famine queen

Chapter 484 Turtle

Ayina is really a gentle and considerate person. Knowing that Jin Mang and Min Nellie had just arrived, she told them a lot of common sense about psychic practitioners.

"Actually, in today's Katya, the level of psychic practitioners is very low, the highest is only C-level, and there are only a few of them, and most of the psychic practitioners are still at E-level and D-level." She said. .

"Why?" Jin Mang asked.

It has been ten years since the spiritual energy recovered, and she would not think that Katya has not shown any geniuses all this time, and they are all mediocre talents who have practiced for many years and can only be C-level.

"Because people with good talents go to SS planets or even SSS planets." Aina said: "Although the administrative building paid a lot of money to let you settle in Katya, in fact, no one expects you to stay in Katya forever .”

"As a matter of fact, you have to leave after reaching C-level at most. Whether you go to the Healer Academy or the headquarters of the Healer Association, there will be a better way out."

The two understood half understood, but Jin Mang remembered another thing.

"Speaking of which, what caused the animal riots and plant riots?" Jin Mang asked curiously.

They have been in Katya for less than a month, but they have encountered riots in animals and plants several times.

"That..." Ayina frowned, "To be honest, I'm not sure, it's said that it's because of God's grudge."

Jin Mang was taken aback.

Ayina nodded, "This is what the elders of our clan said. There is no basis for it, but I think it should be true."

"In a very long time ago, there were gods in this world. However, human beings deprived the belief of gods in order to develop, forcing them to fall into a deep sleep. At that time, the aura had already begun to fail, so humans felt that they did not need gods and hence the choice was made.”

"In fact, the choice of human beings cannot be said to be wrong. Without the participation of the gods, human beings have absorbed various races very smoothly by virtue of their strong reproductive ability. Like the Boling clan, in fact, there is no pure blood in this world There are no Bolings left, only Bolings and humans are mixed. Strong races such as elves, dragons, orcs, and dwarves are also gradually declining."

"If gods were involved, humans would not be able to do this. Because it is said that gods will not sit back and watch the flames of any ethnic group die."

"However, after the great recovery of spiritual energy, human beings have begun to pay the price for their past actions."

"The gods are the source of all energy. Now the spiritual energy has recovered greatly, but because the gods are in a deep sleep, this recovery... has not been complete until now. Not only that, but people have discovered the existence of divine resentment."

"In the era of depleted spiritual energy, no matter how much resentment the gods have, they can't affect the world at all. But when the spiritual energy is revived, even if the gods have not shaped themselves, their resentment has begun to affect the world."

Jin Mang's heart was beating violently.

"God?" She pretended to be puzzled and said, "I didn't find any information about gods on the star network? Do gods really exist?"

"Gods do exist." Ayina said, "It's not a secret among us mixed races. As for why there is no information about gods on the Starnet, firstly, human beings have a guilty conscience, and secondly... this kind of thing is not suitable for ordinary people. The public knows."

After a pause, she said: "If you want to know the information of the gods, you can apply to the association after the evaluation. The association has a lot of such information."

"Have you never thought about how to solve this situation?" Minnelli couldn't help asking curiously.

"Why not." Ayina sighed, "Before the mission system went on strike, I've been working on this matter, but... it probably didn't go well, and I haven't heard any rumors so far."

Jin Mang lowered his eyes, in this way, everything will be connected.

For Ayina, Jin Mang and Min Nellie are definitely her honored guests.Therefore, after knowing that the optical brain they used was sent by the alliance, she enthusiastically decided to accompany them to the optical brain shop to choose the optical brain.

"My husband is in a related industry, so I still have some experience in the selection of optical brains." She said.

"But we don't have enough money on hand, we have to wait for the subsidy from the administrative building to have the money to buy an optical computer." Minnelli said a little embarrassedly.

"Then treat it as a gift from me to you." Ayina smiled and said, "Anyway, I know acquaintances, so I can get the goods at an internal price."

Jin Mang and Minnelli immediately looked at each other in dismay.

"You don't have to feel embarrassed." Ayina said: "If you hadn't joined, the branch of the association here would probably be evacuated soon, and I would probably be laid off by then. So, I should thank you very much of."

If not, the administrative building would not have taken the initiative to send these two people to their door.

——The administrative building neither wants the psychic practitioners to continue to be under their control, nor does it want their psychic practitioners association to withdraw from Katya.

After all, the Healer Association is a veritable giant in the alliance. If Cartya does not have a branch of the Healer Association, foreign residents will be affected when they consider whether to come to Katya to settle down.

Of course, it is a bad influence.

Ayina has said so much, Jin Mang and Min Nai Li naturally can't refuse.

A group of people came to an optical brain shop near the Healer Association.It can be seen that Ayina is really familiar with the boss, and before she even opened her mouth, the other party offered a 7% discount.

Knowing that it was Ayina who paid for it, as she said before, she was only willing to charge an internal price.

Because Ayina paid for it, neither Jin Mang nor Min Nelli chose the one that was too expensive, but only chose the one recommended by the boss, which was the most cost-effective. The original price was around [-], and the internal price was only [-].

After getting the new optical brain, both of them were a little embarrassed, so they said they would treat Ayina to dinner.

Ayina did not refuse, and recommended them to a restaurant that was said to taste good.

"This restaurant was opened by my classmate's mother. I have loved coming here to eat since I was a child. Although it is only a small restaurant and it only sells some home-cooked dishes, you will know when you go there." The smile on her face Very full bodied.

The restaurant she mentioned was really not big, but the business was pretty good, not for meals, and most of the tables and chairs inside were not empty.

The three found a vacant seat in the corner, and ordered a few home-cooked dishes under the introduction of Ayina.

Looking at the meals on the tables of other customers, it is surprising that the staple food here seems to be a kind of noodles, the kind with thick fingers and a little dark gray.

This restaurant has a tortoise, it seems to be some years old, it is in the feng shui tank at the front desk.

While waiting for the dishes to be served, Jin Mang looked curiously at the old tortoise, which was only the size of a washbasin and was lounging on the sand.

Is it her delusion?

I always feel that the shell of this turtle seems to be shining? !

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