Konoha: From Immortalization

Chapter 123 Nine-Tail Inheritance (9) (First Order)

Chapter 123 Nine-Tails Inheritance ([-]) (First Order)
Jilai also saw that Kirito left so simply, he had to withdraw his words if he wanted to continue to get close, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that this Hattori Zhengcheng has a big prejudice against Konoha."

In fact, he had already expected this in his heart. After all, Konoha had just defeated Yuyin and smashed the country of rain into a rotten place. Hattori is becoming a Urenin.

Perhaps this is why the other party chose to trade with Yanyin instead of Konoha in the first place.

Moreover, this Hattori Masanari seems to have suffered from the roots, and he is very cautious about this transaction with Konoha in his heart.

Although Jiraiya doesn't know much about the roots led by Danzo, he also knows that this is a unit that does dirty work for Konoha.

The purpose is that as long as you can protect Konoha, you can do whatever it takes.

Hattori Masanari's worries are correct. Once the root leader who heard that he is currently being held in the depths of Konoha Prison knows about this matter, he may soon send out an elite group of roots to obtain it from Hattori Masanari at the lowest cost. need something.

"Forget it, leave this matter to the teacher to worry about. I will be responsible for spreading the word this time."

Ji Lai also thought about it carefully, shook his head and sighed.

After speaking, he immediately used the shadow clone technique to create a shadow clone, and then let the shadow clone go back to sleep in the house.

The information this time is too important. Once it is confirmed to be true, it will definitely greatly influence the battle between Konoha and Sand Yin, and it may be the opportunity for Konoha to quickly defeat Sand Yin.

In order to ensure that the information could be delivered safely, he planned to send the information back in person this time.

Also, he didn't really trust the Anbu ninjas sent by Konoha.

He once heard people say that there may be people with roots in Anbu, which is directly under Hokage, but it's just impossible to find out the truth.

He didn't know whether this was true or not, but just in case, to avoid letting the root leader know at this time, and eventually ruining the big thing, he had to be more cautious this time.

When the shadow clone returned to the house, Jiraiya hurried to the four Anbu ninjas who were in charge of keeping him in touch with the village.

Four Anbu ninjas appeared one after another after receiving a signal from Jiraiya.

"The four of you will send the information back with me."

Ji Lai also said with a smile, but his voice was a bit cold, with a trace of unquestionable taste.


Hearing this, the four Anbu ninjas immediately responded in unison.

The next moment, Jiraiya and the four Anbu ninjas disappeared in the same place in an instant, and then went in the direction of Konoha at an extremely fast speed.

With their footsteps, they should be able to return to Konoha Village before dawn.

"This Sannin is really a careful person. It seems that when dealing with him next, we should talk as little as possible, so that he can't find anything from me."

At this moment, Kirito emerged from the ground where Jiraiya was waiting for others to disappear. Using his soul perception, he noticed that Jiraiya was quickly leaving with the four Anbu ninjas, and said with a solemn face.

At the same time, he couldn't help but praise the other party for his carefulness in doing things.

Jiraiya personally sent the information back, and also took away four Anbu ninjas who knew that he and Jiraiya had met.

And he wiped out the Bai Jue here.

In this way, if the news still leaks out, it can only be said to be God's will.

Of course, there is another way to be foolproof.

It's just that neither Kirito nor Jiraiya know how to use it.

If it were Danzo and his roots to send the information back safely, he probably wouldn't hesitate.

. . .

On the other side, in the depths of the death forest, in front of the secret villa where Mito is.

A huge sealing altar has been built, and now the final acceptance stage is left.

At this time, Kirito's body was repeatedly confirming with some elite ninjas from the sealing class who are proficient in sealing techniques whether the various sealing techniques on the sealing altar were wrong.

The sealing altar is a key tool for sealing Nine-Tails, and the sealing formula engraved on it must not have the slightest error, otherwise it will really kill many people if the chain is dropped at a critical moment.

"Aren't you going to rest?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind Kirito.

When Kirito heard the voice, he didn't turn back immediately, but continued to concentrate on confirming the correctness of the sealing technique in front of him, and then turned around and said to Qianzuru in front of him: "The others haven't rested yet, my Mito disciple How can it be an exception?"

Because the third generation agrees that the Uchiha clan is in the Nine-Tails Inheritance Action, so there are also ninjas of the Uchiha clan here at this time.

However, the only Uchiha clan ninja who appeared was Chizuru.

Many members of the Uchiha clan felt a little dissatisfied with this, but when they thought of Chizuru's identity, they all pinched their noses and recognized it.

The third generation and the three Hokage consultants were very satisfied with Uchiha Homura's decision. He proposed that only Chizuru should come to the scene to participate in the Kyuubi inheritance operation without being blocked at all, and the collective agreement was passed.

"At this time, you should stay by Mito-sama's side."

Chizuru saw through Kirito's lie at a glance.

There are so many ninjas in the sealing class who are responsible for testing the sealing technique, but there is no shortage of Kirito at all.

"Mito-sensei can just have Naruki and Tsunade-sama to take care of them. I am very relieved, and they need a little more time to get along with Mito-sensei now than I do."

Kirito was exposed by Qianzuru's lies, his expression froze, and he replied with some discomfort.

Hearing what Kirito said, Chizuru was silent for a moment, and said in a cold voice: "I didn't expect you to be a big fool sometimes, and Mito-sama is also a very important person to you. If you don't go to see her, just talk to her, and you will have a good time in the future." There will be no more chance."

When Tongren heard this, he looked at Qianhe in a daze.

"What are you looking at, hurry up and go in."

Kirito looked at Qianhe indifferently, kicked his right leg hard, and said coldly.

"Hey, take it easy."

Kirito pretended to be in pain and rubbed the place where he was kicked, then under Qianzuru's fierce gaze, he resolutely abandoned the work of testing the sealing technique and ran quickly to the villa.

The people around noticed the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but smile, and then continued to work seriously.

Mito-sama will be leaving soon, this is something everyone who comes here knows.

Many of them have never seen Mito in person, but this does not prevent them from respecting Mito, the wife of the first Hokage.

They knew in their hearts that Mito had given his whole life for Konoha, and now that they were leaving, they had to send this great Konoha to his last journey beautifully, and they must seal Kyuubi safely to New Zealand. In the body of the human body.

This is the only thing they can do for Mito-sama right now.

"Be sure to say goodbye well, and don't let yourself regret it."

Qianzuru looked at Kirito's leaving back, murmured, and then remembered something, her eyes suddenly became moist.

(End of this chapter)

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