famine queen

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

After Chi Yu left for about three days, Jin Mang knew the reason for his previous injury.

While helping her put away the dried meat, Qingsui said: "I heard that he was pushed out by his elder sister's son and injured by a reindeer. The Yulin tribe is really..."

She shook her head and said: "Lvfeng is really confused, and he didn't punish that child."

The Lvfeng that Qingsui spoke of was Chi Yu's father, and also the patriarch and main force of the Youlin tribe, she and Qingfeng both knew each other.

"That man Lufeng..." Qing Feng curled his lips and said: "That man has a very good temper, but his ears are also soft. It's okay for him to live alone with the child, so if the whole family gathers together, the man named Chiyu's children will definitely suffer."

Qingsui sighed and said, "It would be great if Chilian was still around."

Seeing Jin Mang's confused face, she explained: "Chi Lian is Chi Yu's mother, she is a very admirable woman. In the early years, when the leader of the Youlin tribe was not strong enough, she was the one who stood up. She dared to fight and break through. It can be said that everything in the Youlin tribe is due to her hard work. Whether it is Lufeng or her two main combat sons, it can be said that she has cultivated them. Otherwise... I remember that Lufeng was very timid before, he was timid in everything, Chi Lian's two sons are also like Lufeng, if she didn't force her, would those three cowards be able to become talents?"

"Isn't that so?" Qing Feng sighed and said, "It's that Chi Yu, I think his temperament is very similar to Chi Lian's. As long as he can grow up smoothly, his strength will not be bad in the future. People from the Lin tribe will win sooner or later regret."

The eldest brother and the others have told him about Chiyu these days.Although he didn't like the way the child looked at Mangmang, he couldn't deny that the child was promising at first glance.

Jin Mang was a little curious, and asked 0909: [How could the evil thoughts of the gods be a living person? 】

0909 has been a little unhappy these days, and said with a straight face: [The gods sleeping in the origin of the universe are existences at a high latitude beyond human imagination, and every good or evil thought of them will come true.When they are awake, these good and evil thoughts will be restrained by their reason.But when you are in deep sleep, these thoughts of mastery will be refracted to various worlds through dreams.Therefore, it is not a strange thing that the evil thoughts of gods are human beings, and it can even be said that this is a good thing, because people can communicate.If the other party is an animal, a tree, or even a cloud, let alone whether I can detect them in time, can you communicate with them? 】

Jin Mang was a little dizzy when she heard it. She thought that 0909 would not tell her. It was like this before, it didn't know anything.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jin Mang quickly asked: [Does the evil thoughts of the gods have any influence on Anze? 】

This time, 0909 was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said: [Anze was born because of the evil thoughts of the gods, but also because of the evil thoughts of the gods, he showed such a deformity as you can see in front of him. 】

Jin Mang was taken aback for a moment, she was attracted by the content of 0909's words, so she didn't realize that, unknowingly, 0909's original mechanical voice seemed to carry human emotions.

【You mean... Anze was originally born because of the evil thoughts of the gods? 】

0909 didn't speak, obviously acquiescing.

Jin Mang frowned and said: 【What will happen to Anze after the evil thoughts of the gods are expelled? 】

[It’s hard to say, the original rules may still be followed, a great man may be born, overthrow everything that exists, and create a new order and society. ] 0909 hesitated and said.

Jin Mang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, 【Then you are still in a hurry to let me complete the task? 】It doesn’t matter if it’s finished or not, what’s the hurry?

0909 was not in a hurry this time, but calmly explained: [It's different, if the evil thoughts of the gods are not expelled, then Anze will always be like this forever, but only after the evil thoughts of the gods leave, Anze can change. 】

【Then I don't need to do anything, Chiyu will die sooner or later anyway. 】Jin Mang said without thinking.

[That's useless. ] 0909 said: [Death does not mean leaving, at least for the evil thoughts of the gods.Maybe after death, Chi Yu will retain his consciousness to observe the world, or maybe he will become a fish or a flower, or even be reincarnated as a human. 】

Although 0909 didn't say it out loud, Jin Mang still noticed that the other party was urging her to complete the task quickly.

[You should be a product of the high-dimensional world, right? 】Jin Mang raised his eyebrows and said: 【What good will it do you to expel the evil thoughts of the gods? 】

Don't say anything to save the world.

She firmly believes that no matter whether people in this world are noble or despicable, it is impossible for them to spend their time doing something that does not benefit them at all.

0909 hesitated for a long time, and said: [The chaos in the small world will affect the world I am in. 】

This seems to be sincere, but...Jin Mang doesn't think it's the whole reason.

But she also guessed that if she asks more, the other party probably won't answer again.

Chimei, Lanying, and Qingguang became pregnant one after another. Except for Lanying who had already given birth to a daughter, both Chimei and Qingguang wanted to have daughters, and Chimei even directly said that she wanted to have twin daughters.

They have the British tribe, which is a bit yang and yin, no matter whether it is the parents' generation or Jin Mang's generation, there are more brothers and fewer sisters.

Qingsui was a little anxious, even Qingfeng couldn't sit still.

"You still don't feel anything?" He asked Qingsui.

Qingsui shook his head, and said anxiously: "If there is really no other way, we can only go back to Mangchuan Ridge and make plans."

Although human beings have a mating season, they don't have an estrus period. In fact, if it weren't for the greatest chance of ensuring the survival rate of their children, they could conceive and give birth anytime, anywhere.But Baiyun was so concerned, she had no choice but to let the child be born later.

——In fact, in some tribes that are not well-behaved, or where the fertility of women has decreased after eating beast meat, there are often children conceived during non-mating seasons.

Jin Mang listened to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but said: "Mum, if you don't want to make Bai Yun angry, you'd better give up this idea."

She thinks that people like Baiyun are a bit of a mental cleanser. If her mother goes to date other men, he will go crazy with anger.

At that time, he may not be willing to vent his anger on Qingsui, but he may vent his anger on the man.

However, after hearing Jin Mang's words, Qingsui said indifferently: "Baiyun can vent her anger on others if she wants to." She just needs to give birth to a son.

Hearing her unconscionable words, Jin Mang rolled his eyes and said angrily, "What if he takes revenge on Father?"

The point is that she really doesn't need a brother.

 Chiyu is the hero, so don't have any doubts
(End of this chapter)

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