Alliance: I really didn't mess around!

Chapter 14 An Exquisite Drilling Grass Slave!

Chapter 14 An Exquisite Drilling Grass From!
Then came the BP link.

Chen Dongqing's side is on the second floor of the red square, and he was about to choose someone in the first round. Just as he was still thinking about which hero to choose, he saw that the opponent had chosen Riwen on the first floor.

Even the sword girl was not banned, and Riven was locked in seconds.

Damn, Kazakhstan.

Looking at the situation, Chen Dongqing couldn't help grinning.

TheShy wants to confront him head-on!
Then touch it.

There was nothing to hesitate, Chen Dongqing locked Jianji in seconds on the first floor, and then continued BP on both sides, and the lineup was quickly locked.

TheShy is the blue side: top laner Riven, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner card, bottom laner Kalista and Thresh.

Knowing that JackeyLove was on the opposite side, the incense pot on the first floor was directly banned by Delevingne, and the hero who should be banned still had to be banned.

Chen Dongqing's side is the red side: sword girl in the top lane, leopard girl in the wild, Jie in the middle lane, Lu Xian and Titan in the bottom lane.

In talent selection, Chen Dongqing of course chose the Grasp of Indestructibility.

Jian Ji now has two ways of carrying, one is immortality, and the other is enthusiasm for war.

But in Chen Dongqing's understanding, there is absolutely no need to bring enthusiasm for war, because the hero Sword Ji does not lack damage after being equipped, and the biggest problem is how to get through the process of equipping.

Obviously, immortal damage and blood recovery are what Jian Ji needs, and this immortality in the early stage of S6 is the strongest time.

Every four seconds in the combat state, the next basic attack will directly cause magic damage equivalent to 3% of your maximum HP, and get the same amount of blood back.

How will it be cut after the next weakening?The damage remains the same, and the blood recovery is directly halved, but even so, the weakened indestructible is still a qualified cornerstone rune.

Then we can see how outrageous the immortality before the weakening at the beginning of this season is.

And the reason why this Grip of Indestructibility appeared on the official server is mainly because the Thunder in the preseason was too perverted. Basically, there were eight or nine Thunders in a round, and no one could take them indestructible.

The designer patronized to weaken the Thunder, thus ignoring the indestructible fish that slipped through the net.

Now it's Chen Dongqing's turn to enjoy the bonus of this version.

At the start of the match, Chen Dongqing still bought the Dolan Sword, and then helped Xiangguo take a look at the Ueno area.

He waited until the pawn line was about to go online before he led Sword Girl to the road.

At this time, Xiangguo was still reminding: "Be careful, this person is very fierce in the top lane, and I was too impressed with the ranking last year."

"I see."

Chen Dongqing just smiled.

Are you kidding, I must know better than you whether TheShy is fierce or not!

And this is still 16-year-old TheShy, who is at the peak of his personal operation, and getting the first place in Hanbok is like playing.

It is no exaggeration to say that although Chen Dongqing's current game talent has been systematically increased, there is still a gap compared with TheShy.

After all, now he only has a reaction ability of 80, and his operation and team fighting ability are only more than 90. These items of TheShy must have gone up from [-], and it is estimated that it can exceed a lot.

But fortunately, Chen Dongqing's game experience as a traveler can make up for part of it, giving him the possibility to compete with TheShy.

The pawns on both sides were on the line. Of course, TheShy did a regular card Q first, and came out with a three-layer passive A pawn, wanting to grab the second.

Of course, the reason why TheShy is so courageous is mainly because the flaw is brushed on the left side of the character model.

Because Riven is on the blue side, the opening on the left is behind him, making it difficult for Swordsman to hit.

But Chen Dongqing didn't panic, he was also a melee soldier, slowly accumulating forever.

After Riven cards Q, the Q skill CD is about five seconds, and his indestructible will not be triggered in the hand until four seconds later.

Chen Dongqing can wait for Immortal to come out before going up to exchange blood. By that time, almost all the three-layer passives in Riwen's hands will be on A minions, and then it will be a chance to fight.

Soon, a green light appeared in Jian Ji's hand, and immediately, Chen Dongqing boldly walked towards Riwen!

On the other side, TheShy was not afraid at all, and pressed forward decisively. First, he fought a common attack with Jian Ji, and then immediately stuck to his face.

His Q is still a second away, of course he is not afraid of forcing a blood exchange!

On the other side, of course, Chen Dongqing wasn't afraid, and quickly pierced Riven's back with a Q, and then quickly pulled it into the grass by speeding up!

The first opening was pierced, and the second opening was refreshed on Riven's right.

TheShy also noticed that this flaw was on his right. He first hit Jian Ji with a basic attack, and then the Q skill was on CD. He quickly hit Jian Ji with a Q and moved to the upper right, and then followed up with a basic attack.

Chen Dongqing quickly responded to Riven with a general attack, and then continued to retreat towards the grass.

Riwen chased after him, and the second-stage QA immediately followed, but he still had the same idea. Through the small displacement of the Q skill, Jian Ji couldn't hit the opening on the right.

He knows how to use Riven to beat Swordsman too well. Lightspeed QA is a basic skill for him. While using Lightspeed QA and constantly adjusting the position through Q skills, this is what he does.

But Chen Dongqing still didn't panic, he was already standing on the edge of the grass on the route, he stayed where he was, and once again hit Riven with a general attack, and then went straight into the grass one step at a time.

At the same time, Riven made a three-stage Q attack, and the blade hit the ground heavily. The sword girl must not be able to dodge this blow if her displacement has not improved.

But... before the blade hit the ground, Jian Ji had already moved one step, and just walked into the grass.

This distance was extremely tight. Although Riven's Q skill successfully knocked Sword Fairy into the air, the Sword Fairy character was in the grass, making it impossible for Riven's subsequent basic attacks to keep up.

TheShy's heart trembled slightly. At this time, Riven was not far from the grass. Right in front of him, he also took a step forward to get into the grass, trying to get out the passive A in his hand.

But at this moment, Jian Ji suddenly walked out of the grass instead.

Riwen enters the grass, and Sword Fairy exits the grass.

The relative movement of the two caused the characters of both sides to overlap slightly at this moment, and the distance was extremely close!
Take another step, and the opening is right in front of you.

Jian Ji gave a basic attack, and the second flaw was pierced, hitting real damage and healing!

Although Riven also played his own passive basic attack, he has already collapsed in this wave of duels.

Although he has played a full set of QA, and now his blood volume is profitable, but he has no ability to continue fighting.

And Sword Fairy broke through the second flaw, and after gaining speed, she still has the right to pursue.

Chen Dongqing didn't intend to leave at all. Taking advantage of his speed, he slashed at Riwen's body with a single blow, and then quickly approached downwards, where the third opening was located.

TheShy didn't dare to change blood anymore, he gave Jian Ji a final A, and then quickly walked down the tower.

But Chen Dongqing was not reluctant, and manipulated Jian Ji to walk close to Riwen, but he didn't like it, just sticking close.

Soon, a green light appeared in Jian Ji's hand again.

At this time, Sword Princess finally swung the blade in her hand, and directly stabbed Riven with the sword.


This is from indestructible and basic attack.

Immediately afterwards, the character suddenly moved sideways, and a [Breakthrough Slash] slid under Riven, and the sword came out again!


This is from Flaw and Q.

After piercing the last flaw, Jian Ji walked away. Although TheShy had quick eyes and quick hands, and responded with a basic attack at the moment Jian Ji Q poked the hole, it didn't make any sense.

In fact, in terms of damage, the top laners on both sides are almost the same. They both played a full set and enough A-levels.

However, Chen Dongqing hit three invincibles and two flaws in this wave, and returned to 116 points in blood alone.

And what brought him this advantage was that exquisite drilling grass!

This, perhaps, is the victory in game experience.

(End of this chapter)

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