famine queen

Chapter 420

Chapter 420
Jin Mang could tell at a glance that this middle-aged woman was a thug.

Li Xincheng also noticed it, because Yu Yixin said that the other thug was a woman.Four of the people who got out of the car were men.

A gunshot rang out, and Jin Mang's reaction was extremely fast, and a high kick kicked the gun away from the opponent's hand.

Li Xincheng saw the problem at a glance. These people...are not familiar with guns.

These men in suits were not familiar with guns, but the middle-aged woman was obviously not.

She hid behind the car door and rarely fired, but every shot was directed at the vital points of Li Xincheng and Jin Mang. If they were not for their extraordinary strength, they would have died long ago.

Even so, Li Xincheng was still shot in the shoulder.

It wasn't that he was lacking in strength. At that time, the middle-aged woman fired two shots, one shot was aimed at Jin Mang, and Li Xincheng couldn't dodge in time because he was distracted.

However, the middle-aged woman's complacency is only temporary. After Jin Mang and Li Xincheng deal with the four men in suits, she will have a hard time.

Li Xincheng also has a gun in his hand, his marksmanship will only be better than the opponent's.Although Jin Mang didn't snatch it in his hand, he just threw the nunchaku out, and the other party had nothing to do.

Unlike Yu Yixin, the middle-aged woman struggled very hard when she was caught. Her mouth was opened like a black hole in a basketball, trying to attack them all the time.

In the end, Jin Mang had no choice but to knock her unconscious, put on special handcuffs and fetters on her, and tied her up with ropes.

Then, the two began to wait for support.

No way, they rode a locomotive, unable to take people back.In particular, there were four men in suits on the ground, and these four men were also to be taken back to the police station for interrogation.

It was Song Ke who supported them. As soon as he got out of the car, he saw the thugs who were tied up.

Judging the identity of the other party through the handcuffs and shackles, Song Ke immediately smiled, "This is finally complete."

Then he discovered that Li Xincheng was injured.

"Li Tuan, are you okay?" He was shocked.

"Small injury." Li Xincheng moved his shoulders and said, "The bullet didn't stay in the flesh, and it didn't affect the movement. It shouldn't hurt any bones."

His blood gushed out immediately, and Song Ke hurriedly said, "Come and treat Li Tuan's wound quickly."

On the way back, Jin Mang asked, "Have Master Lin and Master Jiang been rescued?"

"To be rescued is to be rescued, but to be punished by the boss." Song Ke sighed and said: "Team Feng and the others have a smooth deal, but the other party also kept a hand. The factory where the hostages are located is on fire. If they go later , the two masters will be burned to death. If so, the burns on their bodies are also a little serious, and they have been sent to the hospital now."

Jin Mang frowned, "If that's the case, what are the thugs trying to do?"

This question was finally answered by Yu Yixin.

"She probably wants to take a huge sum of money and run away." Seeing Jin Mang's surprised face, Yu Yixin said: "People in Le Country advocate freedom, even if this woman is a soldier, she will not sacrifice herself fearlessly when her life is at stake." What's more, she is a thug, and she cannot be expected to be loyal to the country."

"But it's not right?" Jin Mang raised his eyebrows, "She wants to run away, why did she lead me there? Isn't this asking for a dead end?"

"You also said that when you found her, she was already dozens of kilometers away from you. If I guessed correctly, she should have closed her breath and approached you, and then found that she couldn't finish you with a single blow, so she deliberately It caused a fire. She was holding the idea that it would be best to solve you, but not cause chaos. She just didn't expect that you could smell blunt gas tens of kilometers away." Yu Yixin sighed.

This was something that Jin Mang hadn't expected at all.

Now that the two thugs have been arrested and brought to justice, Jin Mang and Master Sun will leave the dormitory of the Criminal Police Brigade regardless of whether they are needed or not.

Although Master Sun didn't have time to give Jin Mang a good look at the house, but he has a wide network, and with a few words, there is a house that meets Jin Mang's needs.

It just so happened that Jingxiu Longyuan, where Master Sun lived, had a house. Although it was a second-hand house, the owner hadn't actually moved in after the renovation, and it was not much different from the new house.Jin Mang took a look and found that the decoration could not be said to be completely in line with her wishes, but it was generally good, so she directly took the full payment.

It's just that in this way, her savings can be said to be exhausted all of a sudden.

——The house price in Zhongjing is not comparable to that in Nancheng.

On the first day of moving to the new house, Jin Mang called Xu Yuhe and told him the address of the new house.

Knowing that the thug's case was understood, Xu Yuhe breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he told Jin Mang about Nancheng.

"Fu Zhenzhen came to look for you and said she wanted to treat you to dinner. She knew you were going to Zhongjing, so she wanted to call you. I said you were busy now, so she didn't call. She said she would go there in a few days Zhongjing is here, I asked her to bring you your favorite Dengying beef shreds. Your grandma came to the house once, and she thought you rented the house to me..."

What he said were trivial matters, but Jin Mang listened carefully.

"By the way, your grandmother quarreled with the urban management some time ago. She snatched the urban management's glasses and threw them on the ground and trampled them. She lost 800 yuan. The old lady was so angry that she refused to pay. In the end, it was your uncle who paid for it." Yes." Xu Yuhe said suddenly.

Jin Mang was taken aback, "How do you know?"

"...Your aunt came to see you and wanted you to help reimburse the 800 yuan." Xu Yuhe was a little speechless.

Jin Mang is also speechless, and the aunt is too picky, and even cares about this kind of money.

Xu Yuhe said again: "I will take the college entrance examination in half a month. I will come to you after the college entrance examination is over. If you have anything you want to eat, you can tell me and I will buy it for you."

Jin Mang thought for a while and said, "The next time you come, bring me some Wu Liuzhai's roast pork, I miss that bite."

Xu Yuhe was silent for a second, and asked, "What else?"

Jin Mang thought for a while and said, "There is also Dong Wei's pork jerky, you should buy more, the ones bought online are not as fresh as those sold in stores."

Xu Yu and Mo Ran, "Apart from food, do you have anything else to worry about?"


Jin Mang thought for a while and said, "Handmade cheongsams on Yunan Street?" She likes those exquisite cheongsams very much. If it wasn't for the fact that the family's craftsmanship is not passed on to outsiders, she would definitely go to apprentice.

Xu Yuhe's face darkened, he gritted his teeth and asked, "What else?"

"What else?" Jin Mang was a little confused.

Xu Yuhe endured and endured, his back molars were about to be bitten off, but he still said, "It's nothing."

He wanted to say that I missed you, and wanted to ask if you missed me, but he held back.

Because he knew very well that this was not the right time to confess, and he didn't want his first confession to be so hasty.

He needs to be more cautious, more cautious.

(End of this chapter)

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