Alliance: I really didn't mess around!

Chapter 81 A Storm of Public Opinion Caused by One Weibo!

Chapter 81 A Weibo Caused a Storm of Public Opinion!

QG itself is now the team that is receiving the most attention, and because of Doinb's sudden replacement, many people are paying attention to him. Once this Weibo was posted, it immediately caused an uproar!

【? ? ? 】

【real or fake? 】

[There is something in this sentence! 】

[This microblog means that he came off the bench because he didn't play well? 】

[What's the reason for this? The team has never lost a game, so how can there be substitutions? 】

[Is this too exaggerated? 】

[Is this being isolated by new teammates? 】

Although Doinb said it very euphemistically, fans are good at brainstorming. After careful analysis, they quickly came to a conclusion.

In the new season, Doinb has been unable to integrate into the team, and it is even difficult to communicate with his teammates!

Seeing this, many fans suddenly realized.

Maybe this is the reason why Doinb's performance in the new season is not good?
As the only veteran member of QG who stayed in the team last year, Doinb's personal fans accounted for a very high proportion of QG team fans. Many people were quite angry after watching this scene.

[Why?He has devoted himself to the team for two years. Last year, he was an absolute team leader. Today, he was replaced because of poor performance in a few games? 】

【Needless to say, I was isolated by four new teammates】

[I blindly guessed it was Uzi, he was good at dismantling teams, he dismantled OMG last year and QG this year]

[What's your dog's name upstairs?Does this have anything to do with puppies? 】

[It’s all like this, he’s still praising his teammates, woo woo, Doinb is really gentle]

【Could it be Brother Tree?He doesn't train every day]

【No way, Brother Shu doesn't look like a bad guy】

There is nothing to say, after seeing this Weibo, Doinb fans immediately started charging.

Maybe these people aren't even QG fans, they're just Doinb's only fans, and they can't even see Doinb's teammates showing off.

They don't care about the truth, they only know that Doinb has been wronged!
The first to fall was Uzi's social media account.

Seeing that Doinb was isolated, many people directly pointed the finger at Uzi. Of course, the gangsters took advantage of the situation to fan the flames, and all kinds of abuse came out.

[You have already dismantled one team, and you want to dismantle another team, can you let QG go? 】

【too disgusting! 】

Then, it was Park Yunlong's personal Weibo. Fans knew that the substitution was an order from Coach Park.

【How dare you? 】

[Do you know Doinb's feelings for the QG team?Why help outsiders bully Doinb? 】

【Are you worthy of being a coach? 】

[Korean coaches are like this, self-righteous]

Even Chen Dongqing was affected, there were some abusive voices on his microblog with few fans.

Of course, there are still a lot of rational people, and some people say some objective words, but this is not very useful.

Rational people are not good at speaking, only bad words will be overwhelming.

People's rationality is negatively related to the number of people. If the direction of guidance is correct, great things can be done, and if the direction is wrong, big things will be done.

When Doinb's fans received Doinb's negative guidance, the energy that exploded was quite amazing.

And this energy was quickly conveyed to QG.

Having just won two victories, Uzi, who was sitting on the bus, looked at the flood of insults that suddenly poured out of his Weibo, with a dazed expression on his face.

Although it's true that he has been scolded for playing professionally these years, there is always a reason for it!

Now that the team has won six consecutive victories, why is it still scolded?

Beside him, Xiangguo also had a surprised expression on his face: "Fuck, I was scolded too? And it's not just me, you are all scolded."

Chen Dongqing:? ? ?

He also took advantage of the opportunity to open Weibo and saw those malicious comments.

He also immediately understood what was going on.

He opened his follow list, clicked on Doinb's Weibo, and then saw the Weibo post by Doinb.

Chen Dongqing didn't care much. After turning off the phone, she slowly closed her eyes, listening to the songs in the earphones, and didn't take this matter to heart at all.

At this time, the song was just on Jay Chou's "Besieged on All Sides"

"If it's in your nature to hurt me. Then mercy is my motto"

He had been an anchor for so many years before time travel, and was run over countless times by those unicycle barrages, and he was used to being scolded for a long time.

This kind of thing does not constitute any attack on him.

Hanging himself on Weibo, in the final analysis, is something that only immature minds do.

Teenagers with Internet addiction who have never experienced anything in the world have gained huge attention and huge income at a young age, and their mentality can easily become unbalanced.

It's not Chen Dongqing's turn to get angry with this kind of thing, someone will take care of him.

At the front of the bus, coach Park Yunlong looked at his mobile phone with a gloomy expression.

Of course he didn't have the idea of ​​hiding Doinb.

He pulled Doinb to the bench just to give the other party a time to calmly think and let the other party understand that work and life should be separated.

But I didn't expect that such an incident would happen.

Moreover, Doinb's approach is really advanced.

He didn't choose to post on Weibo before the start of the OMG game, because he knew that if QG won the game after posting the Weibo, the influence of his Weibo would be diluted a lot by victory.

And he chose to post on Weibo after winning OMG, that's very clever.

Because, QG's opponent in the next game is currently the strongest team in China, EDG, which is undefeated like QG.

The current public opinion is just the beginning. If QG loses to EDG in the game after replacing Doinb, it is hard to imagine what kind of public opinion will follow.

At that time, I'm afraid it will be impossible not to let Doinb play.

Even if it is a timid coach who is afraid of the impact of public opinion, he will bring Doinb back to the starting lineup now, because he is afraid of taking responsibility.

But who is Coach Park? He sat in the front of the car and watched quietly without saying a word.

And Doinb sat in the parking space without saying a word.

The whole bus is pretty quiet.

It wasn't until everyone got off the car and returned to the training room that the coach pulled Doinb out for an interview.

Even if Doinb did this kind of thing, Park Yunlong would not lose his temper with him directly in front of other players. Public punishment would damage a person's self-esteem, which is his bottom line.

"What's the matter with your Weibo?"

Doinb looked at his coach, then lowered his gaze, and said, "It's nothing serious, it's just an explanation to the fans. If you want me to delete it, I can delete it."

A surge of anger burst out of Park Yunlong's heart.

Also you can delete?
Now that Weibo content has been spread throughout the e-sports circle, what else can deleting Weibo do besides fueling the fire?
"No need." Coach Park Yunlong said: "I let you substitute, not to punish you, but to calm you down, as long as you calm down, even if it is the second game today, I can directly let you restart play."

"But judging by your reaction, it seems that you don't mean to be calm." Park Yunlong's attitude was extremely tough: "If you think that this method can let you play, then you will never want to play for the rest of your life. Honestly, go to the second team and fight again."

Hearing this, Doinb finally became flustered.

But Pu Yunlong didn't want to listen to his explanation, so he turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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