Alliance: I really didn't mess around!

Chapter 45 It really costs 5 dollars a minute!

Chapter 45 It really costs fifty dollars in 10 minutes!

The 10-minute break passed quickly, and the staff came and knocked on the door of the QG lounge.

The second round of BP is about to begin.

Everyone quickly cleaned up their mood, then filled the water glasses with drinks, and then stepped onto the field again!

The second round of BP will start soon.

In this round, the two sides switched sides, and this time QG came to the red side.

This time WE was honest, they honestly banned Sword Fairy and Riven, and then banned Niu Tau.

On the other side, QG is holding Leopard Girl, blind monk, excavator, and directly three-ban jungler!

Because I just talked about it in the background, QG's three-lane laning does not suffer, so there is no need to ban additional heroes on the line.

On the contrary, there are too many variables in the jungle position, and Xiangguo cannot guarantee that the opponent's jungler Condi will be completely killed, so it is good to limit the only variable jungler through the ban position.

It can be seen that QG deliberately released the male gun that is relatively weak in catching people, but sent the excavator and the blind monk to the ban position, just to escort the line.

On the other side, WE did not hesitate, and directly locked the male gun in seconds, while QG was already prepared, locked the spider again in seconds, and then selected Victor in the middle.

Immediately afterwards, WE targeted Lulu and Troll again.

This version of the troll mainly appears in the auxiliary position, and it is especially good against those C positions without displacement, such as Victor.

The second is that the troll's support has QW to demolish the tower very quickly. If the line is changed, the three-wave line can directly push down a tower and liberate AD.

Lulu, on the other hand, appears more often in the middle unit, mainly as a tool player, of course, there is also the possibility of swinging. For example, two hours ago, EDG used Lulu to play the first order, and then switched lanes.

Anyway, it is now S6, there is no version of mythic equipment, the damage of heroes is actually not high, far from the overflow of later generations, so the positions of many heroes are not determined.

"Then, is the counter place still for Chen Dongqing?" Banbazi asked, "Lu Xian, Calista, EZ, Jane, which one do you want to play? Or you can choose yourself."

Uzi didn't think too much, and said: "Give me Lucian, Lucian and Thresh, I can fight, but there are trolls on the opposite side, I can't play with skate shoes, I can't slide."


Lucian and Thresh locked in, and then WE quickly won the Ice Girl and Calista, and the lineup was determined.

WE selected the three assistants of the Ice Girl Lulu Troll to protect the dual-core of Male Gun and Calista.

"It's not yet decided who will win." Banbazi looked at the opponent's lineup, hesitating slightly, "Chen Dongqing, do you have an idea?"

Ice Girl can also play top lane in this version, and her appearance rate is much higher than Lulu's top laner.

The opposite side selected Ice Girl and Lulu to swing, just to influence QG's top lane hero selection.

Chen Dongqing looked at the opponent's lineup and thought for a while.

He did think of a hero.

Green Steel Shadow.

The hero's strong dash and high damage are the nemesis of these two mages.

But S6 does not have Qinggang Shadow.
In this case
"Give me Jess." Chen Dongqing said, "Jess can fight both heroes."

"No problem." banbazi nodded.

He recognized Chen Dongqing's Jess.

Soon, the heroes of both sides were determined, and WE finally determined the split choice. Ice Girl was switched to the top lane, and then Lulu was allowed to play the mid laner.

Blue side WE: top laner Ice Girl, jungler Gunner, mid laner Lulu, bottom laner Kalista and Troll.

Red Fang QG: top laner Jess, jungler Spider, mid laner Victor, bottom laner Lucian and Thresh.

Banbazi glanced at the lineups of both sides, and then said: "Be careful, the opponent may switch lanes."

All the team members nodded after seeing it. This must be guarded against.

If you choose Jess in the top lane, you must play normal laning.

This is how LGD lost the first game. Of course they cannot repeat the same mistakes.

Chen Dongqing thought for a while and said, "Then let me go and have a look."


After saying these words, Coach Banbazi left the scene, and the game started soon after a short loading time.

Immediately afterwards, Jess quickly purchased the accessory eye, and then began to continuously increase the speed of cutting the shape as soon as he went out, and rushed directly towards the second tower on the opposite bottom road.

This is already a regular eye position. In order to avoid changing lanes on the opposite side, a search eye will be made between the second tower and the high ground tower. Of course, the movement must be fast. If you enter the wild and get caught, it will be a lot of fun.

Fortunately, this version of Jess is still the peak version. The acceleration time of R-changing form is as high as 1.25 seconds, which is much longer than the 13 seconds of S0.5. This thing is one of the cores of Jess's fighting.

Taking advantage of the speed of movement, Chen Dongqing quickly arrived between the first and second towers on the opposite road. After putting down his eye position, he squatted on the nearby grass and returned to the city. He couldn't move now, and he might be seen if he moved.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, everyone saw the scene of Jess interjecting.

"This is the ward change!" Miller quickly gave the answer, "WE didn't find this Jace who inserted the ward!"

At this time, they could see from the God's perspective that although WE was still standing normally, mystic first operated the skateboard shoes to show up in the river on the bottom road, and confronted Uzi for a while.

Then, when the line of soldiers was almost out, the skateboard shoes quickly returned to the city and rushed up the road.

Really changed the line!
Seeing this scene, many spectators have already started discussing it.

Because of the movement of the skateboard shoes, it has been clearly seen by the eye position that Jess inserted before!
At this moment, after seeing the figure of the skateboard shoes, Chen Dongqing quickly pinged the signal, "Go on, the other side has changed!"

"OKOK!" Uzi nodded excitedly, "I'll finish them off!"

His combination of Lucian and Thresh in this game is quite strong, and Uzi is confident that he can gain an advantage purely on the line.

Chen Dongqing also nodded cheerfully, and quickly ran down the road.

Soon, the pawn line will be online.

957's Ice Girl is following Condi to open the red buff, the two quickly took the red buff, and then quickly rushed to F4.
If two people share the experience, only two groups of wild monsters are needed, and both of them can reach the second level.

But at this moment, they suddenly saw that Lucian and Thresh appeared on the road. Thresh lost a little blood, which was obviously caused by eating stone beetles.

Down the road, a Jess also appeared at the same time, holding a cannon in his hand, but he was not in a hurry for the A soldier.

"It's over, the opposite side has changed!" 957's head went black, feeling that this round was a bit broken.

If it's purely about laning, how can he fight against Jess?

There are no aftershocks in this version, and Ice Girls usually carry Thunderbolt or Darkfire.

Such a gifted ice girl has no ability to resist being hammered on the face by Jess!

And the most important thing is that Jess didn't go online until the little soldiers fought to the last blood. Even if he went down the road now, he would lose the experience of the first wave of little soldiers!
If he leaves at this time, not only will he lose experience, but Condi, who has been given experience by him, will also lose a little bit. After all, he ran away after sharing experience.

The game has just started, and it has entered a disadvantage
And the worst part is not this.

Chen Dongqing guessed in his heart that the ice girl would be online soon, so he immediately manipulated Jess to cut out of the long-range form, and then directly blocked the position of the triangle grass in the bottom lane opposite, directly depriving the ice girl of the online right!

957 Seeing a man with a giant hammer standing in front of him, it was uncomfortable!
What about this?
With his personal ability, he is definitely not qualified to go online past Jess.

He had no choice but to go around. The Ice Girl turned around and walked towards the red BUFF. He had to pass the red BUFF and the stone beetle camp successively, make a big circle, and then go online from under the tower.

But after he walked around like this, when he went online again, three of the second wave of soldiers had already died.

He's still at the first level, but Jess has made up nine knives, and the laning has collapsed!
The camera shifted to the upper half, and Chenggong and the opposite AD were also very excited about Uzi, who was in the upper position. With Liu Qingsong's Thresh at the first level, he began to press forward and fight.

Even if they knew that the first-level troll had no pillars, they went straight up to suppress them.

Soon, they pushed the top line in, and then Liu Qingsong followed Xiangguo directly to the opposite field.

Lissandra shared the experience of the male gun at the beginning, and they knew this information.

This will cause the male gun to still be level [-] after brushing red.

One less skill will greatly affect the efficiency of the male gun's wild clearing, and the speed will also be greatly affected, so they can directly enter the male gun's wild area to fight against the wild!

Condi looked at the two Nosukes in front of him, and immediately became angry, but there was nothing he could do.

He doesn't even have level three now.

I had no choice but to let go of the wild monsters in this half of the area, and go to the bottom lane to farm the only remaining group of stone beetles.

Obviously, it's a shame.

Seeing this scene, the two commentators also realized that WE was a bit out of touch.

The first level was not handled well, so this one was sent.

This sentence is not empty talk.

Relying on this easy advantage, QG played steadily, set the battlefield in the upper half, and pulled WE into crazy fights!

Although there were casualties on both sides after the fight, QG still made money in general.

And the result of the frantic fights in the upper half was that Chen Dongqing, who was in the bottom lane, was left unattended, and directly rode on the ice girl's face and hammered violently!
957 played quite steadily, and would rather not make up damage to ensure that he would not lose blood. In the end, although he was not solo killed, his make up fell off a cliff!
10 minutes passed quickly.

At this time, everyone's eyes are focused on the number of last hits on both sides.

Frost Witch: $41.

Future Guardian: $95.

It really cost 10 dollars in blood pressure in 54 minutes!

After returning to the city, Chen Dongqing had quite a lot of wealth in his hands. After returning home, he directly synthesized the sawtooth dagger in his hand into [Draxa's Curtain Blade].

Curtain Blade is a new equipment just released. It is synthesized by sawtooth dagger and storm sword, and the synthesis cost is 850.

This version of the special effect of the curtain blade is similar to the effect of Zed's big move, and it will apply the effect of "night curtain" when attacking the enemy.

[Nightfall] Causes burst damage after two seconds, the damage value is equivalent to 90 plus 25% of the target's lost HP.

In fact, it doesn't look like robbery, but it looks a bit like King Lanling?
A big piece in 10 minutes can actually be regarded as normal development, after all, Jess didn't have shoes, and he was naked.

Although the mobility of Jess with this extreme outfit is a bit poor, when the first big piece just came out, the damage is definitely enough to explode!

This wave, this wave is called Barefoot Jess!
If you bring another hand to ignite it at this time, you will directly become the god of war and kill whoever you see.

It's a pity that I can't take it.

 This chapter is [-] words, and today it adds up to [-], okay, brothers

  Remember to come back tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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