Konoha: From Immortalization

Chapter 136 Huangmao Xiaozhengtai (2K) (1 words have been updated today) (subscription and monthly p

Chapter 136 Huangmao Xiaozhengtai (2K) ([-] words have been updated today) (seeking subscription and monthly pass)

When Kirito left the Uchiha Clan, he had already adjusted his mood, and he did not continue to be angry at Uchiha Homura for not accepting his good suggestions.

Thinking about it now, he didn't need to be angry at all, his partner was Chizuru, not the old guy Uchiha Homura.

Of course, he actually wanted to plan ahead, so that Qianzuru would have less resistance when reforming the Uchiha clan in the future. However, Uchiha Homura, an old guy, is not worth it, so he can't make up his mind to eradicate those who are inside the Uchiha clan. cancer.

Ever since Nonoyu's store was oppressed by the scum of the Uchiha clan, he has been secretly investigating the Uchiha Guard, so he has a more detailed understanding of the Uchiha Guard.

There are now about 1000 ninjas of the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha Guard has more than 800 people, but only more than 300 actually do things.

Because Konoha's real inhabited place is not very big, so many security personnel are needed, and ninjas have many ninjutsu to assist in the investigation, Kirito feels that more than 300 daily officers in the security team are too many.

There are only more than 300 people who work, and there are more people who do not work than work. These people usually only need to hold a job in the security force and they can receive a salary with peace of mind. Life is so enjoyable.

There is no doubt that these people are moths of the system.

Poor other civilian ninjas have to work hard to do tasks all day long to earn money to support their families.

Therefore, it is not without reason that civilian ninjas have opinions on the Uchiha clan. They are the ninjas who are jealous of the Uchiha clan and can eat their own food.

Not to mention the jealousy of civilian ninjas, Kirito himself was a little jealous.

His salary is earned from his daily work in the sealing class and the hospital, and it is hard money.

Why can the ninjas of the Uchiha clan get their wages without having to work?
Thinking about it makes people feel psychologically unbalanced.

It's right that the Uchiha clan is hostile to Konoha's people, and they don't like it.

But that's it, these ninjas of the Uchiha clan are not satisfied yet, they want more things to satisfy their hearts that have become empty because they are usually too idle.

"The character is not pleasant, there is no one in the high-level, and there are many people in the clan who usually eat idle food. They use the system to give them iron rice bowls, and they don't have to work. They think that the high-level gives them not enough, and they are not even satisfied with the existing power. They want to rebel. , so that the ninja clan will not be exterminated in the future is simply unreasonable, and they deserve to be exterminated."

Kirito looked at several members of the security team walking shoulder to shoulder and passing by on the main road. He smelled the strong smell of alcohol on them, and sneered in his heart.

See, drink at work and be a drunken disturbance of the peace.

What a group of top-notch people.

The Uchiha garrison must be reformed, otherwise it will be extremely difficult for the Uchiha clan to change their image in the hearts of the Konoha people.

Unfortunately, from the current point of view, this reform is still a long way to go.

"I really want to grow up quickly, I'm still too young now."

Thinking that his suggestion could not be implemented, Kirito still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. He looked at his immature hands, and suddenly had a desire to grow up quickly.

Only when he grows up can he occupy a high position in Konoha, attract more people, and then build Konoha into what he wants.

Although he has the strength of this brat now, it is obvious that in the eyes of some seniors, he still needs to continue to exercise.

"The battlefield, in another year, when I am ten years old, I will go and have a look. If you want to convince the public, after all, you have to show enough outstanding achievements. Isn't Namakaze Minato also relying on his impressive record to let him go?" Did those seniors shut up?"

At this moment, Kirito thought to himself what Orochimaru said to him in the hospital before.

"Student Kirito."

Suddenly, Kirito heard someone calling him behind him, he suddenly came back to his senses, then turned around, and a little yellow-haired lady appeared in his eyes.

It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are here.

This little yellow-haired young lady is Minakame Minato, who is in the same grade as him but different in age. The other party is now nine years old, five months older than him.

"It's Minato, long time no see."

Although Kirito and Minato hadn't had much contact in normal times, they had played together a few times and fought against each other a few times, so they were considered friends, and he immediately greeted them warmly.

"Well~, it's been a while since you graduated and went to the medical class."

Watergate said with a smile.

"Hey, Konoha, you applied for graduation in advance?"

At this moment, Kirito finally noticed the Konoha forehead guard wrapped around Minato's left arm, and said in surprise.

"Yes, I applied to Mr. Aoki for graduation yesterday, and I successfully passed the test today. I am now a Konoha ninja."

Minato shook the Konoha forehead protector on his left arm in front of Kirito, and said proudly.

"Congratulations, how about I treat you to something to congratulate?"

Kirito congratulated.

"There's no need for that. Mr. Aoki and a few good friends have already prepared a celebration banquet for me. I'm about to go there now. Kirito, you can come too. There will be more people."

Minato quickly waved his hand to explain, and then invited Kirito to go with him.

Kirito thought about it, and felt that this proposal was very good. Anyway, he hadn't had dinner yet, so it was a good time to have a meal, and by the way, improve his friendship with Minato, the Konoha genius.

He immediately formed a seal, created a shadow clone, and asked the shadow clone to go back to Naoshu's house to explain the situation.

"Kirito, can you ask Kushina to come with you?"

Seeing that Kirito wanted the shadow clone to report back, Minato suddenly said with an awkward expression.


When Kirito heard Minato's words, a puzzled expression appeared on his face, and he stared at Minato with wide eyes.

"Jiushina hasn't come to school for a long time, and some female classmates who are familiar with her are more concerned about her and want to get together with her."

Minato hurriedly explained with a blushing face.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect this guy to target Jiu Xinnai so early. No wonder in the original plot, Jiu Xinnai was caught by Yun Yin's people. He was the first to catch him, and then he completed the heroic feat of saving the beauty."

Kirito watched Minato, who was still lying about Xiaobai at this time, uttering this lame lie, and sighed in his heart.

Feelings, why did this guy who didn't have much friendship with him stop him on the street and invite him to a celebration banquet? It turned out to be for this.

"If it doesn't work, forget it."

Seeing that Kirito looked at him wrongly, Minato immediately blushed and said while he was still very thin-skinned.

"I'm sorry, Kushina is still recuperating for the time being, I'm afraid I won't be able to attend your celebration banquet, but I can call Naoki over."

Kirito said in a regretful tone.

This is the truth, Kushina has just completed the Nine-Tails seal, and his body is still in the stage of adapting to Nine-Tails' power, so it is not appropriate to leave the land of the Thousand Hands or Mito's side for the time being.

"Well, that's still important, so don't bother her."

When Minato heard that Kushina couldn't come, he immediately showed undisguised disappointment on his face, and said to Kirito.

As for Kirito's statement that he wanted Shengshu to participate, he didn't seem to hear it, and walked forward sullenly at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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