famine queen

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
It was autumn, and the afternoon sun was not too hot, but it was warm. The light golden sunlight fell from the sky, passing through the layers of branches and leaves, which was incredibly clear and beautiful.

The little brown-red squirrel passed through the bushes, and the autumn wind rolled up the dead leaves, not knowing where to go.

The jungle under the sun is quiet and comfortable, and most of the animals are resting with their eyes closed after eating and drinking.

This is a slightly higher cave, more than ten meters above the ground, and there is a twisted pine tree growing at the entrance of the cave. It also benefits from this. If you don't look carefully, you can't find the cave entrance covered by it.

The small animals in the vicinity peeped into the cave. The two-legged beast that moved in last year was pregnant. The male two-legged beast hadn't come out to hunt for the past two days. It was estimated that the female two-legged beast was about to give birth.

Sure enough, as the evening approached, accompanied by the golden light, loud baby cries came from the cave.

Qingfeng hugged the child stiffly, with both surprise and disappointment on his face, he said: "It's so bright, and it's the first time I've seen the golden light of newborns. This child must be healthy and easy to feed, but it's a pity that it's not a boy."

Qingsui was so tired that she couldn't open her eyes, she said softly: "When she was pregnant with her, the mangoes in the territory grew very well. This child's name should be Jinmang."

"That's a good name." Qing Feng said while nodding: "Qing Sui, rest for a while, I will take good care of Mang Mang."

If he looked down, he would find the broken expression of the baby in his arms.

Of course, Jin Mang didn't understand their conversation, this is not the earth, and she doesn't have the superpower to understand the language of another world, but...

[What's the matter with you system?How did you turn me into a baby without saying hello?Can't make me an adult? 】Let's not talk about what the system wants her to do, but turning into a baby is too much!
Jin Mang was very angry.

As for the system completely ignoring her wishes... Forget it, she doesn't want to die after all.

The task given by the other party can be decided according to the situation, but who wants to die if they can live more?

Anyway, let's hang on.

But being a baby was not what she wanted.

At 0909, a soul question was issued: [Become an adult, can you understand the native language?Won't show up? 】

Jin Mang said confidently: [Aren't you a system?Can't you cheat me? 】

【cannot. ] 0909 said more confidently than her: 【I can only assist you to complete the task, other things are not within the scope of my responsibility. 】

[Helping me understand the indigenous language is not helping me complete the task? 】 Jin Mang raised his eyebrows.

0909 said: [But this is something you can do with your own efforts, and the things that you can't do with your own efforts need my assistance. 】

[For example? ] Jin Mang asked humbly.

0909: [I can help you discern the evil thoughts of the gods. 】

[Evil thoughts of the gods? ] Jin Mang froze for a moment, what is that?
0909 explained: [Your task is to drive away the evil thoughts of the gods and spirits in each world. 】

Jin Mang was stunned for a moment, and then asked: [What benefits do I get from completing the task?What is the penalty for failing to complete? 】

0909: [You can go to the next world after completing the mission, and you can continue to live. If the mission fails, once or twice will have no effect, but if you keep failing, the headquarters will consider letting me untie you.After unbinding, your soul will return to its original destiny and gradually dissipate. 】

Hearing this, Jin Mang was neither happy nor disappointed, but heaved a sigh of relief.

She also heard Zhong Xiuxiu talk about the so-called system. A good system gives skills to golden fingers, and there is also a magical system store. The tasks for the host are to seek justice for the poor and let the bad people get retribution, which benefits the world; The system squeezes the host, and it seems to give the host a lot of benefits, but in fact it is obtained by overdrawing the host's soul or luck, and the tasks issued are often selfish at the expense of others, and then discarded after knocking the host out.

0909 wasn't any of those, she was relieved instead.

Jin Mang is not greedy, being alive is already the greatest benefit.

Of course, it would be even better if it wasn't grown all over again.

[By the way, why do you call it the famine system? 】Jin Mang wondered.

0909: [A world with gods, spirits and evil thoughts is either raging with war or the people are in dire straits. In short, it has something to do with famine. 】

Jin Mang: […] She has a saying that she doesn't know if she should say it or not.

No one can like famine!
Thoughts were running wild in his head, but the body of the baby Jinmang couldn't support such a large amount of thinking in his head, and he fell into a sweet dream.

Because of this, she did not see the sudden visit of the cheetah, and also missed a live version of the human-animal battle.

When Jin Mang opened his eyes again, the cave was dark, and when he felt her movement, the rations were automatically delivered to her mouth.She took a few breaths subconsciously, then froze, and then calmly continued to eat.

After sleeping and eating enough, Jin Mang was in good spirits, so he began to look around.

Babies' eyesight... Mmmmm! ?Seems to be fine?
Jin Mang was very surprised, she still had a bit of common sense, a newborn baby shouldn't have such good eyesight.

The inside of the cave in front of her is unbelievably large. The place she is in is only a part of the cave, but looking at the nearby stone pillars and petrification, as well as the faint sound of gurgling water, she preliminarily judges that the scale of the cave is not small. There are several layers.

Jin Mang is not a person who likes to travel, but her two girlfriends do, and she will inevitably be dragged by them to participate.

It just so happened that she visited the cave once.

From her point of view, the big difference in front of her is not bad, and the temperature is more suitable. She will not feel cold even if she is naked.

——That's right, Jin Mang will be naked, not to mention clothes, not even a diaper.

When her physiology was out of control, she felt that someone was cleaning her up.

Just at this moment, Qing Feng walked in from outside the cave.

Jin Mang's nose moved, and there was a strong smell of blood on the opponent's body.

A man and a woman began to talk in a language she could not understand, and Jin Mang began to look at them quietly.Fortunately, although the clothes of these two people seemed a bit cool to her, they covered their private parts anyway, but...

The appearance of the two is undoubtedly outstanding, with deep eyebrows and eyes, a bit like Europeans and Americans, but the facial features are more refined, and the skin condition is closer to that of the yellow race, but... is there something wrong?
Jin Mang blinked her eyes in a daze, and after looking at it for a while, she finally found something that was inconsistent.

This pair of men and women...their hands are very long. When they hang down naturally, they are close to the knees. Their wingspan is comparable to that of some top athletes. And their hands...

Jin Mang squinted her eyes, she was right, they had horns on the back of their hands.

It's not quite accurate to say the horns. To be precise, the joint bones directly protrude from the back of the hand, covered with a layer of cornea-like substance.

As a master of martial arts who has learned Taekwondo, Sanda, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, and Tai Chi, Jin Mang's first thought was: If these hands are clenched and swung out, they must be quite powerful.

Not only the back of their hands, their nails are also a bit strange, thick, rough, and pointed, similar to animal claws, but not as slender and sharp as animal claws.

And their feet. If you look closely, you can find that the reason why they walk without any problems is not because of the calluses on the soles of their feet, but because there is a thick layer of periosteum on the soles of their feet.

(End of this chapter)

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