famine queen

Chapter 486 Training Manual

"This...what's going on?" the petite female healer with a ponytail and a petunias protruding from her ear couldn't help but muttered.

Hearing the sound, everyone realized that the psychic practitioner had arrived, and immediately retreated, exposing the giant tortoise with all four feet in the sky.

Seeing this, all the healers standing at the door gasped.

"This tortoise...could it be turned upside down when it mutated?" the little female healer asked.

"No, no..." Everyone explained in a hurry, and briefly explained the situation.

So, a group of spiritual practitioners looked at Jin Mang.

Then, someone noticed Ayina standing next to her.

"Director Ayina?!" Everyone was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

At present, most of Katya's psychic practitioners are still under the name of the psychic practitioners' association, but they just don't listen to orders.After all, the Healer Association now has no authority given by the headquarters, and they have no reason to listen to orders.

Moreover, the previous incident had affected the reputation of the healer in Katya, and they were not without grudges.

However, Ayina was an exception. At the beginning, she tried her best to persuade the high-level leaders, but the high-level leaders refused to accept her proposal.

Therefore, their attitude towards Aina has not changed.

Aina smiled and said, "Jin Mang is a newly registered psychic practitioner in our association. Her physical fitness and aura affinity are both SSS."

No wonder then!

A group of psychic practitioners showed surprise one after another.Moreover, they also guessed Jin Mang's identity. This talent, in the current Katya, is a guess.

"That..." The proprietress asked with some hesitation: "Our Miaomiao...I mean this mutated tortoise, do you want to kill it?"

"Of course." A psychic replied.

The proprietress pursed her lips, and said hopefully, "Is there no other way? I mean, Miao Miao can't change back?"

"Yes, Miao Miao has lived in our house for more than ten years. She used to be very obedient, always lazy, and never bites." The boss's youngest son followed suit.

Although the boss on the side didn't speak, he looked over eagerly.

The little female healer shook her head and said: "Impossible, whether it is an animal or a plant, their mutations are irreversible. Don't be soft-hearted, mutant animals have no mind, and your soft-heartedness can only bring about a tragic ending."

The boss's family were a little disappointed when they heard the words, but when the Healers acted, they didn't say anything.

Minnelli muttered, "I really don't understand. We all know that plants and animals will mutate. Why do some people like to grow potted plants and raise animals? Don't you want to die?"

"This is probably true love." Jin Mang said.

She can understand this kind of behavior very well, like if exercising would be risky...does she stop exercising or exercising?

How is this possible.

"This is the easiest task we have done." Several healers said while recovering the corpse of the mutated turtle.

The little female gymnast came to Jin Mang's side, raised her hand and said, "Should I add an optical brain account? You are so talented, you should be able to advance to the next level soon, and we can ask you to rescue us when we have missions."

"Yes, yes, I will also add."

"I also want."

"I also want."

Just like that, Jin Mang and a group of psychic practitioners all added the Guangnao number.

Minnelli was a little envious at the side, but fortunately Aina introduced her in time, and all the psychic practitioners naturally added the number of light brains to her.

"Are all the missions you are going out now dangerous?" Jin Mang helped them carry the mutated tortoise's corpse, which was too big and heavy, and asked.

"Yeah, it's much more dangerous than before." The petite female psychic who claimed to be Yu Xiusheng said: "We are not high-level, and we used to suffer minor injuries when we went on missions, but in the past month, several of our colleagues have asked for leave to recuperate due to serious injuries."

Jin Mang thought deeply, "Are you paid well for this kind of mission?"

"Like today, each of us can get [-] yuan per order. Of course, if the task is more dangerous, the reward will be higher." Yu Xiusheng said.

Jin Mang's eyes lit up, "Then I will come to work part-time when I reach E-level."

"That's right." Yu Xiusheng suddenly realized, looked at Ayina and said, "If Jin Mang joins the association, will the benefits of the cultivation space come back?"

Ayina smiled and nodded, "That's right."

As long as the benefits of the cultivation space come back, their association will naturally flourish.

It was past two o'clock in the afternoon when Jin Mang returned home, she practiced first, and then took out the practice manual that Ayina gave her.

——This practice manual is the experience of spiritual practitioners summed up by the headquarters of the Spiritual Practitioners Association.

Jin Mang opened it and looked at it. To be promoted as a healer is to break through the aura nodes, and to break through the aura nodes, you need to use aura to flush the nodes deliberately.Once the spiritual energy node is broken through, the speed of the spiritual energy can be doubled.

As for how many times, this seems to depend on the talent of each person.

——The most amazing thing is that spiritual practitioners of the same level have different strengths because of their different talents. This is really...Talent determines everything.

In addition, it is also mentioned in the training manual that the aura outside is colorless, but the aura entering the body of the psychic practitioner is not like this.

Different colors of aura also represent different attributes.However, this color attribute is not absolute. It is said that spiritual practitioners with the same attribute have different aura colors because of their different personalities.

The official statement given by the Healer Association is that aura overlaps with spiritual power, so differences in personality will affect the color of aura.

In addition, Jin Mang also knew why the alliance judged the level of a psychic practitioner by the number of broken aura nodes.

Because every time a healer breaks through a spiritual node, he can form a bond once.

The bonded object of a psychic master can be animals, plants, or even dead objects.

Jin Mang originally thought that there would be more contracted animals, but after checking the records, he found that this was not the case.Most healers would rather contract plants or even dead objects than contract animals, because animals are too uncontrollable.

You must know that a psychic practitioner cannot communicate with the bonded partner. Plants and dead objects will not move around at will, and can be completely controlled by the psychic practitioner, but animals...

Jin Mang couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he saw the examples in the training manual of various bonded animals who ran away from home during battles or caused trouble on weekdays.

It's no wonder that the combat power obtained by bonded animals is the strongest, but the healers are still reluctant to bond animals.

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