famine queen

Chapter 99 Cry

Chapter 99 Cry

"I don't know if Mangmang and Chiyu will succeed." Early in the morning, Qingsui added firewood to the bonfire, while chanting to Qingfeng who was beside him.

"It doesn't matter if it succeeds or not, Mangmang won't have children anyway." Qing Feng said indifferently.

Qingsui knew that he was worried about his daughter's future pension issues, so he was not angry, but said: "We watched Chiyu grow up, and there is really nothing to choose except for his a little bit of a temper. Mangmang is so good, naturally she should have the best man to match her."

Regarding this, Qingfeng showed agreement, but soon said with a displeased face: "That kid has been hanging on our Mangmang for so long, and he succeeded like this?"

"Your daughter likes it, what can I do?" Qingsui rolled her eyes.

The two of them were chattering here, and they were talking vigorously, when they saw in the distance, their own daughter and Chi Yu came back together.

When the two approached, Qingsui knew something was wrong when he saw the expressions on their faces.

I was happy when I went out, but when I came back...

When they arrived at the camp, Jin Mang and Chi Yu separated tacitly. Chi Yu went to his cave, while Jin Mang lit a fire and planned to cook something.

She wasn't really hungry, but she always had something to do for herself.

Qingsui came over, sat beside her, frowned and said, "What's wrong with you? Could it be Chi Yu..." No way?
She thought that if it didn't work out, her daughter wouldn't be like this, after all, it wasn't the first time, unless...

However, before he could finish his sentence, Qingsui saw big drops of tears falling from Jin Mang's eyes.

"Mangmang!?" Qingsui was terrified.

You know, since my daughter was born, although she hasn't cried before, it's the first time she cried like this.

At the beginning, Jin Mang just shed tears silently, but later, he completely disregarded his image and began to cry like a child.

Everyone in the Ying tribe was startled, and she cried so badly that everyone watched from a distance, but they didn't dare to go forward.

"Manmang, what's wrong with you?" Qingsui was in a panic.

Jin Mang cried again and again, feeling as sad as if he was about to die.

How did that happen?

She herself wondered.

Obviously... I just want to sleep with Chi Yu.

Obviously... He treats her so well, shouldn't he like her?

Why doesn't he like her?

Oh, because she's human.

Jin Mang just felt extremely wronged, could she still change her race?

But to make Chi Yu stop hating humans for her... Jin Mang felt that he didn't have such a big face.She is not the heartthrob heroine of Mary Sue, nor does she have the aura of heartthrob.

But...but she was still so sad.

Chi Yu leaned against the cave wall, listening to the intermittent cries coming from outside, each sound was like a sharp knife, piercing his heart again and again.

He really didn't expect to come this far.

At first, he felt that Jin Mang just liked his face and didn't have any sincerity towards him.Later...he was not a real human being, not even a carbon-based life in the strict sense, so he was not interested in the reproduction of carbon-based life...he was not at all interested.But letting Jin Mang go with other men... He was not happy in his heart.

When I was in trouble, I took him to see Epiphyllum Flower Sea just because I thought he would like it, and I was hesitant to give it a try before going... But I was a little worried that Jin Mang would be dissatisfied with her, after all, he had never had such an experience .

However, no one expected that there would be such a conversation between them.

Chiyu didn't expect that it would be Jin Mang who woke him up from the confusion.

At that time, what he felt was a wind that was colder than the rainy season in the split season, as if it had blown into his bones and soaked into his soul.

How can I be so stupid?
He is him, but not completely him. Most of the time, he and his thoughts must be the same. After all, they share common memories and emotions, but...

On matters related to Jinmang, can he agree with him?

When Anze dies or transforms, he must return to his original body. At that time... Is he influenced by him, or is he influenced by him?
If he only had thoughts about human beings for a while, he might be curious, but that's all. But if he makes an exception and becomes a real husband and wife with Jin Mang, then...

No one knows better than him how terrifying his strength is and how vast his divine sense is.

After all, he is a part of him.

Moreover, he knew better than anyone else how unpredictable His character was, and there was no bottom line at all when it was bad.

His existence is the best explanation.

If Jin Mang was lucky enough to rely on her broken system to enter the high-dimensional world, he couldn't imagine how he would treat her.

Will it crush the soul and explore it carefully?Or design one script after another for her, see her reaction to various situations, and explore her essence?Or contact her personally, design one dangerous situation after another for her, and see the difference between her and other human beings?

Just imagining it made Chi Yu feel horrified.

This supposedly beautiful date made him realize one thing: staying away from Jin Mang is the only way to really treat her well.

How ironic?

However, at this time she was crying like a child, but he couldn't come to her side, give her a word of relief or hug her.

Jin Mang cried for a long time, but after she calmed down, she felt incredible and embarrassed at the same time.

She really didn't expect that she would cry like this.

In her previous life, she broke up with others quite often, but she never cried like this.

To be honest, she and Chi Yu haven't started dating yet.

Seeing that her daughter finally stopped crying, Qingsui breathed a sigh of relief, and while handing her a bowl of water, asked cautiously, "What's the matter with you and Chiyu?" Could it be what she guessed?
Jin Mang rubbed his red nose, and said softly, "What can I do, he doesn't like me." Saying this, she felt like crying again.

Obviously she is not a crying person.

"How could he not like you?" Qingsui said without thinking, "You forgot, nine years ago or 12 years ago, anyway, it was the season of splitting, it was the rainy season, and you kept talking about eating roasted chestnuts, he Then when the rain and flood passed, he would go out and run, thinking he was going to do something, but he came back with a big basket of chestnuts."

Seeing that her daughter's complexion was not very good, she said: "Of course you can treat him well. During the season of splitting that year, it was a riot of fierce beasts, but he got the plague, and he was burnt out, and the weather It’s also strange, when there was a drought, there was a sudden storm, the ground was muddy, and the grain truck became a burden. At that time, the adults were busy pushing the grain truck. You were the one who carried Chi Yu all the way. Appropriate camp."

Jin Mang was taken aback for a moment, yes, she was also very kind to Chi Yu.

With a wow, she couldn't help crying again.

(End of this chapter)

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