famine queen

Chapter 475 Extradition Center

Chapter 475 Extradition Center
Jin Mang thought he would enter the dreamland again, but this time he didn't.

The moment the soul body dissipated, the famine system suddenly let out a terrifying scream, followed by harsh noises, and finally disappeared intermittently.

Jin Mang was taken aback, his first reaction was... Has his journey through travel come to an end?
She couldn't tell what was in her mind, she couldn't talk about being sad or sad, but she was a little regretful.In fact, she really wanted to see the body of the god's evil thoughts, the real god's.

Even if she is killed by the other party in the next second, she still wants to take a look.

Severe pain came from the depths of his soul, Jin Mang sighed, and closed his eyes unwillingly.

Waking up again, Jin Mang was a little dazed. She looked down at her hands, and then looked around. She was... in an elevator?

Just at this moment, there was a ding sound, and the elevator door opened.

"Ms. 2686, please follow me." A soft female voice came suddenly.

Jin Mang was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that the person who spoke was actually the one at his feet... a bit like a Pokémon ball, a round metal device, should it be a robot?
The robot rolled out of the elevator briskly, and Jin Mang quickly stepped up.

There was a corridor outside the elevator, too many words would lead to mistakes, Jin Mang didn't dare to ask more questions, and followed behind the robot.

The environment here is particularly technological and unpopular, and the eyes are all silver.

Following the robot to a glass door, Jin Mang walked in according to the other party's instructions, only to realize that he had walked into an... elevator! ?

No, this is not an elevator.

Jin Mang suddenly realized that something was wrong, this "elevator" was too small, it could only allow one person to stand, and a fat person would probably feel uncomfortable standing, this is not what a normal elevator should look like.

And, why didn't that robot follow in?

But at this moment, a blue screen lit up on the wall in front of him.

"Ms. 2686, start entering your identity information, please answer the next question honestly."


"Golden Mang." Jin Mang subconsciously said.

Then, the blue screen reported: "Height 168, weight 52kg, from a remote galaxy, the Milky Way, belonging to Earth. Reason for extradition: outstanding performance in system tasks."

Jin Mang was shocked, did he come to the world where 0909 is?

But at this moment, a light was projected on the blue screen.

The electronic voice sounded again: "SSS-level physical fitness and SSS-level aura affinity have been detected. It is judged to be an SSS-level talent, and an S-level planetary citizen ID card is given, as well as 10000 interstellar coins and ten-year residency. Single apartment."

"Fingerprint registration in progress, please wait..."

"Iris recording in progress, please wait..."

"Hair detection in progress, please wait..."

"Race detection is in progress, please wait..."

"Human immune testing is in progress, please wait..."


After a series of innumerable words, please wait a moment, the door of Jin Mang's space moved away, and the previous robot reappeared.

"Ms. Jin Mang, welcome to the Star League, please follow me."

Jin Mang followed.

The robot took her into a single room again and motioned her to put her hand on the table.The next moment, the desktop lit up with a blue light——

"The identity is confirmed. Hello, Ms. Jinmang, we will start to match you with an optical brain now. Because the chip is implanted, it will take about 5 minutes. Please wait patiently."

Chip implantation?

Jin Mang was taken aback, would it hurt?

Just thinking this way, she saw a small person about ten centimeters long, no different from a real person regardless of size, busy on her wrist.

"This is... a robot?" She couldn't help but marvel.

"Of course not." The little man suddenly raised his head and glared at her, "I'm from the sleeve clan. What? Why do we look down on our small stature when we are big?"

He snorted coldly, "You still slander me as a robot."

Jin Mang was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he quickly apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I'm ignorant."

Seeing her sincere apology, the little man felt a little embarrassed, touched his nose and said, "My name is Ding Yi, and I am a chip implantation engineer at the extradition center."

"Hello, my name is Jin Mang, my identity... I should be a person from Earth who just joined the Star League?" She was a little uncertain.

"Earth?" Ding Yi frowned as he kept moving his hands, "I've never heard of it, is it a remote planet?"

Jin Mang nodded.

"Then what level is your talent?" Ding Yi asked.

"Say it's SSS." Seeing that he was interested in talking, Jin Mang said quickly.

She is at a loss, just in time to collect some information from the other party.

Ding Yi said: "Then you are very promising. Although there is a big difference between SSS and SSS, even if you have no extra potential, you are still very good."

Seeing Jin Mang's confused face, Ding Yi explained: "Actually, after the recovery of spiritual energy, the detection equipment of the Star League is not easy to use. They can only detect SSS-level talents, even SSSS and SSSSS-level talents. , can only detect SSS. The key still depends on whether you have aura affinity, and you can practice with aura affinity."

He said with envy on his face: "Before I saw the news that some people returned to their ancestors after practicing spiritual energy. That person's ancestors were elves, but they started to move closer to elves. So he was just an ordinary human. It’s not the thin-blood race with a high concentration of elf blood. It’s those thin-blood race, no matter how high the original status is, they can’t practice without aura affinity, and they will be caught up by ordinary people sooner or later. It’s a pity that I don’t have any aura affinity, otherwise I would have a chance to return to my ancestors. The sleeve clan looks weak now, but the ancestors are also big bosses."

Jin Mang understood half of what he heard, and asked, "Aside from returning the blood to the ancestors, is there any other benefit to practicing spiritual energy?"

"That's natural." Ding Yidao: "It is said that in ancient times, there were gods, and the gods were everlasting. Reiki cultivation is the only way to bring humans closer to the gods."

Jin Mang is silent, is the world where 0909 is located the same as the world where the evil thoughts of the gods are?

After a while, Ding Yi still implanted the chip. Jin Mang didn't feel any pain, and he had already put something like a smart bracelet on her hand.

"This is your optical brain, which contains your identity certificate and your money. In short, you can't live without this thing. Once the optical brain and the chip are matched, once it leaves your wrist, it will fall into a dormant state. The office can also use the chip to track, so you don’t have to worry about the money and identity certificate being misused by others after the optical computer is robbed.” Ding Yi warned: “This optical computer is a gift, and its performance is relatively basic, although it is enough. But when you have money, it’s better to change to a more comprehensive function.”

(End of this chapter)

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