Konoha: From Immortalization

Chapter 20 Don't Dare Anymore

Chapter 20 Don't Dare Anymore

"Shengshu, I didn't ask you about this. Let me ask you, when did Kirito learn how to clone himself?"

Mito held Nawaki's head with his hands, exerted a little strength, and said to Naoki with a kind smile.

Shengshu felt that his head was about to explode, and he chose to sell his teammates without hesitation: "Two weeks ago."

Using the effect of bringing the memory back to the main body after the shadow clone disappears to speed up the practice, this is an efficient way of practice that Kirito told him.

Through experiments, he found that this is a practice method that is very suitable for a ninja with a huge chakra like him, that is, after the shadow clone disappears, it will be brought back together with fatigue, causing him to often sleep late in class.

However, the effect of practice is outstanding, and he has successfully learned several ninjutsu that he had been unable to learn before.

In order to repay Kirito, he taught Kirito the shadow clone technique.

Because it was originally the ninjutsu of the family, it belonged to him, and it was not too important ninjutsu, so he could pass it on to Kirito without the consent of others.

As a result, after Kirito learned this ninja, his enthusiasm for learning became even crazier than before.

Every day, three clones are separated to do different things, one stays in the basement of the orphanage to do some strange experiments, one comes to Mito’s grandma to learn sealing techniques and go to the library to study, one practices ninjutsu, and the main body comes to ninja School is in session.

This is the case every day, diligent and unrelenting.

In fact, he is not much better, even worse, but his enthusiasm for learning (referring to reading books and learning sealing techniques) is not as good as Kirito, because there are many more chakras than Kirito, and more than a dozen clones are separated every day to learn forbearance. Art and gymnastics.

Therefore, he knew very well why Kirito's shadow clone suddenly disappeared here, it must be something happened to the main body.

Nine out of ten are exhausted.

"Two weeks, this kid is really worried."

Mito put his hand on his forehead when he heard Nawaki's words, and sighed.

Of course she was aware of the effect of the shadow clone, but she never thought that Sheng Shu would teach Kirito the technique of the shadow clone.

"I was still negligent. Since the idiot Naoki can use the shadow clone to speed up his practice, how could Kirito not know it? I am really an irresponsible teacher."

Thinking of the side effects of using the shadow clone to cultivate, Mito thought very remorsefully.

Because of her body, her energy is not as good as before, and she spends most of the day resting to suppress the increasingly restless Kyuubi.

So after she accepted Kirito as a disciple, she didn't actually care too much about him, but she took time every day to pass on the knowledge of the sealing technique to him, and most of her attention was still on Naoki.

No way, who made Shengshu an uneasy child.

Although there has been good growth in recent times, it is still worrying.

And when she got along with Kirito, she found that Kirito was a very smart and sensible child, so she didn't need to worry too much at all.

Unexpectedly, the result was also an unnerving one.

"Peach Blossom."

Mito straightened his face and said in the direction of the door.

The next moment, a woman with a snake face came to Mito in an instant, knelt down on one knee, lowered her head and said respectfully: "Master Mito, please give me your instructions."

Senju Momoka, the elite Jonin of the Senju clan, and the captain of Mito's bodyguard.

"Go and bring Kirito back immediately."

Mito ordered.


Taohua took the order and left with the technique of instant body.

Since the death of the second generation of Hokage, a large number of clansmen died in World War I, and the Senju clan has shown obvious signs of decline, but with Mito and Tsunade around, the power in Konoha is still very strong, relying on the powerful intelligence network in the village , Taohua soon found Kirito who was sleeping at Chizuru's house.

. . .

When Kirito woke up, he found himself lying in a room that looked very familiar.

Although he is still not in good spirits and is very tired, the memory from the shadow clone quickly wakes him up, allowing him to understand what happened and what he will face.

His complexion suddenly became very ugly, and he cursed secretly: "It's all because of that guy who applied that strange paralyzing poison to Qianben, not to mention paralyzing my body, and greatly affected my chakra flow, causing The avatar couldn't be maintained, so it was released in advance, and the mental fatigue that came back made me faint from exhaustion."

After Kirito woke up, the door was quickly opened, and the person who came in was Shengshu. He had a bruised nose and a swollen face at this time, and he knew that someone had severely taught him a lesson.

When Kirito saw the rope tree appearing here, he immediately remembered where this place was.

This is the guest room of Naoshu's house, where he once took a nap.

"What happened, why did your shadow clone suddenly disappear?"

Sheng Shu asked as soon as he came in.

Kirito answered truthfully.

"Grandma Mito is very angry this time, you have to be mentally prepared, hehehe~"

Knowing the reason, Shengshu felt relieved when he realized that Kirito was not in danger, and immediately delivered a very bad news to Kirito, and smiled gloatingly.

But the smile was too perverted, and the injury on his face caused him to grin his teeth in pain, leaving painful tears.

Kirito looked at the gauze wrapped around Naoki's face, and couldn't help swallowing.

He saw the horror of Mito on the day he entered school, and he often saw it through Naoki when he learned the sealing technique with Natoki under Mito's teaching.

When he thought of the rope tree being hung up and beaten, its head stuck into the ceiling, and its whole body lying in the rubble, he felt that it was not easy for the rope tree to grow so big, and then worried about the treatment he was about to enjoy.

Mito's control over his own power has reached a level of nuance, so he won't kill people, but it will be very, very painful.

It is undoubtedly a disrespectful thing for him to use the shadow clone to attend class. It is fine if he is not discovered, but now that he is discovered, punishment must be inevitable.

Soon, he was called by Taohua to meet Mito.

The other party still looks young and beautiful, but it always makes people feel that the sun is dying.

To Kirito's surprise, Mito didn't look angry at this time, and the way he looked at him was different from usual.

Mito usually looked at him with gentle eyes, but he could tell that the other party looked at everyone in the village in the same way, and there was no special difference, except that it fell on Naoki, with an extra Kindness and anticipation, unconsciously showing a smile.

In this regard, Kirito was not surprised, nor would he be jealous.

Because this is a matter of course, Naoki is Mito's grandson, and he will naturally get all of Mito's love, and at best he is just a tool for fierce Naoki's progress. almost.

He had realized it long ago, he would not expect anything, and naturally he would not feel disappointed.

On the contrary, he is very grateful to Mito, who is very attentive in teaching him the sealing technique, and will answer his questions in detail. He is a good teacher.

Therefore, he will try his best to play his role well, encourage and help him around Shengshu, and repay the kindness of education.

But, things seem to have changed now.

Mito looked at him differently now, and there was a table of delicious and delicate food in the room.

It seemed that Mito was not angry with him, but instead invited him to a big meal.

"Is it some super nasty food?"

Kirito looked at the delicious-looking food on the table in front of him, and thought suspiciously.

"Eat, Xiao Tongren, these are all prepared for you, you must eat them all, and don't waste them."

Mito said kindly.

The elders dare not say goodbye.

"Thank you Mito-sensei, then I'll be impolite."

After Mito said so, Kirito is not polite, he just happens to be a little bit hungry.

The taste of the food is very good, it is not a dark dish, and it has amazing effects.

"Is this the legendary medicated meal made by Chu Nin? Chakra is recovering rapidly, and mental fatigue is also rapidly relieving."

Kirito felt the changes in his body at this time, and showed a surprised expression.

"How about it, it tastes good."

Seeing that Kirito's pale face quickly turned rosy, Mito smiled.

"Yes, very delicious."

Kirito nodded obediently.

"Then let's stay and have dinner together every day."

Mito personally served Kirito another bowl of rice, and continued smiling.

"This is not very convenient"

Kirito took the rice bowl with both hands, and was very surprised when he heard what Mito said. He subconsciously wanted to decline, but swallowed it halfway through.

Because Mito's expression in front of him suddenly became a bit nuclear.

"Little Tongren, you can't leave class early like today, the teacher will be sad."

Mito said with a smile.

As she spoke, she put her hand on Kirito's head.

"Yes, Mito-sensei, I don't dare again."

Tongren immediately sat up straight, nodding obediently like a chicken pecking at rice.

Therefore, Kirito changed the assignment of the main body and the shadow clone in the future, and the main body had to come to Mito to learn the sealing technique in person.

And because Kirito can eat the medicinal food prepared by Mito every day, there has never been a situation where he used three shadow clones to study and practice at the same time and his body was exhausted.

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(End of this chapter)

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