Alliance: I really didn't mess around!

Chapter 91 EDG will never be destroyed!

Chapter 91 EDG will never be destroyed!

"It's predicted!" The two commentators couldn't help shouting at the commentary booth: "Brother Shu predicted Deft's flash and successfully knocked three people into the air! Moreover, the damage of this stone man seems to be a bit high!"

In fact, Dazui originally had 70 points of magic resistance provided by the Banshee Veil, and the stone man's meat shield, which mainly focuses on AP damage, couldn't beat him.

But the stone man now has the bonus of the ancient dragon.

This not only gives the stone man an additional 16% attack power and spell power, but also causes 150 points of continuous real damage for five seconds.

When Chen Dongqing's big move hit him, he just hit a set of ordinary AW to make it indestructible, and then followed up with EQ, and hit Big Mouth below half blood by a single player!

At the same time, the burning effect is non-stop, keeping Dazui's blood bar down!
On the other side, Zhumei and Bron rushed to show their abilities. One held up the anti-theft door, which happened to block the subsequent wave of damage from the fox, and backhanded the stone man passively.

Another pig girl hit the stone man with her head!
But at this moment, Chen Dongqing had no one else in his eyes. He quickly pressed Langton's active effect to slow down the people around him, and he rushed straight towards Big Mouth!

Deft's scalp was numb from being chased by the stone man. He slowed down the stone man with an E, his Q skill pierced the armor, and then began to shake his head and move A, but this A move is so wrong!
With the double attack speed reduction of Bing Xin and E skills, he can't get out of A at all!

With an attack speed that is too slow, five sprays per second is obviously impossible, and even one spray per second has become a luxury, and the output is greatly reduced.

On the other side, news of his death had already been transmitted from his teammates.

"QGUzi killed EDGPawn!"

"QGUzi killed EDGKorol!"

"Double kill!"

"VN's damage is too high! Titan and Ice Girl couldn't bear the damage and were instantly killed. Now there is a five-on-three situation on the field, and EDG is going to be defeated!"

Even now, Chen Dongqing still has half blood left. Seeing that his back row has won a complete victory, he grinned and turned around to run away.

In this wave, he completely defended the three opposing Shimonosuke alone!
One against three!

There is no longer any suspense in the next game, Uzi dodges and rolls, and the night hunter output without pressure in the team battle!

Bron, the two three rings are easy to kill!
Immediately in front of them were Da Zui and Zhu Mei, Uzi locked Da Zui without hesitation, and rolled and chased!
The factory manager didn't finally cast his big move until this time, but was easily dodged by Uzi with a flash, and then took away the big mouth with two arrows!

"Quadra kill!"

Another quadruple kill resounded through the canyon.

The five members of QG looked at the mini-map again at the same time, wanting to see where the last pig girl was.

At this time, they happened to see the picture of Zhu Mei's Q piercing the wall and entering the wild area.

VN Flash has already been handed over and cannot be chased through the wall.

ran again.
"Another quadruple kill!" Miller shouted loudly: "After Brother Tree's quadruple kill in the first round, the puppy also scored a quadruple kill in the second round, and this will be a wave of winning team battles! The middle lane It's in the past, QG can make a direct move!"

In the backstage of EDG, although the team was not wiped out in the end, Abu in the backstage watched this scene, but his head was dizzy with anger.

Why did the pig girl lose her big in the end?
Then there was no suspense. Everyone in QG advanced in a wave, easily defeated the EDG base, and won the third game.

Many spectators off the field were cheering and screaming at this time, watching the QG crowd singing and advancing all the way, turning the EDG base into fragments!

"Okay, let us congratulate QG. In this peak duel, they defeated EDG [-]-[-] and won seven consecutive victories in the regular season!"

At this time, many EDG fans were disappointed. They came to see EDG kill QG, but they didn't expect that the third game was suppressed from beginning to end.

Tangtang EDG, LPL's card team, was turned into a Muggle by a stone man, do you think it makes sense?
Miller smiled and said: "Since the new version, all teams have been worrying about the big mouth, but today, QG handed us a satisfactory answer, VN plus stone man, this is a never imagined This may change the game pattern in the future!"

Chen Dongqing took off his earphones, and he couldn't help but nodded when he heard Jie's generous words.

Leaving aside the stone man, VN is indeed their hidden trick, but how much other teams can learn from this thing is unknown.

He clicked on the damage panel and saw the damage in this game.

Quite an exaggeration, in terms of damage, he, a pure stone man, ranked third in the game, only behind the ADs of both sides. As for the damage resistance, he was undoubtedly the first.

Although Uzi has more kills, and the data is better if he hasn't died once, there may be some truth to the ownership of this MVP.

Chen Dongqing stood up, intending to shake hands with his teammates, but saw Cherish looking at the score calculation interface and laughing.

Obviously, defeating EDG means a lot to him.

As an LSPL mid laner, he defeated the quarterfinals of last year's World Championship. Doesn't that mean he is a mid laner in the semifinals?The future is boundless!

Xiangguo patted his new mid laner, and then said: "Brother, don't look, shake hands!"

"Wow, wake up." Cherish came out of the unrealistic fantasy, and quickly got up to keep up with the team.

Chen Dongqing walked at the end of the team, listening to the more and more turbulent shouts from the audience, she was quite satisfied in her heart.

So what if he was not favored before the game?What about the headwinds of public opinion?
He believes that as long as he is there, any team QG has the power to fight.

And as long as they can win the game, all public opinion will be reversed.

King Ning, brother Yuanshen, these two nicknames were black names before winning the championship, what a joke, what about after winning the championship.

The one who needs to worry now may be Doinb sitting in the lounge.

During the handshake session, the camera cut to EDG's player bench.

Although EDG fans fought everywhere before the game and swept Liuhe, the players on both sides of QG and EDG must have no conflicts.

Mr. Dai watched Chen Dongqing approaching with a smile, and he was also full of helplessness.

He didn't do anything else, all he could think about was the stone man's big move.

In the end it was knocked out.
This choice has already made a good start for LOL players all over the world. In the future, I believe that many top laners will happily choose a stone man after seeing the opponent choose Big Mouth.

Mr. Dai felt that it was necessary for him to ban the stone man in the ranking for a period of time.
He has already been bumped into numbness in the game, if he is bumped by passers-by in qualifying, then he will definitely not be able to accept it.

Tong Yang and Chen Dongqing were even more helpless when they shook hands.

Before Ah Guang told him to be careful with Ilex, he didn't take it seriously.

After all, he has also competed in the World Championships, and he has fought against top laners from all walks of life. If it is just pure manipulation, he will definitely not be able to hold him down.

But it wasn't until now that he finally felt the powerlessness of fighting against this person.

Not only is it strong in operation, but also has a deep hero pool and a clear mind.

The first promise hand, the third stone man, what version of heroes are these?

(End of this chapter)

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