Alliance: I really didn't mess around!

Chapter 340 Our QG is always the champion

Chapter 340 Our QG is always the champion
September 9, at noon.

Chen Dongqing followed the team to Wukesong again.

Today, after the third seed has decided the result, they have to carry out the expedition ceremony non-stop.

So QG has to come to the rehearsal first.

During the rehearsal, in addition to QG and EDG, which are determined to qualify, players from FPX and WE also have to participate, and the two will also accept the rehearsal for the third seed.

But there is only one No. [-] seed, so when the results of the game come out in the afternoon, there will be a team that is destined to be busy in vain.

Chen Dongqing looked sideways at the two teams standing together, and he could feel the smell of gunpowder.

For the two teams, this BO5 is more important than any match this year!

After the rehearsal was repeated twice, the QG and EDG players could lie down and wait in the waiting room, while the FPX and WE teams left in a hurry with serious expressions on their faces. preparation.

When leaving, Chen Dongqing mixed into the FPX team, and said quietly: "Today's game, brothers, hold on, I'm C!"

In the team, Doinb and Liu Qingsong listened to that familiar voice, and the tension in their hearts was instantly diluted a lot.

Yes, our team has a big daddy, we are afraid.
We have a big daddy who is hooked!

"What are you here for?" Doinb squinted, "Overheard our tactics, and then planned to attack us in the World Championship, right?"

Chen Dongqing grinned softly: "Can you wait until you enter the World Championship to say this? You seem to have never won WE?"

These words obviously touched the brows of everyone in FPX. As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions suddenly became serious.

No way, the record of five captures by WE this year, it is really hard for them to be optimistic.

Now many people will laugh and call WE Luofengpo, which is to highlight a bloodline suppression.

Chen Dongqing followed the FPX people to the door of the lounge, and their QG lounge was right next door.

"Come on." Chen Dongqing finally said: "WE can't get through, why are you talking about the World Championship? This team is just like this, play hard and abuse casually."

Everyone in FPX sighed slightly after hearing this, not knowing what to say.

If WE really abused casually, then it is impossible for them to be captured five times.
Of course, they definitely can't lose with their mouth skills.

"You don't really think we can't beat WE, do you?" Lin Weixiang still yelled, "You just wait, WE, EDG, QG, the three teams, we will revenge one by one!"

After speaking, everyone in FPX returned to the waiting room, as if they were discussing the BP strategy for the first game.

Chen Dongqing shook her head and returned to QG's rest room.

At this time, everyone has already ordered KFC, ready to enjoy this comfortable afternoon.

Chen Dongqing put on his gloves and squeezed a piece of finger-licking chicken. Just as he was sitting on the chair, he heard Linko say from the side: "The documentary of winning the championship has been uploaded. You all repost it on Weibo to raise the popularity."

Chen Dongqing was a little surprised when he heard this: "Isn't it just two days since I won the championship? You cut it so fast?"

Linko said with a smile on the side: "The event of winning the championship has been expected, so I have been preparing for a long time. Didn't I ask you to record something before? In the past two days, I have cut some lounge videos and microphones of the final into it. That's all, no problem."

Even so, Chen Dongqing had to speak professionally if he released the speed of the winning club two days after winning the championship alone.

It's no wonder that the QG club can make a profit, and other teams can't keep up with this operating ability.

Chen Dongqing immediately logged on to Weibo, reposted it with three thumbs up emojis, then switched to Station B and opened the video with the same name.

After the opening title, the screen went black for two seconds, and then it entered the feature film.

In the picture, the atmosphere in the QG lounge is quite dignified. Uzi is sitting at the front, his face is showing a burst of red.

"We can't beat laning and laning, and we can't beat team and team! We are playing games purely by personal strength. How do we fight like this?"

Uzi's voice was full of sighs: "The third lineup, I didn't know how to win it! I wanted to say it after the selection, but I still didn't say it. The lineup was all That's it, that's how I feel."

Seeing this scene, Chen Dongqing scratched her head.

When did their QG have such a dignified atmosphere?How could he not be impressed?

The camera slowly sweeps across the surrounding area.

Until seeing the 369 in the picture, the 369 at that time was not stubborn at all, nor did he have a rebellious period. He honestly admitted some mistakes he made in the lounge.

Chen Dongqing immediately understood.

This was during the summer regular season loss to EDG, and he wasn't there.

At this point, the screen switches to the interview segment.

In the picture, Uzi is sitting happily in the small black room, and said to the camera: "Because we rarely lose games in QG, but we lost that day, and it was against EDG, so my mood is still I was eager to say those words. But it turned out that the loss was still good for us, and that game made me see myself."

When losing to EDG, Uzi exposed this huge weakness of Huixia. After being stimulated at that time, Uzi pulled Shi Senming to practice for a long time, and finally mastered this hero.

Now, Xia can be regarded as half of his unique skills.

Immediately afterwards, 369's face actually appeared on the screen, and he said cheerfully: "After losing that game, I also realized my shortcomings. The game will definitely not lose. So I also blamed myself at the time, and went back to practice for a long time."

At this moment, it can be seen that the barrage in the video is very tolerant of 369.

[I have to say that this 369 is really a good seed. When I played the game, I felt that he was no worse than Ah Guang]

[Indeed, I remember that day 369 beat Ah Guang three times? 】

[It can only be said that this is the influence of Brother Shu. I have heard it before. QG’s youth training camp is overcrowded, and this 369 stands out from a lot of youth training.]

At this point, the documentary is still playing.

Next, it is the story of Chen Dongqing returning to the team with the fighting eagle, leading QG without losing, and entering the playoffs.

During this period, QG did a lot of good work.

For example, "What does Qinggang Yingwei have to do with me?", and the half-minute silence of the team after Chen Dongqing's crocodile triple kill.

This happy team atmosphere is completely different from the opening Bible.

Immediately afterwards, the style of the documentary began to rise all the way.

In front of QG, there is no one-on-one enemy at all, and the two swept cleanly with three to zero!
Xiangguo appeared on the screen and said with a smile: "Actually, after the regular season, I already knew about it. This time we must be the champion again!"

Immediately afterwards, Chen Dongqing appeared: "Of course, our QG is always the champion."

In the end, the picture of the five QG players holding the cup was put at the end.

At this time, the barrage also reached a peak.

Young General P likes to fill the screen with some handsome lines, and at this time, Chen Dongqing's last sentence "We are always champions" is also the same.

All kinds of intermediate barrage, elegant barrage, colorful barrage, the whole screen is airtight!

After reading it, Chen Dongqing nodded in satisfaction and said, "Not bad!"

In this documentary, he is completely portrayed as a savior.

From losing to EDG to winning the championship, QG only needs one person to appear.

Just like his 2016 appearance.

Chen Dongqing likes this feeling of pretending to be dark
Chen Dongqing turned off the phone, got up and took a glass of Coke and two egg tarts, and then re-cast the screen to the TV in the lounge.

In the picture, the game between the two sides is still very anxious.

WE's performance was as strong as ever. In this round of BO5, it scored first and took the lead in winning a point.

Immediately afterwards, FPX was not to be outdone, relying on the ultimate mid-lane tool-man rhythm play, and linked up a huge advantage in the early stage!
Immediately afterwards, Lin Weixiang took over the mantle and pushed the tower crazily!
This is a classic QG game. Relying on the crazy attack of the early lineup, you can usually play a huge advantage in 10 minutes!

Of course, correspondingly, if this lineup is delayed to the later stage, it will be weak.

But fortunately, the rhythm of this round of FPX is quite perfect.

In 28 minutes, relying on a wave of big dragon team battles leading the economy of [-], FPX played a tragic three for five. In the end, Lin Weixiang and Clid survived and destroyed the WE base in one wave!

In the third game, WE won the battle of Tianwangshan by relying on the advantage of choosing sides.

And FPX was not to be outdone, and immediately won another victory in the fourth game!
The two sides just played back and forth like you wave after wave, and the game soon came to the fifth game!

Looking at this scene, Chen Dongqing frowned slightly.

At this time, the law appeared again.

In the first four games, the red side won all of them.

In other words, the side that has the right to choose a side has won four games in a row.

But in the fifth round, the right to choose sides returned to WE
Looking at this picture, Chen Dongqing couldn't help rubbing her chin.

Now it's easy to qualify.

As long as we break through the difficulty of WE's side selection, there will be a vast sea and sky in front of FPX.

Of course, it's not easy.

Not long after, the battle song sounded, and after a wave of BP between the two players, the fifth game finally started.

Everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the start of the final game.

At this moment, Uzi seemed to be unable to sit still, so he got up and moved his body: "Fuck, I've been sitting on the sofa all afternoon, and my back hurts from sitting, can you hurry up?"

The game started at [-] o'clock in the afternoon, and the five rounds were not short, and it was almost nine o'clock after these rounds.

Even if I ate KFC before, I feel a little hungry again.
Chen Dongqing was lying on the sofa, looking at the picture in front of her helplessly.

Now he only hopes that Doinb can give some support and give WE a boost.

But fortunately, Doinb seems to have heard the voice of his good brother, and the rhythm in this game is quite fast.

In the first 5 minutes of the game, Doinb teamed up with Clid, successfully flashed and took Xiye's first blood.

Immediately afterwards, Doinb Galio grabbed a wave of big moves, and a wave of TP was saved, successfully expanding his influence to the entire map and filling the rhythm!
For a time, FPX has infinite advantages!
But on the other side, WE is not idle. You Doinb act quickly, but there are always loopholes.

Seizing the opportunity that Doinb was heading back to the city on the road, before he had time to start, Xiye in the middle road also moved.

Xiye's plane chose to take the initiative to attack this time. The plane picked up the explosive package in 8 minutes, cooperated with the jungler to find Clid in the jungle, and the two decisively exchanged flashes to win a double kill!

Immediately afterwards, Xiye cooperated with Condi to put pressure on the bottom lane, directly blocking the way for Lin Weixiang and Liu Qingsong to go online, and helped the brother-in-law's little cannon unplug the bottom lane tower!
The two sides came and went, and the fight lasted for 10 minutes without deciding who had the upper hand. The situation was still quite anxious.

And this balance of power was maintained all the way to 10 minutes.

Although FPX is still ahead of the economy of [-] at this time, the double shooter combination of aircraft and small guns that is full of WE has begun to exert its power, and the pressure on FPX is gradually increasing.

If the game continues to drag on, the situation will slowly tilt to WE's side!

No way, FPX can only forcibly start a group!
On the FPX side, Clid manipulated the blind monk and tried to enter the arena forcefully, but to no avail. Instead, he used his own flash and ultimate move, and escaped with difficulty!

But at this moment, a mutation occurred!

Xiye, who was carrying a pack of explosives, was possessed by something evil. Seeing the remaining blood of Clid's blind monk, he rushed in with a W [special delivery]!

This time it's really fast.

Clid had already retreated to the back of the team, safe and sound, but after Xi Ye W flew into the crowd, he was instantly mocked by Doinb!

Even if Xiye purified quickly, this moment of sluggishness was enough to sentence him to death!
I saw that after the plane entered the field, I just pressed "Cleanse", and then the health bar was instantly emptied!
"Damn it!" Chen Dongqing stood up directly, staring at the picture in front of her, and shouted, "Someone gave it away!"

After the most critical plane fell, WE seemed to have a load-bearing wall removed, and the whole building began to crumble!
FPX went all out and pursued fiercely!

WE was beaten so hard that they fled in all directions!
And at this moment, Clid's residual blood blind monk didn't want to die, and directly Q'd up!
The temptation of residual blood caused everyone in WE to pause for a second and take this blind monk away.

Galio took this opportunity to launch a big move, and then landed with a crash, knocking the remaining four of WE into the air at the edge of their skills!
Lin Weixiang took on the role of harvesting, Verus opened his arms and harvested all WE people!


The voice of Tuan Mie resounded throughout the audience. Even though Chen Dongqing was sitting in the background, he could clearly hear Guan Zeyuan's excited roar: "Tuan Mie! It's over! FPX can do it!"

Beside him, I remember screaming excitedly: "No one thought that WE would make a major mistake at such a critical juncture! It will ruin all the efforts of 10 minutes!"

"Let's congratulate FPX for winning the last ticket to the LPL Global Finals!"

In the picture at this time, Doinb had already taken off his earphones, kicked the gaming chair behind him, and yelled!

This attitude is the same as when he won ROX at Staples last year.

This game is too important to him!
What about your WE five captures of FPX?What about Luofengpo?

My FPX only needs to win the last BO5, and I am still one of the last teams!

(End of this chapter)

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