famine queen

Chapter 413 Doubt

Chapter 413 Doubt
"By the way, if I remember correctly, Jin Mang, you are still the number one student in the provincial college entrance examination?" After finishing speaking, Master Sun looked at Jin Mang with some uncertainty.

Jin Mang nodded and said: "Yes, I was actually able to recommend, but in order to verify my learning results, I still took the college entrance examination."

Fang Jingke and the others looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Some of them were admitted to the police academy, and some were admitted to the military academy, but which one did not pass the exam after untold hardships?
But listening to Jin Mang's understatement, he always felt that the exam was very easy.

"But..." Fang Jingke frowned and said, "Even if you have outstanding physical talent, to do what you do today..." Isn't it a bit scary?
Some of them were from military academies and some from police academies. Which one of them has not experienced cruel training?
In the end, a group of big men can't compare to a young girl?
Where is this joke coming from?
"Of course it's more than that." Jin Mang said: "I have been in contact with martial arts since I was five years old. I have learned everything from women's self-defense and yoga to traditional martial arts and various styles of fighting. And I have also participated in many competitions , I have never won a medal other than a championship. And so far, I have maintained four hours of exercise every day."

Everyone didn't have a clear understanding of what she said until Jin Mang clicked on his mobile phone photo album and showed them the medals and trophies in the display cabinet in his study.

"Isn't this Beidou Cup Taekwondo competition a professional event? It is said that all the participants in this competition are professional black belt players. You...you actually won the championship?"

"I have paid attention to this fighting competition. Their games are very careless and they often turn a blind eye to the players' fouls. Therefore, the players participating in this competition are very shady, and all the players who can win medals are ruthless characters."

"I've heard of this smart martial arts competition. It is said that it is an internal competition of the martial arts school. If outsiders get involved, the best result will be cannon fodder. You, you, you...won the championship?"


After several people identified all the medals and trophies one by one, before they could speak, Jin Mang said: "These are all trophies and medals from recent years. My mother put away all the medals and trophies before I was ten years old. It’s an old house, and she dislikes it taking up too much space.”

She did compete a lot as a child and teenager, and the prize money she earned went to her parents.

——At that time, she didn't know how much her parents' income was, and saw that the food was expensive, and they all left the food for her to eat, so she behaved like this.

"You..." Feng Xueyi looked incredulous, "In your situation, you didn't take the professional route..."

Jin Mang smiled, "There are indeed many people who come to me and hope that I will take the professional route." It's just that she is unmoved.

Given the choice, it never occurred to her to turn her hobby into a job.

The three of Fang Jingke looked at each other in blank dismay, their professional ones were compared to non-professional ones, this is really...

Back to the Criminal Police Brigade, it was supposed to go back to sleep at this time, but Fang Jingke and the others were very excited, they could only wait to wake up the thug for a good interrogation, and arrest the other thug who is still at large.

"You guys interrogate, I'm going to sleep." Jin Mang yawned.

She was really tired, she didn't get enough sleep, this meeting was running and fighting, she didn't think it at the time, but this meeting was extremely sleepy.

Jin Mang really didn't care about it, and went back to the dormitory with a yawn, but the others, including Master Sun, were as excited as if they had been beaten with chicken blood, and they all planned to die with work.

He slept until ten o'clock, and when Jin Mang finished washing, he was just in time for lunch.

In fact, there is no such thing as a cafeteria in the criminal police brigade, but Jin Mang and Master Sun have special identities, and the higher ups have allocated funds for them, so some police officers specially delivered lunch to her.

Lunch can't be said to be very rich, one meat, two vegetables, one soup and white rice, and the golden mango is not picky.It's just that the portion is a bit small, and she only ate one-third full.However, due to the expensive food, she did not raise any objections, but planned to cook a small stove for herself in private.

When Jin Mang arrived at the office area, the atmosphere in the office area was much more relaxed than yesterday.Seeing her coming, the police officers greeted her one after another, and some people came over with snacks to give her.

"No, I just ate." After refusing, Jin Mang asked, "Where are my master and the others?"

"In the interrogation room, you can go east through the outer corridor, and you'll be there." A short-haired female police officer said.

"Thank you." Jin Mang thanked him and went to the interrogation room.

Before reaching the interrogation room, Jin Mang bumped into Fang Jingke who came out of it.

Fang Jingke's eyes lit up, "You came just in time, I was going to find you. The thug didn't want to say anything about torture, so he finally let go, but said that he would only say it when he saw you."

"See me?" Jin Mang was taken aback for a moment. Although she was a little confused, she still said, "Then I will meet you." She was not afraid.

Walking into the interrogation room, apart from Song Ke and Pang Yuan, the other captains were all there, and even Master Sun was watching with red eyes.

"Master, you really... don't care about your age anymore." Jin Mang felt helpless.

She thought that Master Sun would go back to sleep after staying for an hour or two at most, but who would have known that he... He really has no self-knowledge, no wonder he made himself like this in just one month.

"Hurry up, hurry up, ask him, where is the other thug." Master Sun asked impatiently.

Everyone else was in the same mood as him.

Jin Mang could only sit in front of the thugs who were now interrogating prisoners.

Compared with before leaving yesterday, there are now longer chains on the shackles on the thugs, and the other end is fixed to the ground.

Feng Xueyi explained in a low voice: "The shackles and chains are made of special metals, no matter how strong the thugs are, they cannot be loosened by brute force."

Jin Mang nodded, and looked at the thug who had been looking at her non-stop since she came.

It wasn't until this time that she was in the mood to take a good look at the other party.

This is a mixed race with particularly obvious facial features. Unlike Xu Yuhe, who has an oriental face as a whole, this thug is clearly a mixed race from his skin color to hair color and eye color.His appearance was far inferior to Xu Yuhe's, but he could still be called handsome.

To be honest, there is no difference between him and normal people at all from his appearance.

"Okay, didn't you mean you want to see me? What do you want to ask me?" Apart from this, Jin Mang couldn't think of any other possibility.

"You..." The thug asked hesitantly, "Are you a food inspector?"

Jin Mang nodded, "Otherwise?"

"Then you..." The thug asked: "My intuition is very accurate. I closed my breath the moment I found out that I was being tracked... Oh, you may not know that we can temporarily close our breath, probably It can last for about half an hour."

"But even so, you still found me without any mistakes, even though you couldn't track Dull Qi."

"how did you do it?"

(End of this chapter)

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