famine queen

Chapter 72 East Wind and West Wind

Chapter 72 East Wind and West Wind

After thinking about it, Jin Mang especially sympathized with Orange Fire.

As a result, Orange Huo's body was so depleted, probably because of pregnancy and childbirth.Brown water is so young, it is not bad to be able to support the siblings.But pregnancy and childbirth require a lot of nourishment, and it is difficult for a grown man to do it, let alone a child of his age and a half.

Chenghuo has no experience in raising children, but he is extremely careful. Whenever the child has a problem, he immediately tells Qingsui.Because of this, no matter how much she ate, Qingsui didn't have any objections to her.

In just two months, Orange Huo is completely different from when he first came here. His face and body have grown flesh, his hair that was originally limp has become thicker and harder to the naked eye, and his complexion is even worse. do not.

It turned out that because of being too thin, Orange Huo's facial features are very prominent, and it looks a bit mean, but now that he is fat, his bottom is exposed, and he looks good.Although not as good as Qingsui, she can still be called a little beauty.And when people are fat, they also show their age.Before, Orange Fire was dark and thin, and people would believe that she was 30 years old, but now her skin has turned whiter in the cave, and with the addition of complexion, she seems to have changed completely.

Probably because of the change in her external image, Orange Fire became more confident. She gradually talked more, and dared to ask anything, instead of not daring to ask anything like before.

The days seemed to go on so peacefully, until one day, when Jin Mang was drinking fish soup happily, Qing Sui, who had just walked out of the cave, suddenly covered her mouth.

Jin Mang's eyes widened, no way...

Qing Feng and Bai Yun's eyes also widened, but their eyes were full of surprise.

"Yes?" Bai Yun asked.

Qingsui didn't let go, nodded and said in a muffled voice: "It should be."

Even so, the joy in the voice is palpable.

Qingfeng on the side suddenly changed his expression, "Lulian is not yet one year old." You must know that they had agreed with Orange Huo at the beginning that Lulian would have to breastfeed at least until one year old, and even after one year old, they can only breastfeed. Lvlian, who eats a small amount of meat, still cannot be weaned.

But Qingsui is pregnant, and in the first three months she needs to nourish herself, Qingfeng has a body made of iron, and it is impossible to hunt six or seven hundred catties of prey every day.

If the two sides conflict...

Qing Feng lowered her eyes, she had already made a decision in her heart.

I can only feel sorry for the third brother and the second sister.

Baiyun didn't want to but said, "It's okay, I'm here."

Hearing this, Qing Feng, Qing Sui and even Cheng Huo all looked over.

Jin Mang blinked, a little puzzled.Is there any problem with Bai Yun's words?Isn't that normal?

In her opinion, Qingsui is pregnant with Baiyun's child, isn't it a matter of course for him to hunt and nourish her?

of course not!

Qing Feng took several deep breaths, but whoever said this was not Bai Yun, he would punch him right now.

In his opinion, Bai Yun's words were provoking him!


Qingfeng gritted her teeth, forget it, at most these three months, when Qingsui gave birth to a child, Baiyun will have nothing to do with tonic.

After all...he knew that the third brother was in trouble. Although he could ask the second brother for help, it might not be convenient for the second brother. After all, he had four grandchildren all at once. number one.

However, Baiyun is willing to help Qingsui tonic, but he is definitely not happy to let him take care of Orange Fire.

Seeing that Qingfeng's face was livid and he didn't say a word, Baiyun knew that he was compromising.

He was a little proud, but he also knew that it was not easy to show it at this time.

For several days, the atmosphere at home was a little weird.

Jin Mang realized belatedly that Ruo Qingfeng is the east wind and Baiyun is the west wind. At this moment, it seems that the west wind is overwhelming the east wind?

She was a little confused, wasn't she just hunting for some meat for Qingsui?
On this day, Baiyun and Qingfeng went out to hunt at the same time, and Baiyun came back first.His harvest was not small, and he hunted down two cows, one big and one small, in one go.

"Why did you hunt so many?" Qingsui asked in surprise.

"I didn't plan to hunt them all. I hunted this calf first, and this big cow rushed over. It must be mother and child." Bai Yun said helplessly.

"But there's so much, how can we eat it all? It's going to spoil." Qingsui wondered.

The calf that Baiyun hunted was alright, only her ration for one or two days, but for this big cow, she estimated that she could eat it for three to five days.

In today's weather, the meat can be stored for at most two days before it will taste.

"Let Mangmang eat it too, if there is any more, make it into jerky." Bai Yun said.

Qingsui rolled his eyes and said, "You are the only one who finds trouble."

Not long after, Qing Feng also came back, he brought back two stags, but as soon as he got home, he saw Qing Sui and Jin Mang sitting in front of the bonfire, happily eating barbecue.

A large clam shell was also placed in the fire, and one could guess that the girl wanted to drink broth again.

"Mangmang?" Qing Feng shouted.

Jin Mang turned around and was immediately stunned, "Father, what are you doing..." With a betrayed expression on his face?
"Okay, today is a special situation." Qingsui explained the situation, "Only this time, this kind of thing will not happen again in the future."

Saying so, she glanced at Baiyun warningly.

She doesn't care if it's a coincidence or he did it on purpose, in short, there can't be a second time.

Bai Yun sighed, it really wasn't that easy.

The calf's meat is extremely tender, and the golden mango is so cute to eat, but it's a pity that I don't have a frying pan, otherwise...

and many more!

Jin Mang suddenly realized that besides the iron pan, the stone plate should also be able to cook steak?
However, suitable stone slabs were not so easy to find. They were either thick or brittle, or simply too small. It took a lot of effort for Jin Mang to chisel out a barely suitable stone from the rock wall.

This stone slab is about the thickness of a palm, and the thickness on both sides is uneven.But without mechanical assistance, this is already the limit of what she can do.

After cleaning the slate, Jin Mang quickly tried to fry the steak on the slate.

It's a pity that the calf hunted by Baiyun has already been eaten, but it's okay, Qingfeng hunted a lamb today, and the lamb chops are also very beautiful, but it's a pity that there is no cumin.

Mutton and cumin are a perfect match. If one is missing, it is always not beautiful.

But it's a pity that Jinmang doesn't know what cumin plants look like.

And there is no oil.

Jin Mang was thinking, when Qing Feng was sent to hunt a wild boar one day, she wanted to try boiling suet.In that case, you can try to make stir-fried vegetables, and the lard residue is also delicious.

And the little flour I made by myself, it shouldn't be a problem to make dumplings?

The only vegetable you can find is leeks, so get pork and leek dumplings.Maybe get a big pork bun?Although there is no such thing as yeast, she will raise natural yeast.

Just thinking about it, Jin Mang couldn't help drooling.

(End of this chapter)

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