famine queen

Chapter 442

Chapter 442
Jin Mang really wanted to see the City of Wonderful Colors, but she still listened to Lan Lan's words.Without the power to protect herself, she didn't want to take risks there.

Probably no one knows the evil of human beings better than her.

After returning, Jin Mang's life became peaceful again.She was not used to it at first, but the life of the mother tree was like this, and she gradually got used to it.

But Jin Mang is not a person who can relax.Although the city of Miao Cai is dangerous, other places in Miao Cai Xing are still safe, especially the place with the mother tree.

Because of this, Jin Mang would run out from time to time to visit other mother trees.

Although the fellow clan doesn't like to drop by, everyone still welcomes Jin Mang's arrival.

After a long time, Jinmang found that the number of mother trees was not as many as she thought.There are probably less than [-] mother trees in the whole Miao Caixing.

However, although the number of mother trees is small, the number of children is quite considerable.

The number of children of a mature mother tree is no less than five figures, and the total number of children is probably in the millions.

Don't think that a few million is less than human beings. This population is naturally nothing.But Shuzi is different, they are born elementalists who can manipulate elements.

Jin Mang saw Shuzi leveling a mountain in order to protect the mother tree, but the other Shuzi looked normal about it.

This shows how powerful Shuzi is.

Seeing Shuzi's strength again and again, Jin Mang began to look forward to his own Shuzi.

During this period, Jin Mang also watched a lot of fun in the trees.

Once, she saw a tree that returned from a trip brought a pile of human corpses back to her mother tree.

At that time, she was stunned, and almost thought it was a mutation in the tree.

But after looking down, I realized that the human corpse brought back by the young tree was snatched from the necromancer.And the reason why he went to snatch the corpses from the necromancer was because the necromancer wanted to make him a puppet. After he killed the necromancer to protect himself, he felt that it was a pity to keep these corpses, so he brought them back to honor the mother tree.

Another time, there was a tree who brought back many beautiful clothes from the human world for his brothers and sisters.However, the brothers and sisters disliked it very much, thinking that the clothes in the human world look good, but they feel uncomfortable after wearing them.The tree child was a little disappointed, so he hung his clothes on the branches of the mother tree, saying that this would keep the birds away.She said that farmers in the human world use similar methods to drive away birds.

Needless to say, this method is really useful.But this is only useful for ordinary birds, and it doesn't work for some monsters.

After all, monsters have high IQs. They actually know that the mother tree is guarded by trees. The reason why they know that there are tigers in the mountain and prefer to go to the tiger mountain is because the branches, leaves, flowers and fruits of the mother tree are of great benefit to them.

Jinmang's own fruit has also grown a lot, the largest one is as big as a person's arms, and the smallest one is the size of a leather ball.

Because Jinmang came to visit many times, the same clan often came to check on her fruits.According to them, Jinmang's first tree will be born in about half a year or a year.

Jin Mang was a little strange, "I see that Zizi's fruits all fall to the ground together, why is mine not like this."

"That's because Zizi has a lot of fruits." The same family named Berry said: "At Zizi's age, there are often thousands of fruits hanging on her branches at the same time, and more than [-] fruits fall to the ground at the same time every day. What's weird?"

She comforted Jin Mang and said: "Don't worry, everyone is like this. At the beginning, the fruit was relatively small, and it gradually increased. And it's the first time you bear fruit, and there are too many trees to take care of of."

"Although you have few fruits, your growth rate is much faster than ours. Like us, it takes about ten or twenty years for a fruit to fall to the ground. Unlike you, it will fall to the ground in three to five years."

"The first batch of tree children is special. Each of them must have powerful talents. Especially your eldest son, he will definitely be the strongest among his brothers and sisters."

"When you reach our age, although there are many fruits, they are not of such high quality. Among a thousand trees, there may not be a talent that can match the first batch of trees."

Jin Mang listened very carefully, and she asked, "Then should I prepare a beehive?"

She saw that other mother trees caught bees and raised them in beehives, so that they could collect enough tree honey for the newborn trees to eat.

"No, we will prepare this for you," Berry said, "You can't even touch the entity, how do you prepare? These are always prepared by Shuzi."

Jin Mang nodded to show that he understood.

She remembered another thing, "Your trees live in tree houses, can you let your trees come over and help me build a batch of tree houses?"

"That doesn't need to be built." Wanwan Berry said: "Every time a tree is born, a tree house belonging to him will appear on your body."

Jin Mang looked surprised, it was real or not.

She didn't pay attention to Zizi before.But when you think about it, you know, there are so many tree houses on Zizi's body, and it's hard to notice if there is one more or one less.

No wonder, she felt that the tree houses on the mother tree were well built, as if they were there in the first place.She thought it was Shuzi's skill in building tree houses that was at its peak, but she didn't expect it to be the reason.

Because the fruit was about to fall to the ground, Jin Mang didn't visit the door anymore, but other members of the same family came more frequently.

About who will take care of Jinmang's first tree, it also caused a quarrel among the clansmen.

"Let my tree take care of it. My tree is very gentle, and it will definitely take care of me."

"It's better to let my tree come. My tree is good at guiding, which just allows the tree to learn to manipulate elements faster."

"I think my tree is the most suitable, after all, my tree has the most affinity."


At the end of the quarrel, everyone looked at Jin Mang.

Jin Mang twitched the corner of her mouth and said, "Why don't you play a fist game?" She felt that anyone could take care of her, since she couldn't die of hunger anyway.

In the end, it was Bai Bai who met for the first time and said: "Let my boss take care of it."

To Jin Mang's surprise, no one refuted her words, not even Zizi, who looked determined to win before, did not speak again.

In private, Lan Lan said to Jin Mang: "Bai Bai's lifespan is coming to an end, and she is asking Gu."

"What do you mean?" Jin Mang couldn't understand.

"Didn't it mean that the tree and the mother tree share weal and woe, and that one dies and the other cannot live alone? And... the eldest son of Baibai should be her eldest son, right?"

"Is the lifespan of the tree... longer than that of the mother tree?"

(End of this chapter)

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