Alliance: I really didn't mess around!

Chapter 56 What's the matter?

Chapter 56 What happened?

"Nice!" The voice of celebration came from the team's voice immediately.

Even Liu Qingsong, who has never spoken much, was a little puzzled: "Is this killing?"

Only then did Chen Dongqing heave a sigh of relief. He smiled and said, "Luck, luck."

In fact, his original thought was that he must get rid of Bobby, even if he was replaced, it didn't matter.

Even if Bobby can go online with TP, it is a real loss of TP, and it is inevitable that he will lose a few knives.

And I can go online completely, and the TP difference is just like this.

But now that he is not dead, that is blood money!
"Level [-], jump tower and kill alone!" Joker almost stood up on the spot, and he began to show his understanding on stage:

"ilex seized the short-term advantage of Jian Ji's first-level laning Poppy, played a huge HP advantage, and then snowballed, and finally completed this wave of key solo kills!"

"It's no wonder so many people say that he is the best swordsman!" Changmao also admired: "Facing last year's LPL top laner of the year, he actually reversed the restraint relationship and completed the solo tower jump!"

On the other side, players Snake were also a little surprised.

Their thoughts are exactly the same as Liu Qingsong just now.

This is a single kill?
Brother Crystal, who was still talking back to Brother Holy Gun just now, stopped talking now, and he was waiting for Brother Holy Gun to digest his emotions.

Brother Holy Gun looked at the black and white screen, a little speechless.

Looking at his laning in the first 3 minutes, he can actually find out where his mistakes are.

What surprised him the most was that the other party seemed to have a lot of experience fighting Bobby with Sword Girl.

Is this what is going on?
Isn't Poppy just reworked?
Waiting until he was resurrected, Holy Gun immediately went online, and he said at this time: "My brothers, I am greedy. The top laner on the opposite side is really difficult. I will play it seriously next time."

At this time, Brother Crystal began to laugh and taunt: "Hey, can you do it, Li Xuanjun, if you can't beat it, just type on the public screen and let the other side let you forget it. This person should be easy to talk to."

"Get rolling!" Brother Saint Gun replied immediately: "You can still line up on the road, don't worry."

On the road, Chen Dongqing went back to the city directly after killing people. He was not greedy at all, and used the money in his hand to buy a vampire's scepter, and then bought a reusable potion.

The current sword girl's outfit is naked Tiamat, which can make up for the attack power attribute and AOE ability that sword girl needs most.

But Chen Dongqing also knew about this game.

Sword Girl faced Poppy, although Sword Girl completed a solo tower jump, but the economic advantage brought by this solo kill was not enough for him to bridge the gap in hero mechanics between the two sides.

So if you want to win the laning, you still have to play some dirty tricks.

For example, if you use a blood-sucking outfit, you will be bullied that Bobby has no battery life.

Next, it was time to boil the frogs in warm water when they were on the road. Chen Dongqing was afraid of being caught, so he played very carefully, first making up the knife safely.

After setting his vision on the river, he waited for another Immortal to exchange blood.

The Q skill is blocked, it doesn't matter, just use a W to slow down, and then walk up to AE to penetrate the flaw and play indestructible.

Although this wave of blood exchange is not profitable, it is not a big problem. With the triple reply of indestructible blood-sucking flaw, he will soon be full of blood again!
In this way, wave after wave slowly grinded, and finally, when both sides had reached level five, Chen Dongqing once again took control of the line, and the line of troops began to advance.

At this time, on the other side, Xiangguo and Doinb's Nakano also began to cooperate.

In the middle lane, the ice girl laning against the enchantress is also a team of blood-superior laning. The ice girl's W and R can prevent the enchantress from coming up to exchange blood unscrupulously.

And after the Ice Girl leveled up, the Q skill pushed the line quickly, which happened to step on the pain point that the enchantress had no ability to push the line.

Soon, Doinb was promoted to level [-], and after his Q skill was upgraded to level [-], the central pawn line was firmly under his control. He quickly pushed the pawn line into the tower, and QG Nakano immediately started to link up!
A Chinese and a Korean, the language difference between the two sides does not exist at all, and even Doinb's speech speed is a little faster than Xiangguo.

"Come, come, help me reverse Leopard Girl's blue, if he dares to come, kill him directly!"

"OKOK, then do you want to go down the road?"

"See if the other side can go or not, the other side should be able to go."

Immediately afterwards, the excavator and the ice girl swaggered into Snake's lower jungle area, where a newborn blue BUFF was waiting for them.

This move of the two undoubtedly directly attracted all the attention from Snake.

"These two people are in my team, what should I say?" zzr asked, "Can you come?"

TANK in the middle said immediately: "I can't come."

He is still mending the tower and attacking the sword, forcing a red BUFF to lose a wave of soldiers to himself, which is not worth it.

And to take a step back, the enchantress Leopard Girl can't beat the Excavator Ice Girl, the difference is too much.
What about the next road?
I can't come either.

Although Brother Crystal doesn't know anyone well, in terms of laning, he and Uzi are far behind.

Uzi took out the wheel in this game, this is a hero who pushes the lane fast, so there is no right to lane in the bottom lane
Seeing that the middle and lower teammates couldn't help her, ZZR had nothing to do, Leopard Girl could only go straight to the upper half, and wanted to see if she could exchange some resources in the upper half.

But this is actually a very irresponsible behavior, because when he runs, his teammates in the bottom lane also have to run, and if he runs slower, he will die.

As for QG, the action is naturally quite fast.

Doinb's mind is very flexible. He saw that the opponent's jungler had already run away, and the mid laner was still making up damage in the middle. He saw this scene and didn't turn against the blue at all, and rushed down the lane with Xiangguo!

Pack it behind the bottom defense tower. Doinb communicated in the voice: "Come on, come on, the bottom lane is directly crossed, I will resist first!"

Just as she was speaking, the ice girl's crampons had already extended directly into the tower. At this time, Snake's Lucian and Thresh were hiding under the tower.

The second-stage E changed positions, and directly stepped on two people with a W!

Although he was immediately hooked by Thresh, it didn't make any sense!

Liu Qingsong Niutou quickly came in with two consecutive hammers, knocking Thresh away, and Xiangguo flashed and flew AD!

After Doinb woke up from the control, he immediately hit Lucian with a Q, and then R gave him to avoid the damage of the defensive tower, and at the same time, the AOE hit two people.

Uzi's firepower is fully fired, and the wheel mother's QAW damage is full, but this will cause him to take over the defense tower aggro.

This is an uncontrollable situation, but Uzi reacted quickly. He cooperated with his teammates to take away Lucian first, and then immediately walked out of the tower.

Liu Qingsong saw the mother of the wheel coming out of the tower, and Niutou activated the E skill to trample, and quickly took over the defense tower's hatred, and then he retreated outside the tower.

The five-level bull head has no problem resisting three towers.

At this time, Doinb had resumed his actions, and Uzi immediately came back to output after leaving the tower. The remaining Thresh could not make any waves at all, and was taken away by Doinb with a Q.

A wave of reasonable anti-tower, QG's middle and lower assistants each resisted the tower three times, forcing the Snake bot duo to die under the tower!

The heads are Uzi and Doinb, one for each, a perfect ending!

Seeing this scene, Uzi couldn't help feeling relieved.

It seems that if he hits Nakano, he can also drink soup!

That's cool!

But at this moment, another kill message popped up on the screen.

[QGilex killed SSzzr! 】

The Peerless Swordsman killed the Wild Huntress!

At this time, there was another uproar on the sidelines!
what happened! ?
(End of this chapter)

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