famine queen

Chapter 440

"They are called human beings. What is the name of the child conceived by the mother tree...?"

"It's called Shuzi. Our children are collectively called Shuzi by the outside world."

The amount of information given by Huang Huang Lanlan was too great, and Jin Mang couldn't recover for a long time.

Although... the persecution of human beings by the evil thoughts of the gods has made her feel wronged for her compatriots more than once, but she also knows the horror of human beings in her heart.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

This should be the motto engraved in the blood of human beings.

In race wars, they naturally know how to exclude others.

And Shuzi...Jin Mang didn't have much contact with them, but he could also see that they were born simple and straightforward, and their biggest intention was just to pretend to be asleep to avoid taking care of their younger siblings.

Can such a tree handle humans?

Won't they be eaten alive by humans, bone and slag?

But Huang Huang said: "As long as human beings are powerful, they like to find Shuzi to marry, because the children they have with Shuzi will have very powerful talents. But... there are not many Shuzi who like humans. They are not good-looking, and they always say nothing. The most important thing is that their lifespan is so short, it is so hard to find them to fall in love with."

Jin Mang: "But didn't you just say that Zizi's child became a prince and concubine?"

"Because that prince is very good-looking." Lan Lan said: "She said that when the prince gets old, she will come back."

"What if there are children?" Jin Mang asked.

"Bring it back." Lanlan said without thinking, "They humans are stupid. They need spells to use magic. They have already recited the spells, and the magic effects released are pitifully weak. Of course, we should raise the children ourselves. Following humans, they are all raised to be stupid pigs."

Jin Mang was a little silent, "Magic? What is this?"

"You can't use magic at this stage." Huang Huang smiled: "And magic is what humans call it. We like to call it manipulating elements. When you have your own tree, you can control elements to fight. "

Lanlan said: "Humans are stupid. Not only are their magic weak, but their mages can only control one element. Unlike us, we can control any element."

Seeing Jin Mang's puzzled expression, she explained: "The children of the white mother tree are better at manipulating light elements; the children of the yellow mother tree are better at manipulating the earth element; the children of the red mother tree are better at manipulating the fire element; the children of the green mother tree are better at manipulating the element of fire." The trees of the blue mother tree are better at manipulating the element of water; the children of the blue mother tree are better at manipulating the element of wind; , it is not impossible to manipulate other elements."

"The beginning element... what is it?" The other elements, Jinmang, can more or less understand the meaning, but this beginning element is confusing.

"The primordial element is spiritual energy, that is the most primitive element."

Jin Mang blinked his eyes and asked doubtfully, "Then what element will my Shuzi be good at manipulating?"

"I don't know, this is also the first time we have seen a golden mother tree." Huang Huang said curiously: "There are many kinds of elements, in addition to what we are good at, there are dark elements, gold elements, ice elements, thunder elements , but...could it be the gold element? But the gold element is dark gold."

"So we can't guess what element your Shuzi is good at manipulating." Lanlan said helplessly.

In the time of speaking, Jin Mang has been brought to Zizi's territory by the two of them.

"It's so beautiful." Seeing Zizi's body, Jin Mang couldn't help admiring.

Zizi's trunk is light purple, and the leaves are transparent, similar to maple leaves, but more delicate. There are bright yellow flowers blooming on the branches, but the most striking thing is the huge fruit hanging on the branches .

Jin Mang counted, and there were more than thirty fruits the size of a yoga ball.

In order not to be hit by the falling fruit, the purple trees climbed onto the tree, or hung on the window of the tree house to look out, or sat on the branch.

They came by coincidence, before they had time to say hello to Zizi, a fruit fell from the tree.

Jin Mang was taken aback. It's so high, it won't be smashed, right?
With a bang, the fruit hit the ground and split in half from the middle, exposing the naked baby inside.

"Wow - wow - wow -" the baby's cry sounded immediately.

Sitting on the branch below, a grown tree reached out its hand, and the child floated to his hand like a feather.

Other trees brought clean water, bathed him first, and then wrapped him with clean clothes.

"It's a younger brother!" You Shuzi shouted excitedly.

"I want a sister."

"Don't worry, there's more."

Jin Mang saw that several adult trees walked into the tree house with the young tree in their arms, and never came out again.

"Generally, the elder brothers and sisters take care of the younger brothers and sisters. They should divide the work in advance, and the few trees are responsible for taking care of the younger brother." Lanlan explained.

Jin Mang was a little curious, "What does that child eat?"

She knew that the trees also had to eat. They often drank nectar and ate fruits, but they didn't eat meat at all. Occasionally, they would roast a rabbit to try something new.

"Eat tree honey." Lanlan explained: "Every time we bear fruit, we will shed a layer of bark, and the old bark will be shed, which can be used for honey collection. After the honey is collected, tree honey will be produced. Tree honey is beneficial to the newborn Trees are very nutritious, and after eating for half a year, they can eat the same food as their brothers and sisters."

"Is this Jin Jin?" But at this moment, a charming girl with long purple hair floated down from the canopy. She looked at Jin Mang curiously and asked, "When will your fruit fall to the ground?"

Jin Mang shook his head helplessly, "I don't know either."

"You are so beautiful, your tree must be beautiful too." Zi Zi boasted looking at Jin Mang.

Embarrassed by her compliment, Jin Mang smiled and said, "You are beautiful too."

Zizi said: "My tree is very picky about finding a partner. After your tree is born, let my tree take care of it for you."

Seeing Jinmang's confused face, Huang Huang explained: "Many Shuzi who became lovers used to have a nurturing relationship, especially Shuzi who are not from the same mother tree."

Jin Mang suddenly realized that she had no objection to this.

Zizi laughed all of a sudden, "I like you." You must know that other mother trees are wary of her trees, for fear of abducting their trees.

Jin Mang didn't know why the other party said that, but seeing the beauty smiling so beautifully, he also laughed.

Just at this moment, another fruit fell, and the four of them looked at it one after another without thinking about talking.

Unexpectedly, the fruit fell on the ground and split in two, but there was no baby cry.

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