Konoha: From Immortalization

Chapter 138 The Bird in the Cage and the Curse Seal of Kirito (5K) (9 words have been updated) (seek

Chapter 138 The Caged Bird and Kirito's Curse Seal (5K) ([-] words updated) (seeking subscription and monthly pass)
"It's better to be careful. When you go to the battlefield, you can't rely too much on other people. You still have to rely on yourself at critical moments."

Seeing that Hana Ren was a little too blindly confident in Orochimaru's strength, Kirito continued to remind.

If Orochimaru was really that powerful, Naoki wouldn't have died in the original plot.

Although it is said that Natoki's death was largely due to his recklessness and his own weak strength, it was a mistake for Dashemaru, the guide, to let Nasoki, a recruit, rush forward recklessly. He shouldn't have appreciated it at the time. Zhishu is brave, but he should stop it immediately.

Therefore, Kirito felt in his heart that Orochimaru was not so reliable, and the usual teaching and training was okay, but if he really expected him to save people on the battlefield, it was best to be careful.

Just like Minato became the mentor of Jonin, Orochimaru is not always the nanny of Minato, Hana and Donto when he is on the battlefield. He has more important tasks to do, and there are many things to take into account. It is impossible to be always to protect the safety of the three.

"I see, I will remember your words, Kirito-kun."

Hua Lian nodded obediently.

"Hua Lian, how is your Soft Fist learning? Have you learned it in Huitian?"

Kirito asked.

When Hua Lian heard this, her little face collapsed. Although her soft fist was not wasteful and she practiced it every day, her father didn't mean to teach her the advanced knowledge of soft fist at all. She still only knew the basics. soft fist.

"Teacher Shan has his own difficulties. Come with me. I will teach you some good things. You should study hard and learn."

When Tongren saw Hua Lian's expression, he knew that she would not return to heaven, and sighed.

It has to be said that Neiji Hyuga is indeed a genius, and it is not easy to learn how to return to heaven by his own groping.

However, Hua Lian is only 8 years old now, and it is too embarrassing for her to comprehend the secret skill of Huitian soft fist at this age.

No is normal.

When Hua Lian heard that Mr. Kirito was going to teach her something good, an excited expression appeared on her small face.

In order to encourage her to study soft boxing hard, her father has repeatedly praised Kirito-kun's talent in learning soft boxing in front of her, which is even better than the two twin geniuses in the Zong family.

To be honest, she was really curious about the strength of Kirito-kun's soft fist.

Listening to what Kirito-kun said just now, he seems to have learned to return to heaven.

But is it possible?
Huitian is a soft boxing secret skill passed down from generation to generation in the clan, and it is never passed on to the outside world. Only a few people in the branch family have the opportunity to obtain the practice method after getting the consent of the clan members.

Kirito-kun is not a member of the Hyuga clan, and he doesn't even roll his eyes. Is it really possible to realize it by himself?
Tongren brought Hua Lian to an open space in the Qianshou clan land.

He first turned on his soul perception, and found that there was no one else within a 200-meter radius except him and Hua Lian.

So, he shot decisively on the spot, a wave of chakra emerged from his body, and a large number of sealing techniques were released from him immediately, and then fell on the surrounding ground, quickly forming a sealing barrier with a coverage of only about ten meters.

Hua Lian stared at this scene with wide-eyed eyes, full of envy.

She has always insisted on learning the sealing technique, and she has the ability to release the sealing technique and the double light array. At her age, she is able to do this. Compared with the sealing technique of sealing enchantment, it is simply horrible.

Kirito's level of sealing technique has far exceeded her imagination.

"If it's Kirito-kun, is there a way for him to release the caged bird on my body now?"

Hua Lian couldn't help but think about it.

The reason why she worked so hard was to get rid of the damn curse mark on her forehead and change her own damn destiny.

Now she realizes that she doesn't seem to need to work so hard, as long as she gets Kirito-kun's help, it is very possible to untie the curse seal on her body. .

"Fate should be firmly in your own hands."

But what Kirito just said to her suddenly flashed in her mind, which made her instantly extinguish the idea of ​​relying on Kirito to untie the caged bird.

Kirito-kun is right, you should control your own destiny. If you rely on others to untie the caged bird on your body, then what is it to control your own destiny?

And if she chooses to do this, Kirito-kun should look down on her, and will never focus on her again.

If it becomes like that, she would rather not loosen the caged bird on her body.

You can't make Kirito-kun look down on yourself. Kirito-kun likes self-improvement and useful people, not a useless woman who can only shed tears and beg for sympathy from others.

Thinking of this, Hua Lian couldn't help thinking of Qianhe, the girl who was always by Kirito's side, and her eyes became more determined.

Uchiha Chizuru.

I, Hinata Hana, will not lose to you!
"Okay, so no one should be able to spy on the situation here."

Kirito didn't know what kind of changes Hua Lian had experienced in a short period of time. After quickly completing the layout of the sealing barrier, he smiled and said to Hua Lian.

"Kirito-kun, what are you going to teach me? If it's too important, please don't teach me."

Hua Lian saw that Kirito needed to set up a sealing barrier before starting to teach her, and suddenly realized that what Kirito taught her should be very important, and said with a worried expression.

She knew that Kirito knew a lot of ninjutsu, but many ninjutsu could not be easily spread to the outside world. Once discovered, it would cause big problems.

It would be bad if she was punished for harming Kirito-kun.

"Don't worry, all the ninjutsu I teach you are my own creations, and other people can't make irresponsible remarks to you and me even if they see it."

Tongren replied, giving Hua Lian a reassuring look.

After finishing speaking, under Hua Lian's surprised gaze, a large number of thin chakra threads appeared in the chakra acupuncture points of his arms, and then these thin threads quickly combined to form a pair of chakra sleeves, tightly covering Kirito's body. Wrap your hands.

"Did you see clearly?"

After Kirito used the chakra thread to successfully weave the sleeves, he said that he had opened his eyes at this time.

"Probably see clearly."

Hua Lian nodded blankly.

Relying on her white eyes, she clearly saw that Kirito quickly condensed chakra lines in the chakra acupuncture points with his amazing chakra control power, and miraculously weaved these chakra lines together, finally forming a chakra Carat sleeves.

Although she doesn't know the defensive power of the chakra sleeve, judging from the condensed level of the chakra line, its defensive power must be very terrifying. It is not a problem to block the cutting of ninja gear, and it may have other magical effects.

"This is called Chakra Feathercloth. It is a ninjutsu technique developed by me combining the characteristics of the soft fist to open the chakra acupuncture points of the whole body and the technology of the sand hidden puppet master to condense the chakra lines. As long as the chakra control is strong enough, the condensed chakra The technique of the line is mature enough, and the foundation of soft fist is strong enough, so that it is not a problem to form a chakra feather coat all over the body."

Kirito said the name and mastery conditions of this ninjutsu.

While speaking, the chakra acupuncture points all over his body shot out chakra lines, and then quickly intertwined together, finally forming a thin chakra coat, covering his whole body.


The next moment, Kirito punched the ground, instantly creating a pit full of cracks on the ground.

And he hammered the ground so vigorously, his hand wrapped in the chakra feather coat did not see any damage caused by the reaction force at all.


Hua Lian exclaimed when she saw the pit made by Kirito's punch and the condition of his fist.

At this time, she still can't see that besides the amazing defensive power that this chakra feather robe can bring to Kirito, it can also greatly strengthen Kirito's strength, allowing him to easily hit a powerful steel fist, maybe even Improves movement speed.

"Want to learn?"

Seeing the surprised expression on Hua Lian's face, Tongren said with some pride.

This Chakra Yuki is a ninjutsu completely developed by him, it is the kind that can be taught to others, and the difficulty is not too high.

Of course, if you want to use a complete chakra feather coat, you must have an excellent soft fist foundation.

If you want to open the chakra acupuncture points of the whole body, the mastery of soft fist is the most important thing.

So far, among Kirito's peers, Hua Lian is the most likely to have fully learned his ninjutsu. Maybe with the help of Baiyan, she will be more suitable for using this ninjutsu than him, the founder.


Upon hearing this, Hua Lian nodded quickly.

With her intelligence, she certainly understands the value of the ninjutsu that Kirito taught her.

To put it bluntly, as long as she masters Chakra Yuki, her self-protection ability on the battlefield will definitely be greatly improved in the future. At least she can basically ignore all kinds of ninja attacks thrown by the enemy, and she doesn't have to worry about being used by others in time. Ninja attack.

And with Chakra Yuki, she can safely engage in close combat with the enemy.

At that time, she might be able to bear the enemy's attack and take advantage of the physical combat.

"You are a knowledgeable person. There are detailed training methods in this scroll. Go back and read it carefully. If you don't understand anything, you can come to the orphanage or the hospital to find me at any time."

Seeing this, Kirito quickly took out a psychic card, and then used the psychic-release technique to take out a scroll from it and hand it to Hua Lian, smiling.

"Is it really possible? Kirito-kun, this ninjutsu is very precious, I can't give you anything now."

Hua Lian looked at the ninjutsu scroll that Kirito handed over, she didn't reach out to take it immediately, and said hesitantly.

Although Kirito has never said how valuable this ninjutsu is, she knows that this ninjutsu is at least an A-level ninjutsu.

For such a precious thing, she accepted everything without giving anything, and she felt really sorry.

"Accept it. Mr. Shan was very attentive when teaching me soft fist. His mouth is a little bit poisonous, but he is actually very kind to me. Thanks to his guidance, my soft fist can improve so fast, and he is now The hospital served as the captain of the guard and gave me great help.

Also, Hua Lian, don’t underestimate yourself too much. In my opinion, you are a very good investment target. You can’t give me anything now, but it won’t be so in the future. As long as you can survive on the battlefield, Then grow up, and it will definitely help me a lot in the future. "

Tongren was very happy when he heard what Hua Lian said, and explained.

He likes this kind of people who don't want to prostitute for free. Hua Lian's awareness shows that she is indeed a very good investment target. As long as she can grow up smoothly, he will definitely get a good helper in the future.

This is a very high quality investment.

Although Kirito's words were straightforward, Hua Lian sounded very happy. She was actually very afraid that Kirito gave her such a precious ninjutsu because of pity for her, but now she knew that Kirito had taken a fancy to her With great potential, she feels at ease when she thinks she is a person worth investing in.

She is not afraid of being used by Kirito, but she is afraid that she has no use value in Kirito's eyes.

"Kirito-kun, please rest assured, I will make good use of this ninjutsu to survive on the battlefield, and I will definitely repay your kindness in the future."

Hua Lian accepted the ninjutsu scroll with peace of mind, and made a solemn promise.

Kirito got Hua Lian's promise and nodded in satisfaction.

Afterwards, he scratched his face with his fingers, and said with some hesitation: "Hua Lian, I actually have something here that can improve your strength and can help you greatly improve your strength in a short period of time at critical moments. I don't know if you would like it." Willing to accept."

"What is it?"

Hua Lian asked curiously.

She is of course interested in things that can improve strength, especially what Kirito said just now is obviously something that can improve strength and save life, so she is even more interested.

Anyway, she has accepted Kirito's precious ninjutsu, owed a big favor, and now she is not afraid to owe another one.

"It's a curse mark."

Kirito thought about it and said frankly.

Because of the bird in the cage, he never mentioned the curse seal to Hua Lian, for fear of irritating her.

But now that Hua Lian is about to follow Dashewan to the battlefield, in order to improve her survivability, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say something.

"Curse seal?"

When Hua Lian heard these two words, her small face turned pale, showing a scared expression.

"Don't get me wrong, the curse seal I invented will not add anything that restricts your freedom, it is a ninjutsu that can simply improve your strength."

Kirito noticed Hua Lian's expression and immediately explained.

However, Hua Lian was still very scared, and her resistance was very obvious.

"Well, if you don't want me to plant the curse seal, I won't force you, so just pretend I didn't say anything about it."

Seeing this, Tongren knew that this matter could not be done, and resolutely gave up persuading Hua Lian to accept his curse seal.

The curse of the caged bird left a huge psychological shadow on Hua Lian. Now that the caged bird has not been untied, it is obviously very difficult for her to accept the new curse in a short time.

It is precisely because she has tasted the pain of the curse seal that she resists such things as the curse seal from the bottom of her heart.

In this regard, Tongren expressed his understanding, since Hua Lian is unwilling, then forget it.

"Uchiha Chizuru, does she have this curse mark on her body?"

When Hua Lian heard that Tongren didn't intend to force her to accept the curse seal, she was greatly relieved, then she pursed her mouth in silence for a moment, and asked suddenly.

Kirito didn't expect Hua Lian to ask this question, looked at her with some surprise, and then nodded.

"Then you should also plant this kind of curse seal on me. If it is Kirito-kun's curse seal, I am willing to accept it."

Hua Lian received an affirmative answer, her heart was shocked, then she gritted her teeth and made a decision resolutely.

"Are you sure? It will be very difficult to undo it once it is planted. It will take root and grow in your body. The untie level may not be lower than that of a bird in a cage. Even as a spellcaster like me, I don't have the confidence to be able to undo it after a long time." Released from you, because it was part of you then."

Seeing Hua Lian's change of heart, Tongren reminded.

A spell that is harder to break than a bird in a cage?
When Hua Lian heard Tongren's reminder, her face turned pale again, and her heart was shaken again.

It's not that she doesn't believe Kirito's words, but she is afraid, afraid of such things as the curse seal.

But at this time, Qianzuru's contemptuous Sharingan flashed in her mind, and she suddenly felt very unwilling.

Only that Uchiha woman, she doesn't want to be compared to her at all.

Since that woman accepts Kirito-kun's seal, she can accept it too.

For a moment, the fear in Hua Lian's heart was suppressed by her strong will, and she said to Kirito with a determined face: "Please Kirito-kun plant the same curse mark as Uchiha Chizuru for me."


Kirito remained silent.

He suddenly realized that it was not a very suitable thing for him to curse Hua Lian in advance.

He doesn't want to plant a spell on Hua Lian now.

"Kirito-kun, please hurry up, it's a bit late now, my father may be worried about me."

Seeing that Tongren seemed to have signs of not wanting to plant a curse mark on her, Hua Lian immediately urged her, and her originally pitiful expression suddenly became a little scary.

Seeing this, he had no choice but to agree to her request.

He quickly bit his index finger, and then quietly combined chakra with natural energy to form a stable fairy chakra, and condensed this fairy chakra on his bitten index finger.

Then, he said, "Hua Lian, where do you want to engrave the seal of the curse?"

When Hua Lian heard it, he hesitated for a moment, then blushed and said, "Engrave it on my back."

After finishing speaking, she turned around, and then pulled up her clothes, revealing her smooth and white back in front of Kirito.

Kirito looked at Hua Lian's smooth and white back, his eyes didn't fluctuate. He stretched out his index finger and used blood to quickly draw a beautiful blood flower on Hua Lian's back, and then injected the fairy blood into the blood flower. A mantra formed by Chakra.

In an instant, a large number of fiery mantras fell on Hua Lian.

Immediately, Hua Lian felt as if her back was being burned by flames, and felt severe pain, which made her unable to help but let out a scream.

"Hold back, or you will have to start all over again if you fail."

Kirito reminded.

The curse seal she gave to Hua Lian was not for those third-rate things for members of the night organization, but a top version that combined high-quality fairy chakra. As long as Hua Lian was successfully planted, she would have a chance to get the road to immortality in the future.

Hua Lian was originally a tough person. When she heard Kirito's words, she immediately gritted her teeth, endured the severe pain from her body, and began to accept Kirito's curse seal without saying a word.

Soon, the fiery mantra covered most of Hua Lian's body.

At this time, Hua Lian was already sweating profusely, her face was extremely pale, but her eyes were still extremely firm.

"It's done."

Ten seconds later, Kirito, who had a layer of sweat on his forehead, showed a smile, then quickly withdrew his fingers and said happily.

The next moment, a large number of spells on Hua Lian's body immediately receded like a tide, and all of them were submerged in the flower-like curse mark on Hua Lian's back.

When all the incantations fell into the curse seal, Hua Lian immediately felt a certain connection with the curse seal on her back, and the chakra on her body began to be forcibly absorbed by it, as if it was alive, it was feeding into her body The chakras are constantly growing for food.

However, she found that her body seemed to be stronger than before.

When she was suffering from the seeding of the curse, she could feel a powerful force nourishing her body, which made her feel comfortable when she was in pain.

"After the curse seal is successfully planted, you should not practice ninjutsu for the time being. It will devour the chakra in your body for a period of time. During this period, your chakra may not be enough for the time being. Don't force yourself, just take a few days off and rest. God."

Kirito wiped the sweat from his forehead, then helped Hua Lian who had collapsed on the ground at this moment, and explained.

"I see, Kirito-kun, thank you."

Hua Lian said weakly.

Then, she blushed and said, "Kirito-kun, I can't seem to walk now, can you take me home?"

 A book of Yushouliu written by a friend of py. The name is as follows. I have read it myself.

(End of this chapter)

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