famine queen

Chapter 35 Heatstroke

Chapter 35 Heatstroke
Grandma couldn't finish eating so much roast beef, so she distributed some to the children who were not full.

——This refers specifically to children who have not participated in hunting but have reached the age of 12, and their parents no longer provide food and drink.

From this day on, Jin Mang and the others boarded the grain cart and started their journey again.

Adults who finished fasting had a terrible appetite, Jin Mang watched helplessly as Qing Feng and Qing Sui killed a whole cow, and after two or three hours they caught an antelope for extra food.

Jin Mang was a little strange: "Those hoofed animals didn't lose weight?"

According to her thinking, under the severe high temperature and continuous drought and plague, even if these hoofed animals would not be completely wiped out, they shouldn't be as... strong as before?
Those who knew it were wild, but those who didn't know thought it was raised for feed.

"As long as hoofed animals can survive, they will not lose weight." Grandma said: "After all, their food is forage. After the drought, although most of the grass and trees are dead, hay is also the ration of hoofed animals. Although the taste is not as good as fresh forage, but But full."

Over the next few days, they began to encounter groups of ungulates and other tribes.

On this day, just after crossing the plateau, Jinmang and the others met a tribe.

Seeing that group of people, Jin Mang couldn't help but startled, they were really too dark.

Although there is no one in Anze human beings who is white except for her, but there is no one who is so black.

Moreover, I don't know if she was thinking too much, those people... seem to be thinner?He is also noticeably shorter.

Seeing her surprise, Qing Ke explained, "That's a tribe in the sea."

"Tribes on the sea?" Jin Mang raised his eyebrows, "Could it be that there are other human tribes beyond Mangchuan Ridge?"

"Yes." Chengshi interjected: "In addition to the sea, there are also branches of humans in the basin. There are no beasts in the basin, and the tribes on the sea will avoid fighting with sea beasts, so our humans in Mangchuanling are the strongest. of."

Lan Duo rolled her eyes at him, "Third Brother, don't you lie again, right?"

Chengshi is a very lively and playful child, he always likes to tease his younger siblings, some time ago he even seriously lied to them that he once dug fish in the soil.

"What your third brother said is true." Lukui explained: "The tribes in the basin are really weak. They are comfortable all year round, and they are interested in catching rabbits and chickens every day. Naturally, their strength is not much better. In fact, the tribes in the sea What's more, they live on islands and usually eat fish, shrimp and shellfish. But also because of this, they have excellent water skills and are also very good at catching fish and shrimp."

"If the second brother said so, let me just believe you for a while." Lan Duo snorted at Chengshi.

Jin Mang was thoughtful, "Those tribes on the sea seem to be wary of us?"

Hearing this, the older children all had embarrassing expressions.

Lukui scratched his face and said, "Our Mangchuanling tribe has a bad reputation among the other two tribes. After all, we have cannibal tribes there. If those crazy guys can't catch orphans, they often go to catch them. Humans in the basin and sea eat them, after all they are relatively weak."

Jin Mang: "..." So they are...notorious?
The closer you get to Anze, the temperature gradually rises, and almost every day you walk, it will be two or three degrees hotter.

Jin Mang wiped the sweat from his forehead, panting, "When will the weather be so hot?" She estimated that the temperature will be close to 60 degrees.

The bottle of tree water stored in the bamboo tube was already a little hot at the entrance, Jinmang's skin was now flushed, and it looked like he was sunburned.Others had noticeably peeled skin, though no change in skin tone.

"Just wait until we reach Anze." Lancao counted the water in the grain cart, and shouted to Lan Ya: "Second uncle, there are still 62 bamboo tubes of water left."

Lan Ya frowned, "We have to hurry up, the remaining water will last for another three days."

There is no way around it. As the temperature rises, their demand for water also begins to rise sharply. Not drinking water is no longer a matter of dry mouth, but dehydration shock.

This is because they can replenish some water and salt by eating the blood of their prey.

Mingming was so hot that their heads were dizzy, and they shouted every step they took, but they still had to quicken their pace.

During this period, Jinmang discovered that the tribes on the sea were obviously better than them in resisting the sun.

Because the temperature was lower at night, they changed to sleeping during the day and traveling at night.Of course, the adults still have to work harder to complete the hunting during the day.

On this day, Jin Mang was sleeping with Lan Duo and Lan Yu, and suddenly, Lan Ying's panicked voice rang out.

"Kui Kui! What's wrong with you, Kui Kui? Hurry up and wake up!"

Jin Mang and the others opened their eyes in a daze, and saw Lan Ying shaking Qing Kui in her arms.

Qingyan rushed over, seeing Qingkui's expression turned ugly, "It's too hot."

Jin Mang was the first to realize that Qing Kui had suffered from heat stroke.

Qingyan obviously also knew how to deal with heat stroke, she took off Qing Kui's clothes, then began to wipe her body with a damp cloth over and over again, and fed her some water in small quantities.

"Manmang, are you hot?" Qingsui looked at her worriedly.

Jin Mang shook her head. In her previous life, she was not afraid of the cold in winter and the heat in summer. She could exercise for at least four hours a day no matter whether it was cold or hot. She was called a physical monster.It's going to be hot and uncomfortable, but she really doesn't feel like she's going to suffer from heat stroke.

A group of younger children were all asked similar questions.

Jin Mang took a look at Qing Kui's current situation and felt that something was not good. You must know that the most important thing after heatstroke is to cool down. In modern times, people must be transferred to an air-conditioned room or under a fan, but they don't have this condition this time.

"That..." At this moment, a hesitant voice suddenly remembered.

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads to look.

They didn't notice the stranger approaching!
Looking at it, they found that the patriarch of the sea tribe who had been on guard against them was coming.

Haiying was stared at by so many eyes, couldn't help swallowing nervously, and stammered a little: "We have applied medicated oil that can quickly cool down, do you want to give this child a try?"

Lan Ya narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party for a moment, then nodded and said, "Thank you then."

Haiying breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly called for someone to bring the medicinal oil.

Lan Yu whispered to Chi Mei: "Aren't they afraid of us? Why are they so kind all of a sudden?"

Chimei replied in a low voice: "They are seeking shelter. Most of the human branches on the sea and in the basin do not have the strength to hunt and kill fierce beasts independently. In order to protect themselves, some smart ones will rely on the strong clan of Mangchuanling."

"This way, they should have confirmed that we are not cannibals."

 I took the quilt to the hospital again, whether the intestinal infection was still not confirmed, but a small blood test showed that there was a new virus in the quilt, and I changed the medicine and came back to eat

  PS: On the way to the hospital, I received a blessing text message from the fund app and suddenly realized that today is Axue’s birthday. This is really the worst birthday I’ve ever had
(End of this chapter)

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