easy look before."



Following Hazuki Reya's last words, Hirakawa Tetsufumi's house fell into silence for a long time, only upstairs, there were one or two cat meows, and the silence soon returned.

The quiet breath, the cold fingers pinching his cheek, and the girl in front of him.

The cute, courageous face trying not to let oneself be shy, and the eyes staring at him that are hidden under the neat bangs, and the soft and waxy voice encouraging him in the ear.

He is really sinful.

"Hey Hey hey--"

Finally, Hazuki Reya couldn't bear it anymore.

She let go, and turned her face away to stare at the floor elsewhere.

"How is it? The comfort from your pervert's favorite female high school student, are you happy?"


What to say?

Hirakawa Zhewen always felt that he had too much to say and was blocked.

It took him a long time before he spoke.The tone is a bit complicated.

"Yue Yue."

"Why?" Probably because of shyness, the tone of this tsundere girl was a bit off...but the soft and sticky voice was really nice to hear.

"how about you?"

"What am I?"


Hirakawa Zhewen felt that what he said next... looked like a scumbag, but let's say it.

As Hazuki Reya said, after these things happened, he should learn to accept the reality - he is no longer the kind of person who can say with a clear conscience that he is an upright teacher.

"Huda, Shinohara, me... what about you?"


Reya Hazuki was still leaning her head and staring at the floor, her voice was a little low.

"Didn't I say that? I want all of them...of course including me."


When Hirakawa Tetsufumi thought about it and didn't know how to respond because of this sentence, Hazuki Reya raised his face again - his face was a little red.

She spoke harshly to him.

"Hey, you don't want to say, leave me?"


"This kind of thing has happened, and you are responsible for me."

"...What happened?" Hirakawa Zhewen asked in a daze.

"You have taken care of me." Ye Yueli said, "I have already been taken care of, and I can't find someone else—or do you think I can take your money and find someone else?"


Take his money and find someone else...

Hirakawa Zhewen didn't know what to say.

"Look, sure enough, you just can't let me go." Seeing Hirakawa Tetsubun's hesitant expression, Hazuki Reya felt proud.

"I..." Hirakawa Zhewen was speechless for a while, and seemed to want to refute again.

But Hazuki Reya, at this time, she bent down, and she got close to Hirakawa Tetsufumi.

She put her head on his shoulder and hugged him.

Hazuki Reya could feel that at this moment, the body in her arms stiffened for a moment, and then, a little flustered, he pressed her hands on her shoulders, as if trying to push her away.

"Don't push me away." Hazuki Riya shouted dissatisfied.

"..." Hirakawa Zhewen's hand hesitated.

"That's about the same." Ye Yueli was satisfied, "I'm going to ask you a question now, and you answer me truthfully."

"What's the problem?" Hirakawa Tetsufumi put his hand on Hazuki Reya's shoulder in his arms, feeling a little helpless.

Reya Hazuki lay on Hirakawa Tetsubun's shoulder, buried the tip of her nose into his neck, her voice was a bit muffled.

"Do you... like me a little? It's okay at any time, do you have a little bit?"




"Hurry up and be honest." Because there was no reply for a long time, Hazuki Riya couldn't help urging.


Hirakawa Tetsufumi got tangled up again.

Does he have it?
"Probably... yes."


"When?" Reya Hazuki, who was still a little nervous just now, became visibly happy.

"...Maybe it was a little bit when I was by the Uji River."

"I just said, how could you not like me?" Ye Yueli said with a little complacency in her voice, and hugged Hirakawa Zhewen tightly, "I'm so cute."


"No but." Hirakawa Zhewen obviously wanted to say something, and the hand on her shoulder seemed to push her away, but Ye Yueli didn't want to hear it.

"If you're not responsible for me, you don't think I'll fall in love with someone else, do you?"

"After these things happened, you pulled me off the roof. At that time, you took the opportunity to touch my chest."


It seemed that something strange happened, and Hirakawa Zhewen couldn't help interrupting.

It's just that Reya Hazuki ignored him and continued talking.

"Remember what I asked you when we parted at the end—do you think there is any reason why I don't like you?"


"There's no reason, is there? You saved me, stood by my side and helped me...I even think I have no reason not to like you."

"Yue Yue..."

"As for—you want to talk about your current affairs, right?"

He didn't get a voice of affirmation from Tetsufumi Hirakawa, but it didn't matter, Reya Hazuki knew what Tetsufumi Hirakawa wanted to say.

"It's okay." Hazuki Reya said, "I don't mind."

"I'm different from the two of them."

"One of them thinks that they came first, and the other thinks that they are already with you... You are not allowed to have others."

"But I'm different... What can I do? I didn't come first, and I'm not with you."

"I don't mind if you have other people... After all, you are taking care of me."

"How can a person who is adopted can say anything..."

"Of course." Hazuki Reya's tone became more brisk.

"If you think those two people are nothing good, just leave them alone, as long as you just stay with me, that's fine."

"I like you."




Everything is quiet.

Hirakawa Tetsufumi sat on a chair, hugging Reya Hazuki, his heart was disturbed, he didn't know how to respond.

(End of this chapter)

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