famine queen

Chapter 274 Interest

On the first day of school, in addition to asking them to introduce themselves, the teachers also deliberately let each child's constraints be announced.

In fact, apart from non-original products like Jinmang, only children like Bai Fairy who have suffered a lot because of restrictions have a concept of restrictions.

Most children are half-understood about conditioning.

However, teacher Li, the class teacher, puts great effort into teaching this aspect. She even made a series of cartoons based on the situation of the students in the class.

In the form of cartoons, tell everyone what kind of bad consequences it will lead to if a certain child is asked to do something.

Moreover, they formulated this into a class rule, through guidance, let the children memorize the class rules thoroughly, and then deepen everyone's memory and impression by asking questions.

Kindergarten children are four children sitting at a small round table, apart from Bai Fairy, Meng Xiaofan and Xu Mian are sitting with Jin Mang.

Meng Xiaofan was the boy that Jin Mang saw on the day of registration that he could not speak, and Xu Mian was restricted by not being able to do calculations.

Jin Mang narrowed his eyes slightly, so their group of children happened to be children who might gain strong restraint in the future?
Bai Fairy's and Meng Xiaofan's restraints are too harsh, so their restraint power must not be ordinary, and Xu Mian... just look at him who can try to do calculations at such a young age, his talent in this area Definitely not bad.

This happens because the teacher hopes that they, as "same kind", can cherish each other more?Or... is there some reason she doesn't know?

However, no one came to answer Jin Mang's question.

Generally speaking, life in the kindergarten has exceeded Jin Mang's expectations.Of course, it was unexpected happiness and happiness.

She found that Qize is really a magical place.

Probably because everyone is forced to be depressed by nature—the thing they like to do most is a taboo that they cannot touch. In this case, how many people really live happily?

Therefore, people in Qize are very tolerant, and this kind of tolerance is for everyone.

Because of this, Jin Mang bit the bullet and worked with the little goblin, making himself a Jindoudou transferee every time.The teachers were startled at first, but after knowing what was going on, none of them came to persuade her.

Because it was something she wanted to do, the teachers all chose to respect it.

Even when she was a child, they didn't have that "I can call the shots for you" kind of thinking.

To be honest, Jin Mang quite likes this.

Because Meng Xiaofan couldn't speak, he was silent most of the time, but Jin Mang could feel that his silence was not in a daze, he was observing the people around him all the time.

Xu Mian's words were a little confused, but Jin Mang didn't think he was really confused.He is always lazy and doesn't talk much, but he is very good at focusing.Every time Bai Fairy loses control of his emotions and cannot restrain his smile, he can always calm down the other party with one sentence.

The teaching style of Golden Sun Kindergarten is very free. There are many activity classrooms in the school, and there is a teacher sitting in each activity classroom. This teacher may be very good at playing the piano, or he may be very good at martial arts... as long as you are interested, you can You can go in and find each other.

Except for common breaks and game time, everyone is free.Even if you don't want to learn anything, no one will force you.

——That's the style of Qi Ze.

Jin Mang is not interested in singing and dancing, but she can't go to those who are interested. In the end, she often goes to the art room, library and chess room.

This is of course because these are the things she is more interested in besides sports, but also because she thinks that these three places can be used to start a tug-of-war with constraints.

Whether it is painting, reading or playing chess, they are all relatively gentle and quiet projects, so that she can fight against constraints while maintaining "movement".

Jinmang's short-term goal is to be able to do these small things freely without causing restriction backlash.

Influenced by Jin Mang, Bai Tonghua, Meng Xiaofan and Xu Mian all began to "provoke" the restriction.

Bai Fairy and Meng Xiaofan are fine, Bai Fairy's mask makes it impossible for her to really laugh, and Meng Xiaofan... It is said that he has had vocal cord surgery, and the thing he wears on his mouth is not to restrain him from speaking, but to prevent his emotions The upper head bites the tongue.But Xu Mian, he is a little dangerous.

One time in particular, a little girl next to her asked another little girl how much one plus two equals. The little girl was taken aback, and subconsciously asked Xu Mian next to her: "What is one plus two?"

"Equal to..." Before Xu Mian finished speaking, Jin Mang quickly covered his mouth with his eyes.

In an instant, it was as if her heart had been hit hard, and Jin Mang curled up in pain. She coughed several times, and there was already a bloody smell in her throat.

Xu Mian said with some helplessness: "It's okay to just calculate verbally. Although constraints will come back, it's not fatal. I have to write and do calculations to die."

Jin Mang rolled his eyes, "That's dangerous too, okay?"

"I have a measure." After a pause, Xu Mian whispered: "Although it will hurt, it will also be very happy."

Meng Xiaofan on the side nodded, and drew a smiling face on the sticky note.

"You also agree with what I said, right?" Xu Mian asked.

Meng Xiaofan nodded again.

Xu Mian pursed her lips and said, "I really hate restriction, and I don't want restriction at all. Restriction is bought with things I like, and I don't want to trade it at all."

Meng Xiaofan also nodded.

Bai Fairy then said: "I don't want to change either, I actually like to laugh."

If Jin Mang doesn't speak, who wants to?
"Little Guoer, don't you think so?" Xu Mian asked her.

Jin Mang glanced at the batch, "I don't think it's interesting? No one asked me to choose."

Having said that, everyone was a little sluggish.On the way back from school, Bai Tonghua originally said that she was going to Jin Mang's house to play, but relatives came to her house, and Bai's mother was waiting for her at the gate of the community early in the morning.

When Jin Mang arrived home, the yard was very quiet, and she didn't think much about it, she just thought that grandma and grandma were taking a lunch break.

——They are getting older, and occasionally they will take a break at noon.

As for grandpa and grandpa, the two went fishing together today.

I just don't know if Dad will come back early today, he has been working overtime for the past few days.According to Jin Mang's observation, every time Jin Xi worked overtime, he would leave work early or even take a few days off. She also hoped that he could play with her on vacation.

"This is your daughter?" Through the window, Chang Ying squinted at the girl in the yard. "You plan to put her in a wheelchair for the rest of her life?"

"I would like to, but she doesn't want to." Jin Xi said helplessly.

Only then did Chang Ying become interested.

In fact, Yang Yang is very similar to A Xue when she was a child. When she was a child, A Xue was once afraid of older children, as if she was afraid instinctively, but suddenly one day she was no longer afraid.Ah Xue remembers very clearly that she was still in the big class at that time. When she was playing in the playground, she took off her coat and put it on the flower bed because it was too hot. Then she forgot to take it when she went back to class. After class, she hurried out to find— —At that time, the family was relatively poor financially, and it was really a big deal to lose a coat.Then I saw a senior student holding Axue's coat in his hand (Axue's kindergarten and elementary school are the same), and I really mustered all the courage to go up and say: "This is my coat." At that time I was very apprehensive and afraid, but the other party was stunned and said, "I'll give it back to you." From then on, Ah Xue opened up a new world, feeling that the older children are also normal people, and the fear of them in her heart completely disappeared. Extreme to the other extreme.During elementary school, Ah Xue was known as "fierce", and she hated the air, even the teacher, and even fought with boys.

So sometimes Ashe is confused, is it true that parental intervention can play a role in Yangyang's behavior?Does he also need an opportunity?
But... To be honest, Axue can't even understand her original brain circuit. Who can be sure that Yangyang will "wake up" like Axue?Instead of being cowardly all the time?

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