Konoha: From Immortalization

Chapter 140 Clan and Separation (4K) (Subscription and Monthly Pass Required)

Chapter 140 Clan and Separation (4K) (Subscription and Monthly Pass Required)

"Even if you beat me, you are not allowed to go to Hua Lian again. If you continue to approach her, you will only kill her."

Hinatayan was really slapped in the face by Kirito, a junior who was 6 years younger than him, and he was both frustrated and unwilling, but at this moment, he thought of the purpose of coming here, and stared at Kirito fiercely again and said.

He could dismiss Kirito before, but now he can't, he really has no right to order Kirito to do what he wants.

So now the only way to stop Kirito from looking for Hua Lian is to reason with Kirito.

"Can you make it clear, I hate the Riddler."

Seeing that Hyugayan was finally willing to talk to him, Kirito said softly.

As he spoke, he manipulated the iron sand under his body to form a small flat land in the air, and performed a large number of sealing spells on it.

After a while, a sealing enchantment that can shield the outside world from perception was formed.

At the same time, the eyes of a large number of Hyuga Clan ninjas hiding nearby suddenly went dark, and Kirito and Hyuga Iwa could no longer be seen.

"This kid's sealing technique is really so powerful. This kind of sealing barrier that can block the perception of white eyes was created by him. It's really better to see it than to hear it. This level of sealing technique ability is in Konoha except water. Besides Mr. Hu, there is no one else."

In a hidden place, an elder of the Hyuga clan said in surprise.

Next to this patriarch of the clan is a majestic and stable member of the Hyuga clan. If Kirito were here, he would definitely recognize this person at a glance as the current patriarch of the Hyuga clan, Hyuga Kazuma.

When Hinata and Ma heard the words of the elders of the clan around them, they remained silent, with an inexplicable gleam in their eyes.

The powerful seal ninja has always been the biggest potential enemy of their Hyuga clan.

"Master Patriarch, what should we do now? Our white eyes can't see through the sealing barrier. That kid doesn't know what he will do to Iwa. Iwa is one of the most outstanding young generations of our Hyuga Clan in recent years. Can you Never mind."

At this time, an elder from the side branch said anxiously seeing that Hinata and Ma didn't respond at all.

Hinatayan went to find Kirito, and they naturally discovered it early.

In fact, not long after Kirito brought Hana Rei into the Hyuga Clan, the high-level officials of the Hyuga Clan had already received the news, and then silently followed Kirito and Hana Rei.

As a result, they found a new curse mark on Hua Lian's body with their white eyes.

This curse seal is not only very high-level, but also a growth-type curse seal. It is constantly absorbing the chakra in Hua Lian's body and growing rapidly.

According to their speculation, this new curse seal was planted by Kirito for Hua Lian, because they saw a trace of Chakra in this curse seal that was very similar to the Chakra in Kirito's body.

Planting a curse seal on the people of their Hyuga clan is undoubtedly something worthy of serious treatment for their Hyuga clan.

However, Hana Hinata seems to have voluntarily planted a curse seal by Kirito.

This made them a little embarrassed.

Although Hana Ren is a branch of the Hyuga Clan, she is also a Konoha Ninja, not a slave of the Hyuga Clan. She has the right to accept things given by others, including curse marks.

If Hua Lian was planted with the curse seal voluntarily, then they would be ashamed to question Kirito.

Besides, they have heard about Kirito controlling Kyuubi by himself. Although they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they don't really believe it is true, but Kirito's strength is aside. The hand clan supports it, and for the sake of safety, they are not willing to offend Kirito in their hearts.

However, they must not sit idly by when Kirito put a curse on Hua Lian's body, otherwise, what would be the majesty of their Hyuga clan.

Even the Senju Clan cannot violate the majesty of the Hyuga Clan.

And in their eyes, Kirito is really a very dangerous person. He is the personal disciple of Mito-sama. His sealing ability and talent have been verified long ago. He is a dangerous person who may unlock the caged bird.

The bird in the cage is the foundation of their Hyuga clan's survival, and it must not be mastered by outsiders.

Therefore, they don't want Tongren to continue to associate with Hua Lian at all, so that Tongren will have the opportunity to get in touch with the caged bird too much.

At least that's what everyone in the clan thinks.

Tongren put a curse mark on Hua Lian this time, maybe it is the foreshadowing he laid for Hua Lian to untie the caged bird in the future.

Regardless of whether other people believe it or not, anyway, the members of their Hyuga clan now think it is possible.

Hua Lian can't continue to contact Kirito, this is the result of their discussion and consensus among the members of the Hinata Clan.

Hana Rei now has Orochimaru and Kirito's 'support'. They don't directly threaten Hana Rei with caged birds like before. They have to hint to Hyuga Iwa, the sister-in-law who is loyal to Hyuga Sect, and ask him to come forward to solve the problem. this matter.

As expected, Hyugayan lived up to their expectations and took the initiative to find Kirito.

It's just that they didn't expect that Hinata Iwa, who had just returned from the battlefield of the country of rain, would be so swollen. They didn't take Kirito, the Konoha genius seriously, and directly ordered Kirito not to meet Hana Ren again with a strong attitude, and finally broke out Just the conflict.

They watched the entire battle just now.

To tell the truth, they were shocked.

They never expected Kirito to be so powerful. Hinata Iwa, the genius Jnin of their clan, was defeated without any suspense, and couldn't escape. Kirito used his unique magnetic escape ninjutsu on the spot. taken prisoner.

The strength of this captive Jonin is really amazing.

With such a powerful strength at the age of 8, it is difficult for them to imagine how powerful Kirito will be in the future.

If they were just not willing to offend Kirito before, not because they didn't dare to offend Kirito, then now they really don't dare to offend Kirito.

Such a genius ninja, as long as he survives, with Kirito's current status, he will definitely be the real power of Konoha in the future.

Maybe there is still a chance to become Hokage.

Their Hyuga Clan has always been indifferent to the world and has always maintained neutrality. How can they offend such a person.

"Don't worry, Tongren is a person who knows how to measure, and Yan is Hua Lian's older brother. For Hua Lian's sake, he will not hurt Yan. Now that the enchantment is set up, we just don't want to be disturbed by outsiders. We Just wait in peace."

Hinata and Ma heard the words of the branch elders, pondered for a while, and opened their mouths.

"Isn't it right? If Iwah leaks his words, it will have a bad influence on our Hyuga clan."

The patriarch said with concern at this time.

"What do you mean by that? Iwa is a child loyal to the Hyuga clan, and he will never leak the secret."

When the branch elder heard this, he immediately said dissatisfied.

"Really? I remember that what we told this kid before was just asking him to persuade Tongren not to continue meeting with Hua Lian. We didn't ask him to threaten and warn him as soon as he came up. In the end, it was entirely his own fault. Also, People from our main family speak, but you, a member of the branch family, had better keep silent."

The elder of the clan asked back, a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes.

People who distinguish between different families dare to talk back, it's really not big or small.

Is there really such a thing as loyalty among separated people?

He was very suspicious.


The branch elder felt that he had been humiliated, and instantly blushed, wanting to argue with the other party.

But Hinata and Ma immediately stopped the further development of the conflict, and said coldly: "Enough, now is not the time to quarrel, Kazuya, the branch family is the clansmen who protect the clan, you should not doubt their loyalty, Iwa is an outstanding child , he knows what to do."

Hyuga and Ma, the patriarchs, spoke out, and the branch elders and the clan elders had no choice but to stop arguing, but they didn't look at each other very well, and the atmosphere at the scene was a bit stiff.

Seeing this, Hinata and Ma remained expressionless.

He has long been familiar with the conflict between the main family and the separated family. Normally, he would take it to the theater, but now he is really not in the mood to go to the theater.

He really wants to find out Kirito's attitude towards the Hyuga Clan. Although this Konoha genius is young, the strength he has shown today is not small, and the Hyuga Clan must pay attention.

And according to his information, Kirito has recently gotten very close to the Uchiha clan.

Today, the Senju Clan and the Uchiha Clan, the two major families of Konoha, are related to this Genius Konoha, and they are also closely related to the geniuses of these two families. Only the Hyuga Clan has nothing to do with this Genius Konoha.

In terms of connection, there is actually one, that is, one member of the clan is Kirito's junior sister.

At the beginning, the Senshou clan made a deal with their Hyuga clan in order to let Kirito learn soft boxing, and let a member of the clan become a disciple of Mito, and went to Mito to learn the sealing technique.

It's a pity that this clan member's talent in learning the sealing technique is mediocre, and he can't bear hardships and has no perseverance. In addition, Mito-sama was already sick in bed at that time, and his main energy was devoted to teaching the new Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. It has been a long time since members of the clan went to Mito to learn the sealing technique.

It's not that I don't want to go, I really have no face to go.

This member of the clan was hit hard by Kirito and Kushina's talent for sealing techniques, and he had completely lost his enthusiasm for learning the sealing technique.

In addition, there is a little connection with Hinata-san, Kirito's gymnastics teacher.

However, Hyuga-san was hinted by them that he could not pass on the advanced knowledge of Rouquan to Kirito. How good his relationship with Kirito is is a question.

Speaking of which, the deal between the Hyuga Clan and the Senju Clan was a bit dishonest for the Hyuga Clan.

They only taught Kirito the basic soft boxing, but Mito-sama chose to treat everyone equally when teaching the sealing technique, and didn't have much private possession, but their clan members couldn't learn it.

"The wind of the times is blowing again. This time, how should the Hyuga clan choose?"

As the patriarch of Hinata and Ma, he has now keenly sensed an unusual political trend, and one of the core figures leading this trend is Kirito, the Konoha genius.

It's just that it seems difficult for the Hyuga clan to go smoothly this time, and it's even difficult for them to remain neutral as before, and continue to use the superior blood-succession boundary of white eyes to maintain a natural position in Konoha.

Because this Konoha genius seems to be biased in his attitude towards the caged bird.

"Caged bird"

Hinata and Ma thought of the bird in the cage, and a face with a desperate expression flashed in their minds, and their already cold hearts couldn't help but feel a little tingling.

On the other side, in the sealing barrier.

"What's the matter, are you going to keep telling me not to get in touch with Hua Lian without telling me any reason? Don't worry, this sealing barrier has the effect of shielding eyes and voices. Those who love to peek and steal It's impossible for the guy listening to know what's going on here."

Kirito looked at Hyugaiyan who was silent at this time, and said a little speechlessly.

"You don't need to know the reason, you just need to know that I'm just doing good for Hua Lian, Hua Lian should grow up happily and live in peace and security, as long as you don't have any contact with her anymore, all of these can be done .”

Hearing this, Hinatayan looked at the surrounding sealing barriers in surprise, but in the end he chose to hide the things about the clan and told Kirito a plausible reason.

"Hmph, you are really a good brother. You have already arranged for Hua Lian's future path so early, but will Hua Lian really be willing to follow the path you arranged? You are Hua Lian's brother, so you should Know what kind of person she is."

Kirito said sarcastically when he heard Hyugayan say that.

He can tell now that Hua Lian's brother is a control freak, and he is also a person who has completely surrendered to his own destiny.

However, he should have had the experience of resistance before, but unlike Hua Lian, he chose to give up resistance after being severely hit by reality.

And now he sees the shadow of him in Hua Lian. As a sister-in-law, he naturally doesn't want Hua Lian to go through a painful experience of rebelling against fate like him.

Therefore, for the sake of Hua Lianhao, he made the choice of submitting to fate for Hua Lian without authorization.

"Hua Lian is just ignorant now, she will definitely understand my hard conscience in the future."

Hyugaiyan listened to the irony in Kirito's words, and couldn't help feeling a little ashamed in his heart, but still said loudly stubbornly.

That's right, he did all this for Hua Lianhao.

Even if Hua Lian doesn't know him now, and might hate him for the rest of his life, he doesn't want to see Hua Lian being killed by someone from the Zong family in order to crack the caged bird in the future.

"Don't be self-righteous, Hua Lian is not your puppet, don't impose your ideas on her, she is a person with a free soul, she has her own pursuit and life, if she really dies in pursuit of freedom one day Yes, I think she is also willing."

Seeing that Hyugayan was still stubborn, Kirito said coldly.

"You're trying to kill Hua Lian on purpose, you bastard, I won't allow you to do that."

When Hyugaiyan heard what Kirito said, he suddenly shouted hysterically, staring at Kirito with his eyes, wishing to kill Kirito with his eyes.

He didn't allow Hua Lian to die in vain in pursuit of that ridiculous freedom.

Never allow.

Because everyone's destiny is already doomed, and it is impossible to change it.

"It's not up to you, let me see the reason why you have been reluctant to say."

Kirito looked indifferently at Hyugaiyan who was powerless and furious at this time, and said coldly.

After finishing speaking, he stretched out a hand and pressed it on Ri Xiangyan's head.

A terrifying soul power erupted from him in an instant
Hyugayan fainted instantly, and then a white soul was pulled out of Hyugayan's body by Kirito.

Spiritualization Art·Soul Search!

 py is a book, the book is still very young, let’s bookmark it first, it is a book by a fine old author, and it is well written.

(End of this chapter)

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