famine queen

Chapter 89 Auxiliary

Chapter 89 Auxiliary
"But..." Lu Ben glanced at Jin Mang, his expression extremely hesitant.

Although following Jin Mang will only face the cubs of fierce beasts, Jin Mang's strength is not as good as them, if...

Lan Ya interrupted him: "In the next generation, besides Jin Mang, who else do you think can be the main force?"

Hearing this, Chi Yun Chi Yan and the others all showed embarrassment.

Lu Ben was silent for a moment, and so far, it seems that there is no.

Such a phenomenon occurs, although the children's own talents are limited, but it is also because they are too well protected.

In fact, not only the children's generation, but also their generation, among so many younger brothers after him, only Xiaofeng became the main force.

In the final analysis, it was because they were so well protected that they didn't even have the courage to kill the beasts.

The reason why Qingfeng was able to become the main combat force was firstly because he had enough talent, and secondly because... from birth, he had to find a way to keep his twin sister, instead of being snatched away by other brothers.Especially Lan He is also one of them, but Qing Lei and his brothers...Because they have been oppressed by Lan He all the year round, they think they don't have the confidence to fight him. Although they try hard, they can't do as hard as Qing Feng.

Lu Ben let out a long sigh, and said to Lu Kui, "Follow Jin Mang."

Thus, Jin Mang set off with five people including Chi Yu.

On the way, she said to Orange Bamboo and the others: "Chi Yu and I can kill beasts, so it's okay for you to assist us?"

Cheng Zhu and the others looked at each other, unable to tell what it was like in their hearts, forget about Jin Mang, she has been a monster since she was a child, they are used to it, who would have thought that now there is another Chi Yu.

However, they were more or less suspicious.

For an evildoer like Jin Mang, it's not enough to produce one, but a second one is needed?

Seeing that they didn't object, Jin Mang continued: "Cheng Shi is still young, and he doesn't even have his own special weapon yet. The main support is Orange Blossom Orange Bamboo and Lvkui."

She recalled the impression these people gave her, then looked at the weapons they were carrying, and said, "Orange Blossom's strength is not enough, but I remember that your speed is good, and you are good at dodging, then you Just on the ground, once you find that the beast intends to attack us, you can use a dagger to attack the giant beast's toes to attract their attention, just be careful."

Neroli froze for a moment, "A gap between the toes?"

Jin Mang nodded, "Other parts of the ferocious beasts have rough skin and thick flesh. You may not be able to hurt them with only a dagger. But it is too dangerous to directly attack the soles of the feet. If the ferocious beast kicks over, if you are not sure, you will kill them." It will kill you. But the gap between the toes is different. When you attack, pay attention. The dagger only needs to cut in a finger width. That way the beast hurts and itches enough to attract its attention, but not too much Let him riot."

This is the experience she heard from Granny Hua of the Arima Tribe in the last split season. Orange Blossom seems to have become less courageous since she was caught by a fierce beast. It is best for her to do things with low risks.

Orange Blossom nodded and said, "I understand."

Then came Orange Bamboo and Green Kui. Cheng Zhu's weapon was a short spear, which was obviously a reference to Lan He's spear, while Lu Kui's weapon was actually a pair of axes.

"Is your aim okay?" Jin Mang asked Cheng Zhu first.

Whether it is a short spear or a long spear, it needs to be thrown, especially the former.

"Not bad." After thinking for a while, Cheng Zhu said: "I have never failed to shoot pheasants and ducks."

"That's good." Jin Mang breathed a sigh of relief, "Then you and Orange Blossom are on the ground together. Remember, your short spear should only aim at the eyes of the beast."

Fierce beasts also have instincts. Although their eyesight is poor, as long as their eyes are attacked, they will instinctively cover them with their hands.


Jin Mang frowned and said, "How do you recover this short spear after you throw it out?"

"There is a thousand bridle at the end of my short spear, look." Cheng Zhu turned his wrist, revealing the gray thousand bridle at the end of the short spear.

The thousand ligaments are woven from the rhizomes of a special plant. This kind of rope is extremely tough. Although it is extremely soft, it can't even cut with a sharp blade.

"You have to be careful. If you are caught by a fierce beast, you would rather give up the short spear for a while than compete with the fierce beast. Their strength is not a joke." Jin Mang confessed.

Orange Bamboo nodded in response.

"As for you..." Jin Mang looked at Lu Kui, "There is always someone who will follow the beast, can you?"

In my memory, this cousin was very silent, but he didn't seem to be off the chain?

You must know that among the auxiliary combat forces, the person who followed the main combat force and climbed onto the beast is undoubtedly the most dangerous.

"It's possible." Unexpectedly, Lu Kui said, "Father has been training my climbing ability for the past few years. I have climbed trees in strong winds more than once, and at the same time, I have to avoid the stones thrown by my father."

Jin Mang didn't expect this.

Chi Yu didn't expect that the group of people led by Jin Mang were all beginners. He frowned and said, "You might as well count on me instead of them."

He snorted coldly and said, "You support me when I'm in the main battle, and I'll support you when you're in the main battle. As for them... let's practice first."

Jin Mang touched his chin, "I have never learned to assist combat."

Chi Yu glared at her and said, "Then you also learn together."

Jin Mang was a little curious, "Will you assist in combat?"

"Is that difficult?" Chi Yu sneered and said, "Isn't it easy to see?" This stinky girl is really stupid.

Jin Mang glanced at him, not quite believing what he said.

Chi Yu knew what he was thinking at a glance, his heart was going to explode, but his face was still expressionless.

One day, one day he would want this stinky girl to call him daddy!

Orange Bamboo and the others were indeed inexperienced. If Jinmang hadn't been watching, they would have been thrown into the mouths of fierce beasts and chewed them raw not long after entering the forest.

Chi Yu looked at it coldly, this stinky girl is indeed a Holy Mother.

I also like to favor those wastes who are holding back.

"Wait!" Chi Yu suddenly stopped and shouted softly, "There should be a fierce beast cub ahead."

Jin Mang was taken aback, "How do you know?"

"Look at the ground." Chi Yu pointed to the slightly trembling grass on the ground and said, "This movement is very likely to be a young beast. If it is an adult beast, the vibration will be very large."

Jin Mang glanced at him when he heard the words, "Really?"

Chi Yu snorted, "You'll know it when you see it."

As he spoke, he walked ahead and led the crowd for hundreds of meters.

"It's actually true." Orange Blossom looked surprised.

Jin Mang took a look at Chi Yu. In fact, she believed his words very much. After all, the evil thoughts of the gods are awesome, but...

She just couldn't see his complacent look.

bad guy.

(End of this chapter)

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