Konoha: From Immortalization

Chapter 192 Famous (10k) (seeking monthly ticket)

Chapter 192 Famous (10k) (seeking monthly ticket)
"The darkness of Shayin, the shadow-level powerhouse of Shayin, dare not fight with me, a young boy who is on the battlefield for the first time. Are you too timid? Sure enough, Shayin's people are a bunch of cowards , hahaha~"

When Kirito saw that Ebizo turned around and ran away without hesitation after witnessing him smashing the puppet, he laughed loudly.

Hai Laozang heard Kirito's sneer behind him, his cold and mean face instantly turned livid, and his teeth gnawed loudly, but he was not affected by Kirito's obvious aggressive method after all, and instead escaped faster Soon.

Although it was shameful to run away, it was nothing compared to his reasons for surviving and preserving his combat power.

He is the pillar of Sand Yin, and also the eyes and brain of this war between Sand Yin and Konoha. If he dies, this war between Sand Yin and Konoha will soon come to an end.

Sha Yin can't afford to lose this war, at least right now.

Hai Laozang, the shadow-level powerhouse of Shayin, fled shamelessly on the battlefield at this time, and the impact on the battlefield was undoubtedly huge.

The ninjas on Konoha's side saw that Kirito was able to overwhelm Ebino, a Kage-level powerhouse, and forced Ebino to retreat abruptly, and their morale immediately increased.

When the people at Sha Yin heard Kirito's words, and then witnessed Ebizo being chased away by Kirito, they were all shocked, showing expressions of disbelief, and then their livers and gallbladders were torn apart, with great fear in their hearts, without hesitation Turn around and run.

Even Hai Laozang, the commander-in-chief, has fled. If these shrimp soldiers and crab generals still don't run away, are they going to stay and die.

Big people have reasons to survive, and small people also have survival instincts.

Therefore, when Ebizo chose to flee to avoid the battle, the outcome of the chaotic battle between Konoha and Sand Yin was already doomed. Sand Yin's ninja troops quickly fled, and they were defeated for thousands of miles. No matter what the supervisor ninja can do, he can't stop it.

"Hmph, this old thing seems determined to run away."

Seeing that Hai Laozang was still running away without looking back, Kirito cursed secretly.

But he doesn't intend to let Ebizo go, because for him, this is a good opportunity to quickly end the war between Konoha and Sand Hidden, and it is also a good time for him to make a name for himself, and if he can solve Ebizo here In all likelihood, the task of assassinating Luo Sha is unnecessary.

"Stop him and buy me some time."

Kirito decisively used telepathy, and said to many Konoha ninjas on the battlefield at the same time.

Kirito ran after Ebizo at this time, many Konoha ninjas on the battlefield naturally saw it, they were all surprised and happy, they heard Kirito's heart voice at this time, many Konoha ninjas gritted their teeth and gave up decisively After chasing and killing the enemy in front of him, he resorted to various ninjutsu to stop Ebizo.

All of a sudden, all kinds of ninjutsu shot at Ebizo.

Hai Laozang has strong hands and rich combat experience. With the help of four humanoid puppets with elite johnin power, he is naturally not afraid of the joint attack of many Konoha ninjas. attack.

But his dodge operation finally delayed him a little time to escape.

Suddenly, a flash of saber light appeared and slashed towards Hai Laozang's neck.

Konoha White Fang made a move.

Hai Laozang instantly smelled the smell of death from the light of the saber, his pupils shrank into pinpricks, and a mark was immediately formed on his right hand.

With a flash of the knife, Ebino's neck was cut in half by Hatake Sakumo's white tooth dagger, and a stream of hot blood spewed out from the severed neck, and a lot of blood splashed on Hatake Sakumo's body.

But after a while, Ebizo's body turned into the puppet holding a samurai sword.

The real Ebizo had already appeared hundreds of meters ahead, where the puppet holding the samurai sword used to be.

Puppet Art · Puppet Instant Body Art!

Hatake Sakumo saw that Ebizo was killed by a puppet, and smelled the smell of gunpowder, so he decisively chose to retreat after the instant body, but found that the chakra in his body was a little out of control, and he couldn't go as smoothly as usual Seriously injured.

He immediately noticed the problem. It was the blood spurted out of the puppet's neck just now. It was poisonous.

"These puppet masters are indeed all old Yinbi, and they never forget to dig holes when they escape for their lives."

Hatake Sakumo cursed inwardly, then retreated quickly.

While speaking, a fiery flame appeared from the puppet.


There was a thunderous explosion, and the puppet exploded instantly, and the terrifying flames engulfed Hatake Sakumo in it.

"Hmph, I deserve it. Is Ebizo so easy to mess with? If that brat hadn't mastered the unreasonable Lightning Escape Ninjutsu and severely restrained my puppeteer, I wouldn't need to retreat at all and face you and that brat at the same time." More than enough."

With his third eye in the sky, Hai Laozang saw that Hatake Sakumo fell into the self-explosion trap set by his puppet, a smile finally appeared on his originally ashen face, and he sneered in his heart.

Every puppet in his hand has a self-explosive trap and a substitute technique arranged on it. As long as someone dares to assassinate him at close range, he can use the puppet to die in an instant, and then activate the self-explosive trap on the puppet.

In order to prevent the enemy from instantly using ninjutsu to dodge and defend, he also specially hit the puppet with artificial plasma to make the process of him being killed more realistic and reduce the vigilance of the enemy. A colorless, odorless toxin.

This toxin is extremely volatile and must be sealed and stored at ordinary times, and its main function is to disrupt the flow of chakra in the ninja's body.

His original intention of developing this toxin was to target the sharingan illusion of Uchiha ninjas, but later found that it was more suitable for assassination, but the conditions for using it were relatively harsh, because he personally did not develop the corresponding antidote, once used , I may also be recruited or accidentally injure friendly troops.

Therefore, he usually uses it together with the dead puppet.

He originally planned to use this to kill Kirito, but it's a pity that Kirito, a stinky brat, seems to know the sand puppet very well, and never fights his puppet in close quarters.

Moreover, the thunder escape ninjutsu mastered by the stinky brat is frighteningly fast, much faster than Konoha Baiya's attack just now, so he didn't have enough time to use the puppet substitute technique to quickly fight with the puppet. displacement.

But it's no coincidence that he didn't kill Kirito, but Konoha Baiya is not bad. Killing the famous Konoha Baiya with an expensive puppet is a very good deal no matter how you look at it.

"Even if you don't die, don't even think about having healthy limbs. As long as Konoha Baiya is dead or disabled, this war is not considered lost. I will have a good account when I go back."

Hai Laozang saw that there was no trace of Hatake Sakumo, and finally confirmed that Hatake Sakumo had been recruited, and thought to himself.

This time Sha Yin was defeated here, and he personally has to bear a huge responsibility. If he fails to kill or seriously injure Konoha Baiya today, he, the battlefield commander, will 100% be beaten to the end, and he may even lose the wind. Film consultant position.

Hatake Sakumo's assassination by Ebizo was undoubtedly a heavy blow to all the Konoha ninjas present. Many ninjas who surrounded Ebizo couldn't help but pay attention to Konoha Baiya's situation, which made Ebizo Get rid of the pursuit more smoothly.

However, what makes Hai Laozang feel heavy is that Kirito is still chasing after him, and the distance between him is getting closer and closer. The stick, dense electric light covered it, and blue and white thunder streaks suddenly lit up on the black stick.

Then, something that made Ebizo and other puppet masters very annoying began to drill out of the ground quickly, and then quickly gathered on top of Kirito's head.

It's really iron sand like sand grains.

As Kirito's Thunder Dungeon broke through level five, the special Magnetic Dungeon he formed with Thunder Dungeon as the core became more and more handy to use.

A powerful magnetic field rapidly expanded from his body, covering a radius of one kilometer under the magnetic field created by him, and a large amount of iron sand buried underground responded to his call, scrambling to get out of the ground.

In addition, there are two more lifelike humanoid puppets beside Kirito.

One of them was the Thor puppet holding a naginata, and it was glowing with purple light at this time, staring at Ebizo with a cold face.

Under Kirito's control, dense lightning began to appear on its body.

The other is a handsome black-haired guy wearing a black and gold two-color brocade jacket. He has his hands folded on his chest, and he is carrying three golden spears engraved with a large number of sealing techniques. .

This is an earth escape puppet created by Kirito combined with the secret technique of earth grievance and Yu. It was created by Kirito based on the appearance of a powerful emperor who is admired by all people. Kirito called it the Rock God Puppet.

"This damn Konoha kid hasn't used magnetic ninjutsu just now, but he forgot that he is still a magnetic ninja, what! That guy is not dead, and he hasn't suffered any injuries."

With his third eye, Ebino watched Kirito use magnetic ninjutsu to control the iron sand, and secretly groaned, and then saw that after the explosion smoke disappeared, Hatake Sakumo was not dead, and was shocked.

In front of Sakumo Hatake, there appeared a blood-colored wall made of blood, and a blood-red chakra thread was wrapped around his body.

At the critical moment, Kirito made a move. He injected blood dragon eye chakra into the chakra thread that was secretly wrapped around Hatake Sakumo's body, and then manipulated the blood on his body to form a thin but extremely strong blood wall.

In order to increase the hardness of the wall of the blood wall, he also specially used the light golden fairy chakra to strengthen it.

The light golden fairy chakra did not disappoint Kirito. Consuming it greatly enhanced the blood control ability of the blood dragon eye, making the objects formed by the condensed blood mixed with the blood dragon eye chakra as hard as steel.

"You'd better take care of yourself."

Suddenly, Kirito's voice appeared in Ebino's heart.

Hai Laozang heard Kirito's heart transmission, his face changed drastically, but he still remained absolutely calm. He resolutely and frantically injected a large amount of chakra into his feet, completely disregarding the endurance of his feet, and forced his feet to explode faster. speed.

He stepped on his feet suddenly, and two small cracked pits appeared on the ground instantly, and then he successfully broke free from the two ropes formed by iron sand.

At the same time, with a movement of the three fingers of his left hand, two of the three puppets of Buddhism and monks beside him quickly rushed towards Kirito. Spew out a huge fireball.

Wind escape · big breakthrough!
Art fire escape ho fireball!
The wind swelled the fire, and the fireball rapidly expanded in the strong wind, turning into a super giant fireball, rushing towards Kirito aggressively.

The next moment, a dazzling thunder appeared, and a huge blue chakra slash appeared. The super giant fireball was instantly cut in half. Half of the fireball goes through the middle.

It was the puppet of Thor who used the secret thunder technique to accelerate.

In an instant, the Thunder God puppet charged in front of the two humanoid puppets of Dharma.

"The information is indeed true. This guy is also proficient in puppetry, and the puppets he controls are very strong."

With his third eye in the sky, Hai Laozang fully witnessed the scene of Thor's puppet cutting down a super giant fireball. His heart was shocked and hot. He stared at Thor's puppet with fiery eyes, wishing to capture it and study it carefully. .

As a puppet master, he could tell at a glance that Thor's puppet was a puppet, because there were too many traces left by the sand hidden puppet technique on it.

Also, the material used for Kirito's puppet is better than that of his five puppets, and its cost is definitely at the same level as that of the ten people in Chimatsu, and may even be higher.

Hai Laozang did not show mercy to the Thor puppet because of his hot eyes. Under his delicate control, the two humanoid puppets of Dharma instantly shot out two sharp blades from both hands. Quickly circle around to flank and attack.

But what Hai Laozang never expected was that when Fa, the humanoid puppet, got his hands, a blue chakra chain suddenly shot out from the Thor puppet's chest, hitting the Fa puppet instantly.

In an instant, the magic puppet was sent flying by the chakra chain, and the hit part was pierced.

Moreover, Hai Laozang was shocked to find that he had lost the control of the puppet, and the chakra line connected to the puppet had been disconnected.

"What is that chakra chain, it cannot continue to touch my puppet."

Hai Laozang fixed his third eye in the sky on the chakra chains on the Thor puppet, thought with an extremely ugly face, and then quickly controlled the Buddha puppet to retreat.

Then, when he saw the dharma puppet being engulfed by some iron sand controlled by Kirito, his expression suddenly became even uglier.

"Leave it to me."

Kirito once again used the technique of heart-body transmission to send a voice to Ebizo.

The huge sound exploded in Hai Laozang's mind instantly, making Hai Laozang's whole head buzz, and the control of the puppet almost came to a halt.

The function of the secret art in the mountains, the art of telepathy, is not only used to make silent calls with teammates, but also to interfere with and control the enemy.

This is a rather unreasonable Yin escape secret technique. As long as the user's mental strength is stronger than others, he can forcibly establish a spiritual link with others, and then have a spiritual dialogue.

And at this time, if the enemy's spiritual power is far from the user's spiritual power (that is, the level of Yin escape is too different), the user can use this secret technique to control the enemy and cause the enemy's spirit to suffer damage.

Hai Lao hides himself as the Darkness of Sand Hidden, and he is personally good at using the sealing technique that contains Yin Dun, such as submerging the brain and manipulating sand. The level of Yin Dun is naturally not low. Although it has not reached level five, it is still at level four, which is not much different from Kirito. It's too big.

It's a pity that Kirito is currently using the celestial chakra to temporarily strengthen the telepathy technique, so that the telepathy technique can be given a slight spiritual attack on Ebizo.

Immortal method, heart-to-body technique, shocking god!
For top powerhouses, even a momentary negligence in battle is fatal.

Under Kirito's control, the Thunder God puppet's body instantly flashed with lightning, and the Thunder Escape Secret Technique continuously strengthened the speed of the Thunder God puppet, making it almost turn into a bolt of thunder, breaking away from the entanglement of the Buddha puppet and the monk puppet in the blink of an eye, rushing to the front of Hai Lao's hiding place, The razor blade in his hand also shone with the cold light of purple thunder.

Sword Skill Thunder Flash!

A bolt of lightning appeared from the void with a deafening roar.

With a flash of the knife, it was cut in two, and a flower of blood blooming in death appeared in the air, and then withered.

"Sha Yin's people are really tenacious."

Kirito sighed secretly as he looked at a ninja knife in his hand and the corpse of a sand ninja whose body had been cut in half in front of the Thunder God puppet.

This is a sand hidden jonin who is good at wind escape.

At a critical moment, he suddenly fell from the sky and used his own life to stand in front of Hai Laozang, fighting for a glimmer of life for Hai Laozang.

Not only this sand hidden jonin, but after his death, there were five sand hidden jonin and more than 20 sand hidden jonin who took the initiative to kill Ebizo.

"Damn Konoha brat, I will definitely settle this account."

Hai Laozang looked at the sand ninjas behind him who had broken their backs, and his heart was tormented.

These sand ninjas who took the initiative to die for him are all sand Yin's backbones, not comparable to those wastes who only care about escaping, and now they are ruined, his heart is bleeding.

He'd rather take it all on his own if he could.

However, Sagakure is too poor and weak, and it is far more difficult to produce a Kage-level powerhouse than Konoha, a Ninja Village with rich resources and profound heritage. They can't afford to lose a Kage-level powerhouse now.

For the sake of Shayin, he still cannot die, even if he lives by idling again.

"Your courage is to be commended."

Kirito looked at the more than 20 sand hidden ninjas who took the initiative to hide the back of Ebi in front of him, and said expressionlessly.

"Stop talking nonsense, before we die, we won't let you hurt Master Ebino again."

"That's right, you'd better not underestimate us Sahik, you damn brat."

"Come on, Konoha's little devil, I'm going to show you Sha Yin's character today, and kill him together."

When all the sand ninja heard Kirito's words, they shouted loudly, as if they wanted to use this method to strengthen their courage and dispel the fear of Kirito in their hearts.

Since Kirito chased Ebino and ran away, Kirito, who has killed all directions on the battlefield not long ago, has become the nightmare in the hearts of many Sand Yins on the battlefield, an invincible nightmare. They deeply understand that as long as Kirito targets It is a dead end.

No one wants to take the initiative to seek death, but some people clearly know their responsibilities, so they bravely stand up even if they know they have to look directly at the god of death.

"Kirito, leave these guys to us. You can continue to go to that guy Ebizo. After a while, you will be the real base camp of Sand Yin. It is easy to defend and difficult to attack. Once you let him escape, there is no chance to kill him." Beheaded."

At this time, a jounin from the Nara clan reminded Kirito loudly.

While speaking, a large number of Konoha ninjas quickly surrounded the group of more than 20 sand ninjas.

"Let me do it, I happen to be short of a batch of batteries to replenish Chakra."

Kirito shook his head and said to the Konoha ninjas who kindly helped him with the art of heart-passing.

A group of Konoha ninjas did not expect Kirito to say that, and when some of them wanted to persuade Kirito again, they saw Kirito and the rock god puppet clap their hands at the same time, and four huge rock pillars suddenly emerged from all sides It rose in two directions and surrounded more than 20 sand ninjas.

Then, a large number of sealing techniques were shot from Kirito and the rock god puppet, quickly covering the four rock pillars.

At the same time, the Thunder God Puppet once again used the Thunder Shock Secret Technique to quickly pursue Ebizo.

"Stop them, and work together to destroy the four rock pillars."

Seeing this, a sharp-eyed Sagakushi shinin shouted.

"Hmph, are you treating us as if we don't exist, and be honest with us."

At this time, Hatake Sakumo suddenly appeared with a white tooth dagger.

The shadow of the tree of names.

Although Kirito stole the limelight in this battle, his reputation is still not as great as Hatake Sakumo, the titled Kage-level powerhouse.

The appearance of Konoha Baiya completely attracted the attention of all the sand ninjas in an instant. They all stared at Hatake Sakumo as if they were facing an enemy, not daring to act rashly. Some of them already showed deep despair in their eyes.

Kirito Tohsaka alone was enough to make them desperate, but now that Shirato Konoha came, they had no hope of surviving at all.

Taking advantage of Hatake Sakumo's frightening crowd of sand ninja, Kirito used the rock god puppet to use the sealing technique single-mindedly, and quickly covered the four rock pillars with the sealing technique.

The next moment, the sealing techniques on the four rock pillars began to rise again.

The five khaki transparent walls were quickly connected to each other with four rock pillars as nodes, forming a small-scale sealing barrier.

Sealing Enchantment Dungeon Tang Wu!
When the sealing barrier was completed, the rock god puppet came to the front of the sealing barrier, and then put his hand on the khaki barrier wall.

A group of sand ninjas never expected that Kirito could complete the layout of a sealing barrier so quickly by himself. When they realized it, Kirito had already completed the sealing barrier in less than ten seconds.

"As expected of Mito-sama's disciple, the sealing technique is his housekeeping skill. With this hand, he can control the puppet and perform the sealing technique to create a sealing barrier. As long as he has some good helpers, he can catch the strong Kage Both are possible.”

Jonin of the Nara clan saw this scene and exclaimed.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of the surrounding Konoha Jominin were a little unnatural, but no one spoke.

Because what the Jonin of the Nara clan was right, when blocking Ebino, most of them were just paddling, and the only people who dared to rush up to fight Ebino were only a few guys who killed the superiors, but in the end One can imagine.

How powerful Ebizo is, those of them who have fought with Sand Yin for many times know all too well that even Sakumo Hatake would have died if he was not careful. Ye Baiya is either dead or disabled.

Kirito was able to force Ebizo to escape because Kirito's special lightning escape ninjutsu severely restrained Ebizo just now.

Which of these jonin who crawled out of the sea of ​​corpses and blood has poor eyesight, and those with poor eyesight have already been buried in the land below them.

But how did they know that Kirito had such a terrifying sealing ability?

They have heard that Kirito, the genius of the sealing technique, is the direct disciple of Mito-sama, but what they see is believing is not what they hear. Before they have seen Kirito's ability of sealing technique with their own eyes, it is impossible for them to Kirito's life was given to him.

Not long after the Sealing Barrier Technique·Dong Wu was completed, all the Sand Ninjas in the Sealing Barrier sensed that something was wrong.

"What's going on? My Chakra is rapidly draining."

"mine too."

"It's this sealing barrier, it's absorbing our Chakra."

Sand ninjas realized that after the seal barrier absorbed their chakra, they naturally did not intend to sit still and attacked the seal barrier one after another, but no matter how hard they tried to attack, the seal barrier remained unmoved.

And the more they use chakra, the faster the chakra in the body will be lost.

Earth Dungeon Tangwu is a very magical earth escape enchantment technique. It can not only absorb the chakras in other people's bodies, but also has the effect of purification, transforming chakras of various attributes into non-attributed chakras.

Sealing Enchantment Dungeon Hall was improved and developed on the basis of Earth Dungeon and Dune Hall, and naturally possessed all the functions of Earth Dungeon and Dune Hall.

"Other people's chakra is not easy to use after all, but whoever makes my chakra insufficient, just use it."

Kirito used the rock god puppet and the chakra thread to transfer the chakra absorbed from the sand hidden ninja into the body of the seal enchantment dungeon hall, so that the chakra that was almost exhausted in the body was refilled, and he sighed.

He had just fought against Hai Laozang, and it seemed that he had suppressed Hai Laozang, but in fact, if he didn't use the chakra in the Yin seal, he would be at the end of his battle.

There is no way, the technique of thunder transformation is powerful, but it burns too much chakra, and it consumes one-third of the chakra in his body after just two uses.

Before fighting Ebizo, he used the ability of the celestial chakra to open the blood dragon eye to fight the enemy, and it consumed a lot of chakra, and then he used the lightning technique twice in a row, and there was almost not much left.

The momentum he used to control the iron sand with the magnetic escape just now seems to be very powerful, but it is actually a bluff, otherwise, he would have no need to take out the Thor puppet and the Rock God puppet to fight Ebizo.

Because both the Thunder God puppet and the Rock God puppet have an earth grievance heart that can produce chakra by themselves, he basically can control the two puppets to fight without consuming chakra.

Now, he has enough chakra in his body, and he can finally fight Ebizo to his heart's content.

On the other side, on the high slope, Orochimaru looked at the sealing barrier created by Kirito and the rock god puppet, and said thoughtfully: "As expected of him, he actually improved the earth escape barrier technique Dunao Tangmu into a sealing barrier. World art, but what is he planning to do by absorbing the chakra in the cage like this, Hua Lian, can you still see the female puppet who left?"

Hana Hinata is currently looking at the sealing enchantment technique Dungeon Tangmu with her white eyes. Her white eyes can see more details that ordinary people cannot observe.

For example, when Kirito just used the sealing technique, how many kinds of sealing techniques were used in total, for example, in what exquisite way Kirito combined these sealing techniques, and for example, those sand ninja chakras in the sealing enchantment and others What kind of method is absorbed by the sealing barrier, and then where is it sent.

"Kirito-kun is really good. Although Minato is also very good, he is still a lot worse than Kirito-kun."

Hinata Hanaen recalled the process of Kirito's sudden backhand hitting Ebino just now, and she was full of admiration.

"Hua Lian, did you hear me?"

Suddenly, a cold voice suddenly appeared, which brought Hua Lian back to his senses.

She turned her head quickly, and said to Dashemaru nervously: "Mr. Dashemaru, what did you just say, I was too engrossed in watching it just now, so I didn't hear it."

She had a good impression of Orochimaru, although he was obviously partial to teaching Minato, but who made Minato better than her, she recognized it.

Orochimaru is still very kind to her, and he taught her sealing skills and various ninjutsu seriously. Under the guidance of the other party, her progress in sealing skills is far behind Minato, but compared to ordinary people, it is already very fast .

According to Orochimaru's evaluation, she is now qualified to work in the sealing class and deal with some simple sealing barrier problems.

Therefore, she was grateful to Orochimaru for helping her.

But she has always been afraid of Orochimaru in her heart, because the other party often asks her to draw some blood for research.

The other party claimed that she wanted to find a way to break the caged bird from the root of the blood, but she knew that this was the blood power of the Hyuga clan that Orochimaru coveted.

Her leading teacher seems to be a research madman, very interested in all kinds of blood inheritance boundaries, and obsessed with studying the secrets in them.

Also, the other party is very interested in the curse seal bestowed by Kirito-kun on her body, even more interested than the study of the blood succession limit.

Many times, she can feel that the other party's eyes are terrifying when they look at her back.

In this regard, Hua Lian expressed her understanding, because the curse seal given to her by Kirito-kun is really too powerful. She has been able to grow so fast in the past year. She grew up from an ordinary ninja and now has the strength of a ninja. This curse seal gives her She helps a lot.

This curse seal has been imperceptibly strengthening her physical fitness, and even the pair of white eyes restricted by the caged bird on her body have been strengthened. Ordinary family members can see things within five kilometers after opening the white eyes, but she has a full eight kilometers away. so big.

Moreover, the curse seal can also enhance her strength at critical moments. She usually only has the strength of an elite chunin, but as long as she opens the curse seal, she will have the strength of a jounin. With Bai Yan's ability, she can even fight elite jounin for a short time.

If the curse seal is not good, it is that every time the curse seal is opened, a lot of spells will be covered on her body, and some parts of her body will also appear a little bit alienated, making her look a bit unnatural.

However, every time she used the spell seal, her leading teacher would look at her with greedy eyes as if looking at a work of art, which made her feel uncomfortable.

"It's okay, let me say it again, where is Kirito's female puppet now?"

When Da Shewan heard Hua Lian's words, he was not angry, and said with a half-smile.

He has never been in a relationship, but he understands people's hearts and has done some research on it. He can see that Hinata Hana is very interesting to Kirito, and the relationship between the two is indeed different.

Judging from Kirito's performance just now, it is a good choice for him to continue to have a good relationship with Hinata Hana.

"You can't lose sight of the other. Kirito is a treasure with infinite possibilities, and Hua Lian is at most just an interesting bird."

Orochimaru looked at Hana Hinata, the little girl who was pretending to be innocent, and quietly gave up some evil idea.

To be honest, he is really envious of the curse mark on Hua Lian's body, because he discovered the power of natural energy from it. If he can conduct in-depth research on the curse mark on Hua Lian's body, maybe he can use it to master natural energy up.

It can be seen that Kirito's research on natural energy is ahead of him.

"Teacher Orochimaru, that female puppet is now chasing Ebizo, but there are many people who have been killed by Ebizo, and it has not been able to catch up with Ebizo smoothly."

Hinata Hanaen learned the question asked by Orochimaru, and immediately answered truthfully.

"Yes, it seems that I can't catch up."

Orochimaru heard the news of Thor's puppet and quickly made a judgment.

The Thunder God puppet's performance just now, in his eyes, is indeed a very good Thunder Dunk puppet. In the hands of Kirito, a ninja who has broken through Thunder Dunk to the fifth level, he easily exploded with strength beyond the elite jounin, but It's still far from movie level.

If Kirito only relied on that female puppet, it would be impossible to kill Ebino, at most he could only injure Ebino.

"Ms. Orochimaru, why didn't you help Kirito just now? If you had your help, Mr. Oshemaru, you might be able to keep that guy named Ebizo."

Minato Namikaze couldn't help but asked.

Kirito just killed all directions on the battlefield, majestic, he is very envious, but the side effects on his body caused by his excessive use of the Flying Thunder God technique yesterday are still there, he is unable to participate in the battle, so he can only stay here and watch.

However, Orochimaru's strength has not been damaged, but he has not made a move, which really puzzles him.

"Minato, things are not as simple as you think. That old guy is even more troublesome than you imagined. If he pushes him, he will drag everyone to be buried with him."

Orochimaru shook his head when he heard the words, without explaining in detail.

He has personally experienced Sand Yin Zhian's strength, because he is the one on Konoha's side who usually holds back Ebizo on the battlefield.

This guy is very sinister, good at making all kinds of poison with strange abilities, and has many methods, so he won't die so easily.

Moreover, there is a very terrifying weapon hidden on the opponent's body, which really drives him into a hurry, and he will definitely drag everyone to die together.

And once the thing on his body is released, Kirito may be able to retreat from the body with that magical thunder escape ninjutsu, but he may not necessarily be Orochimaru.


Hinata Huaren suddenly called out.

"what happened?"

Orochimaru noticed that Hua Lian's eyes were wide open, showing a surprised expression, and asked immediately.

"Kirito-kun's puppet caught up and cut off one of Ebizo's hands."

Hinata Hana Rei replied.

Orochimaru frowned slightly when he heard Hua Lian's answer, and finally fell silent.

His face felt a little sore right now.

Time went back to ten seconds ago, six or seven kilometers away.

After obtaining a large amount of Lightning Chakra sent by Kirito through the Chakra Line, the Thor puppet further consumes more Lightning Chakra to use the Thunder Shock Secret Art, allowing its own speed to reach the limit that the puppet's body can withstand, and then uses the extreme speed to Get rid of those sand hidden ninjas who died for Ebi.

"Damn Konoha kid, it's so hard to deal with."

With his third eye, Ebizo saw the Thunder God puppet get rid of the obstruction of other sand ninjas, then quickly approached him, stopped decisively, and manipulated the remaining two puppets in his hands to stand ready.

With the speed at which Thor's puppet exploded, even if he crippled his feet and used chakra sprints, he couldn't get rid of the opponent. The only solution for now was to get rid of this annoying female puppet.

That nasty kid didn't catch up, so he just took the opportunity to grab the female puppet and study the contents inside.

And he has already sensed that after the ninjas in the base camp received the support signal, they were quickly coming to his side to support him. He only needs to hold on a little longer, and he can join the reinforcements from the base camp.

At that time, even if that Konoha kid comes, he will not be afraid.

In fact, he found that he seemed to be tricked by that Konoha kid.

When that kid confronted him, it wasn't that he didn't want to use magnetic ninjutsu, but that he didn't have the ability to use magnetic ninjutsu.

The kid had already fought fiercely with other sand ninjas on the battlefield before he met him, and the Chakra consumed must not be a small amount. Exhaustion is right.

However, what is going on with the female puppet in front of me? It is obviously very chakra-intensive to maintain the accelerated lightning escape secret technique on it. If the little devil has insufficient chakra, why can this female puppet be able to keep chakra? To maintain the Lightning Escape Secret Art.

Hai Laozang is puzzled now.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he takes down the fast-approaching female puppet in front of him, he can find the answer himself.

"You actually stopped, you are really brave!"

Suddenly, a familiar loud voice reappeared in Hai Laozang's mind and exploded, making his whole head buzz again, and his movements became sluggish.


Hai Laozang didn't understand why Kirito could still use sound transmission to influence him when he wasn't here, he was terrified, and then wanted to immediately manipulate the puppets around him to use the puppet art - Machine Light Shield Seal.

But because of Kirito's Immortal Art, Mind-Body Art, and Shocking God's control, his movements were a little slow after all, and he failed to make the puppet perform the puppet art, Machine Light Shield, before Thor's puppet naginata fell. Defense, just had time to force his body to move to the right a little.

The next moment, he saw a purple lightning flash in his eyes, and the Thor puppet appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, and the naginata in his hand cut off his left hand controlling the puppet like lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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